May – It’s not always roses but there is always beauty.

Welcome, May, a month of blooming flowers and trees, chirping birds, and sunshine. We are greeted by a powerful surge of energy that promises to shake things up and push us toward growth and transformation. Time to ground our energy as these spiritual upgrades and awakenings brewing within us are now ready to burst forth like blooming flowers in spring.

This month, the Universe encourages us to be bold, fearless, and unapologetically ourselves. We step out of our comfort zones and explore new horizons within ourselves and in our external lives. Expect the unexpected and trust you CAN navigate the twists and turn. You are growing, expanding your perspectives, learning, and becoming more resilient.

May is known as the fifth month. However, the collective numerology of May 2023 carries the “number three” vibrations of harmony, wisdom, and understanding. The energy of 3 also holds magnetic vibration of:

  • Creativity and fertility
  • Good fortune and wisdom
  • Abundance, joy, and opportunity
  • Growth, inner guidance, and manifestation

This month we have retrogrades, a Lunar eclipse, and a powerful New Moon, and we move straight into Gemini season. Venus, Jupiter, and Mars all switch signs, ushering in new personal and social structures. This month is filled with challenges and possibilities as understanding our position in the world becomes more evident. Expect heightened intuition and an increased sense of purpose guiding us toward our soul’s path. We’ll also dive deep into our subconscious minds to uncover hidden truths and shed old patterns that no longer serve us. It’s like cosmic spring cleaning for the soul as we stand at the starting line, and the Universe has pushed the green light! GO! 

 Shine on –💖 Laurie – In Gratitude and be Blessed.  

The universe is encouraging us to remember, process, heal and release those things that hold us back in our evolution. Here is a clip from a recent podcast. To listen to the full podcast click here

August 2018 – Lions Gate, Solar Eclipse and Soul Realization with Venus Rising

The waves of summer energy continue, and August will be equally packed with more punches from the universe. The Lion’s gate happens each year and will be open from July 26 to August 12. The Lion’s gate is when Earth and the sun align with Sirius that creates this intense energy. Sirius is strong masculine energy, so it has some strength to it to fulfill its pushing purpose. The energy intensity peaks on August 8.

Photo by Emma Wondra Copyright 2018
Feminine Rising – Lake Superior Midnight Moon and Venus

Because we also have so many planets retrograde it creates additional opportunity for us to reflect on our lives, make bold changes, drop old imprints and heal old wounds. The full moon on July 27 illuminated some of our shadows. The purpose was to shine the light (love) on it and repair it. The universe has held us in this place this summer to do some incredibly deep heart work.

2018 Lion’s gate feels more intense because it spans the Lunar Eclipse we experienced on July 27 and the Solar Eclipse we will encounter on August 11.  The Solar Eclipse on July 12 gave us glimpses of next steps on our journey. The Lunar Eclipse on 27 worked with old emotions and wounds, and those things that would prevent us from obtaining what is next on our path. Some of you may still be in this phase of cleanup.

This Solar eclipse provides light for our path and any visions or dreams we created. Towards the end of August, we will start to notice life settling back down to a more relaxed and manageable level, though still intense for some if you are fighting to hold on to old junk.  The eclipses of 2018 are connected to the eclipses ahead in July of 2019, so some of your dreams might take a full year to see progress.

Venus rising, the energy of love has been pushing all summer, while Mars (the action and movement planet) has been retrograde, thus holding us in the middle of our personal emotional flames. All are with the purpose for us to feel and heal at new levels. We have to do this work now, and how you do the work will create your experience now and moving forward into Fall.

Most of the light codes and information now coming into our fields are shifting our filters about life and more importantly bringing a new dimension of love. This is Venus rising and Soul Realization of its power. It creates a new filter for us to use and is needed to help us move forward. It includes how we love, who we love, our definition of love, an understanding of the layers of love, and using love as a real gateway to connect with others. It is acceptance of the rising feminine energy as a strength, not a weakness. (both men and women have masculine and feminine energy)

Love is just as much a commitment as it is a feeling and we will need to be committed to how can use the frequency of love to address the world. The heart frequency is believed to be 528 Hz, and it has long been aligned with the frequency of the earth. As a sound healer, I’ve spoken for years about frequency, scales, chakras, and tones of the universe. I realize that is only one level of love, and 528 Hz is just the beginning. There are many dimensions to this and to us, and we’ll begin to explore these new frequencies in the coming months and years.  As we understand its depth, we can choose love as the means to help us navigate and maneuver the maze of energy that greets us each and every morning. There is no escaping, or running, It will require us to go right through the middle of it and learn a new way of being. Flow vs. force, and leading with the frequencies (plural) of the heart.

In Gratitude !

July 2018- Summer of Light, Sensitivity, Eclipses and Soul Freedom

We’re in the middle of feeling the heat of summer, and the force of the summer energy. We continue experiencing the intensity of ‘change’ energy.  July is also eclipse season with a solar eclipse on July 13 and lunar eclipse July 27.  This energy assists in forwarding us in the life or emotional changes we’ve begun earlier in the year. 
Much of the light coming to the planet this summer is feminine energy, and its purpose is to propel the masculine forward to heal and expand their evolution so that there was more balance between the female growth and masculine evolution patterns going into 2020.   It’s tough on the guys as the emotional energy body is being stretched. Old wounds are being uncovered, ripped out and that space prepared for the healing.  It’s tough work.  Not all are free from this work, and expansion.  Women are also getting walloped for in those areas that hold rigid or fixed patterns, or they are being called to support others.  I’m honoring all men and women doing this deep work as any work we do individually is also assisting all at the collective levels.      
The illumination process also includes working with our patterns and behaviors that formerly used to hide our emotions. Some are feeling desperate to find that place of comfort, only to realize they have been illuminated and are no longer that safe hiding place.  We are raw and exposed as new patterns evolve that will support us in the future. Our sacred IAM is pushing to be heard, thus we’re doing deep work for the soul’s personal freedom.
Solar eclipse often present the opportunity for new beginnings. Most times they mean happy or exciting events, occasionally something may end too, but the energy accent will be more focused on the start than the finish. Changes could come gradually or suddenly. Still, the news or timing of those changes often comes as a surprise.  At eclipse time, we realize that we can’t control everything. Eclipses are meant to help us to evolve and to become more mature, seasoned, reflective, and philosophical. Events that follow an eclipse have more weight than events brought on by a regular new or full moon.  
Eclipses are dramatic “wild cards” and can bring changes or events that we don’t see coming. They can help you do things you never thought you could do, overcome fears, and show yes, you CAN do it! Take note of all news and signals you get near eclipses.   Sometimes under a full moon eclipse (lunar), the plan might not work out quite the way you expected. Being fluid and flexible is vital should you experience this.  Often a lunar eclipse will remove a person or element in your life that you thought you needed but really don’t.  It’s clearing and cleaning energy.  
Keep this rule in mind the universe will not abide by an empty space. Whenever a vacuum is created, the world rushes to fill it. Have faith that this will happen in your life and all that you “lose” will be replaced with something more aligned or fitting for where you are, or what you need even if it is not clear just yet.  
BRAVERY – COURAGE – and why Archangel Michael is so ignited this summer (think all the fires and heat) Love it. Love you and all parts of you. All emotions, all thoughts, ALL of you.   Be you, and shine on for that! In Gratitude !

May 2018 – Manifestation

Do you believe in manifestation? Do you have patience?  Do you have practices? Do you think that you are always creating your future?  Do you think the universe is listening and will deliver? 
May is a planetary charged month meant to help us plant seeds for our future.  I’d like to share some personal experiences and beliefs about manifestation: 
•   Dream
•   Feel, not think about what you want to manifest.
•   Say ‘ Yes’ on the way to manifestation
•   Leave space for the universe to deliver something that is better than what you can dream up.
•   Be relentless and adjust if needed.
•   Be in gratitude for all you experience
Dream.  For some, moving into adulthood created limits to our dreams. Responsibility taught us to be practical, and real in what we asked for, wanted or expected. Sometimes we play with questions like, ‘if money were not an option, what would you do,’ or ‘if you had a magic wand what wish would you grant.’  These inquiry questions allow us to dream without boundaries or limitations. If you had this opportunity what might imagine?  When you dream, share those dreams. Ponder, adjust, expand and vocalize them.  
Feel your Dream. We can write about our dreams, some call these goals, but there is more power in our dreams (goals) when we feel them.  Our emotions generate a vibration that acts like a magnet drawing to us those things equal in that vibration. Words plus the feelings of the dream create a surge of energy. If you say you want something, but the emotional wave is something else the universe will deliver on the emotional frequency, which is usually stronger.  
Recently I had dinner with a friend and was musing about my travel bucket list. Iceland was the next country on the top of my list. I’d been loosely sharing this with friends, but I noticed that that night as I shared this dream of the volcano-glacier island, I felt the excitement rise in my heart.  The next day I received an email from a friend asking if I wanted to go to Iceland.  
Say ‘Yes.’   Of course, I said YES to that opportunity to travel to Iceland. The universe just gave me what I asked for.  I wasn’t expecting it, I didn’t hesitate and I didn’t get stuck in analytics. I made an educated decision (calendar, budget) but didn’t labor over on potential thought-noise. I said YES.  Within 24 hours I was booked on a trip to Iceland, along with four others that also said YES.
Leave Space.   Leave space for the universe to deliver something that is better than what you can dream up.  When we hold the reins too tight, we are limited to what can occur. We need to guide, have some boundaries, but leave enough space or loosen our desire to control to experience something more significant than expected. The majority of our thoughts are repeat thoughts just regurgitated another way, but when we leave space or void, the universe can deliver something new that we’ve not experienced before.   I love when the universe surprises me with ‘HOW’ or ‘WHEN’ something is going to happen.  I don’t have to know all the details. Some surprise is good!
Be Relentless and adjust along the way  Don’t give up on your dreams, desires or wishes.   The universe always delivers. It might not be in the time we wanted or exactly how we thought it would show up, but it will show up. In April I set intent to do more group and public speaking outside of Minnesota, preferable radio or podcast. I would focus on the feeling of this desire.  I am doing a TeleSummit in May with a group out of Colorado, but my intuition was pushing for something else. I got a call from a producer in NY for a radio spot. Two days later after that interview, it was followed by an offer that didn’t align with me.  I graciously said no-thank-you and set about tweaking my intent. I had no regret and didn’t spend much energy on it instead focused on moving to something different.  Today I connected with a contact in LA and am saying YES to an opportunity that is emerging under my eyes. I understand it may not look like what I had initially dreamed but instead morphed into something better. I am comfortable with being uncomfortable while this evolves.  
Express genuine gratitude.  Say thank you for the experience. The universe delivers on what you feel, and you can adjust if it’s not quite right, and doing this tweaking helps you learn how to evolve your dreams.   All experiences lead to something else. All experiences help you learn. When feeling gratitude your frequency remains elevated, and you feel good. When your frequency is elevated, you are most apt to dream about the future or the things that will move you forward. Dreaming about NOT getting what you want will hold you in that stuck place. 
In Gratitude !

March 2018 – March Madness

Right now though, March Madness might be the headline for the NCAA basketball tourneys held in March, followed by the traditional tournament snowstorms that some also place wagers on, but I’m talking about some crazy energy we have been and will continue to experience.   It’s not mad at all when you begin to dissect and understand it and its purpose.  
Chiron is shifting.   In Greek mythology, was believed to be the wisest and most just of all centaurs. In astrology, Chiron is a comet with a different and erratic orbit. It represents our most profound wound, and our efforts to heal the wound. His placement in your natal chart may symbolize the area in your life you feel these wounds.   Chiron has been in Pieces for the last seven years and is about to make a shift into Aries.     The placement in Pieces represented deep emotions, and Aries will serve as the force that pushes you to move forward from these old wounds or feelings in a particular area.   Right before any sizable influencing planet or energy moves from one astrological sign to another we FEEL its push.
We are in this space right now as Chiron will make his shift in April.   The planet is also experiencing a showering of light or love. This might be hard to see or believe with all recent events, but the purpose of this light is to create the shift and move us to a place of greater peace and kindness. It continues to illuminate the darkness.
Lastly, we have an energy influence with Jupiter. Jupiter is expansiveness and pushes us to grow and evolve. It goes retrograde, which slows down that energy so we can truly embody and practice those things we have left behind in 2017 and what we are focusing on developing in our life.
The spring equinox provides a portal for our change and a sense of renewal or freshness coming into our lives.   2018 may have felt it started out as a rough year, but it’s all with purpose and design on your evolution.
Key dates 
March 1 and March 31 –  Full Moon
March 18 to July 10 – Jupiter Retrograde in Scorpio –  Jupiter is expansiveness- retrograde is slowing it down.  Set Intents on what you Desire. 
March 20 – Spring Equinox – gateway to New!

July 2017 – Stepping into your Power – Open Door

Stepping into your Power –  Open Doors

Evolution never stops.  If we understand what’s going on, and use the energy that is present, we can better navigate it.   The analytical part of us always wants to know WHY when sometimes there is not a WHY – it just is.   June was a power-packed month with many portals of energy opening up.   Many of you shared your photos of the rainbow light around the sun, and orbs of light.   I see these as physical reminders that the helpers of the universe surround us to assist in any transformation and the last six months continued the theme of change.  With the veil thinning each year, and our evolution continuing we have the opportunity to experience the intensity of this energy. 

Some true feelings I’ve heard:

  • I’m tired of this energy and change,
  • I’m a little lost
  • I’m a little scared – things are changing around me,  or things didn’t turn out the way I wanted, thought or that are good for me. 
  • I’m confused – I thought I understood my direction and it suddenly changed. Was I wrong?

Interesting that when life becomes uncomfortable, we view it is bad, or wrong when the reality is that contrast in our emotions continues to create the perfect transformational storm.  

The energies of summer are loving. However, the intensity of this energy is meant to help us fulfill our dreams and visions.    Helping us realize the power of our internal compass (emotions) to course correct.

You’ve been in a larger portal since May of 2012, as you’ve expanded your ability to connect with your feelings, heart, and others on an emotional level.  That’s hard work.  Not brain work, but heart work.  Well done !!    So if ‘things’ still have an emotional sting to them, you are doing THAT heart work. 

 What to do in this summer of love and illumination:

  • pay attention to what is the universe showing you in contrast of what you want, don’t want and are experiencing
  • Relax when you feel the energy intensity, develop healthy habits
  • Continue to focus where you direct your energy

The doors are open – so believe they are open.   

Healthy Frequencies 

lightDecember can be a busy, and stressful month. Catch my article in the December 2017 Twin Cities Natural Awakening Magazine,  The Giving Season  about the energy of stress and easy tips to ease the impacts of rogue energy. In the northern hemisphere we transition to winter season. Statistically is it the most stressful month, energetically it is to be the time where we pause, learn and adjust to what we’ve experienced over the last 11 months. It is our time to reflect on what we’ve planted and nurtured or didn’t plant or neglected to cultivate. It is a time of wisdom and knowledge and the opportunity to make adjustments and course correct and we prepare for transition to the season of spring. However, given the holiday season, and our busy-ness most of us don’t pause and reflect at this time. I recently returned from a long weekend in Sedona where I spent time hiking each day to connect, refresh and reflect. Without distraction, this time allowed me to reflect on my last 11 months. I do this to help me bring forward what I want to keep and release what I do not want to repeat. What did I nurture, and what did I miss by neglecting to nurture it. Where do I want to focus my energy, and where do I want to retract. 
2016, the IAM year, has been a year of change or loss for many people. I’m graced to interact daily with people that are experiencing significant life changes. Some good and some difficult change. Some people have experienced massive change or major disruptions in their lives bringing frustrating when they don’t understand ‘why’ the changes occurred. Some unexpected changes have left people overwhelmed, pushed to their limits, or that boundaries are quickly dissolving. They feel off their journey path and unmotivated. Some experience extreme happiness, abundance and are overwhelmed by those changes also, to the point of questioning if it will last, or are they deserving. It is a year that has tested us and has pushed us to grow exponential. I have understood this to be part of our evolution and an important phase we move through. Not all are at this point in their journey, but if you are, it is about learning acceptance without understanding. It is sometimes to grieve what was known, letting go of it, and trusting that all is as it should be. All is as it’s supposed to be. Trust, patience and letting go of what you believe to know, can be challenging energies to work through. It often means relinquishing control. Letting go of an expected outcome and trusting in the actual outcome.

Most of us are master fix-ers and solution-ers and our physical beings and our brains want to problem solve. We are thought generators and analytical in our reasoning, and we want to know why? In 2016 the universe delivered events that we weren’t expecting and we don’t have the solution. These events are to help us learn acceptance, trust, and gratitude. We don’t need to understand but we need to feel and experience them. We may go through a grieving process of letting go of something we thought to be before we are ready to focus energy somewhere else. We may need to move away from stress, fear and other emotions that have crippled us from moving forward on our journey. This is a shift from brain and low-frequency emotions to your heart energy, and love. Focusing here moves you forward towards collective change. 

2016 is the IAM year, and 2017 will be the Collective year. We will be drawn to and are to work with vibrationally aligned teams and individuals to bring changes to our environment and community. Keep your vibration at a healthy heart level, so you align your energy where you can make healthy change happen.

Welcoming NEW !!

It has been an interesting year of intense energy.  These energies often times pummeling our emotions.  lavendarThe September energies continue to bring change.  For some of us change comes with ease, and some of us don’t like change, especially when it feel forced upon us.   With the energies pushing on our emotions this last year, any change has felt challenging for most.   I hear quite frequency, when will it ease up, or when will it stop. 
We have the power within us in how we feel these energies. A choice in how we experience them, and use them as part of our compass system for taking action or not taking action.   Action is empowering, re-action removes our power.  The ‘pummeling’ can be a reminder of exactly how strong we are. A reminder that something needs a change or shift.    What is different in this September energy is we can feel ‘NEW’ ahead of us.  New for many can mean new job, career, relationship, possessions, travel, new friends or simply a new way of being comfortable in your life.   Many can feel  the optimism and excitement and the possibilities of what is ahead.
It’s a powerful month, with the Solar Eclipse on 
September 1,  a Lunar Eclipse on September 16, and the Fall Equinox on September 22.. But wait, then there is the next NEW moon falling within September, on September 30th.  Whew !  A super packed month to help us on our journey!
It’s a new cycle,  a  new beginning and in life we always have endings followed by new beginnings.  Clean out the closets, put to rest emotions you’ve carried that are not forwarding, focus your energy in the NEW you are preparing to engage in.    Mercury (communication and electronics) remains retrograde until September 22 so communication may get confusing or twisted.  
Take your time in key communications and contracts or agreements you may be entering now.   No need to delay those things, just be aware of what you are doing.  Don’t make quick-emotional decisions as Neptune is still influencing our emotions and sometimes clouding what is our real feeling about a situation.   It is a highly intuitive month and connections with your purpose, higher sense of being and desires are what most of us are feeling on the horizon.     Using logic and balanced intuition as your compass can shine light on what is coming into focus in October.  

Codes and Keys – as Channeled by the Collective

June 9-2016  – Preparation and understanding of the Grand Cross Portal and Summer Solstice surge of lightDSCN0246

We are on this amazing pathway of evolution to higher consciousness. We are made from energy and millions of receptors that are active are being newly activated and modified every second of every day, 365 days a year. We are not static beings but evolving beings. Our DNA of ‘us’ is changing.   As energetic beings we have a core force field within and outside of us that interacts with the elements of energy. We are changed by this interaction.  Every piece of energy in the universe is interacting now. Every piece of energy we interact with holds codes and keys . Some of those codes are for us, and some of those codes and key are for others. The codes and keys assist us in this evolution. Our soul holds sort-like-a-map and we are following this map based on our energy as it exists today and what it is evolving . Universal codes and keys give us clues allow this map.

A code contains the logic or the knowledge as to what will change, how it will change and perhaps what its purpose is.   A code may be as large as suddenly having the ability to see an aura, and energy in a new way, or the ability to sense energy in a new way. It may be as small as you can smell the essences of roses deeper. One is a new addition in how you function in your energy being, vs a minor enhancement of what you already have.  This may be through the receipt of new codes or an enhancement to what was already there. Like an upgrade to your computer software, or a whole new release (Like Windows10).   We receive new codes during increase energy surges from the universe and nature, from others around us that unknowingly provide us with these codes, or they purposeful provide attunements to our shifts, such as a heart attunement.   These methods continue to evolve as the universe is also always changing how it will get this information to us.   It changes because we develop resistance or through working on our personal roadblocks we protect or shield from light coming to us.

If you are fearful of seeing auras, either conscious, or unconscious your ego will work to establish protection mechanisms to prevent you from seeing aura. This is a roadblock. As you are working on removing old roadblocks your ego may be establishing new roadblocks based on new experiences or foreign experiences where fear might rise.    You are quite efficient at developing these roadblocks and self-sabotage as many have had lifetimes of this sort of development skills.   This lifetime many of you are then learning to ‘let go’ and NOT build these roadblocks. In some cases you are not even away you’ve built this, so are struggling with tearing it down. It is a lifetime of ‘unlearning’ behaviors that are counterproductive to your evolution.

These codes become part of our energy bodies and may reside in our physical body, emotional body, spiritual body, energy body or etheric body.   They may reside or impact one or all bodies. They may remain there dormant for lifetimes or moments.  They may be turned off, on, upgraded or removed.

The universe, our soul journey, and our evolution are determining factors on what and when the codes might be activated.   Codes are coming to us now in “Light codes”, and some of you may see these codes in photos or through the sense of seeing with your eyes, or your third eye. You may have a knowing they are there in how they feel, smell, taste and even by their high pitch sounds.

They are activated by a key. The keys are provided by the universe in downloads or by another in our community that carry the key within a code in the emotional, spiritual, physical, energetic or etheric bodies.   A key must fit perfectly before code may be unlocked.   A person carrying a specific key that might unlock code in another person, might not be activated if the person with the code is not ready.   This is often times why we need or desire to hear the message for numerous healers or teachers that provide the exact same key, but it our timing and readiness that will determine the activation point.

Those carrying the keys may not realize they have keys as they are operating under the light workers agreements of the universe.   The key or code carriers may not be healing or light workers, but they carry codes and keys into areas, regions, families, businesses or communities to activate code in others to further the evolution of individuals or groups.     They may not even know they are activating, but find themselves in an unlikely places, jobs, countries, etc., where the soul is meant to do its work.

Some activations are not well received as this engages the protection mechanism within our egos to remain in an old structure where it is known, vs. moving to an unknown structure of energy.   All movement has the potential to adjust or modify our energy and other bodies.   Those carrying keys will be sought out to move the collective along and may find themselves largely in the public eye or in positions where they interact with large masses of people.

Most codes are for personal development and personal movement through lifetimes of an individual’s energy. Once that particular work is done at a personal level, we move to the family collective energy for work within our soul families, and many of our ancestral families. It is only at this point that we move to the healing or movement to a greater collective energy.   Most are yet at the individual level and due to the intensity of this work in our emotional bodies, attempt to skip this work and skip the soul group and move right to the collective.

The universe will hold the intensity at the personal level. Consistent energy in this field is an indication you remain at this level yet and must complete this work before working in a soul group. Many of you are working through your personal emotional bodies energy in combination with physical energy.  Those ready for the beginning of soul group work will begin to see breaks in old relationships such as personal relationship, work relationships or even earth family relationships as they prepare for work in the soul group.   The movement to this group is not to be taken lightly as though there is support, you are working on energy where you are experiencing is at a soul or ancestral collective level. You are no longer individual and your actions are for the greater of a large populace evolution.   Some soul groups are small and some large, and you may be involved in multiple soul groups. Typically you will begin small and as you gain experience to evolve to take more experience. This experience happens over lifetimes.   Most in this lifetime are experiencing this at a very infant level but due to the intensity here, they presume they are in large groups.     Some of you have agreed as a soul contract to do this work at a physical, emotional or spiritual level .

Some with codes are supporting these transitions and are not the activators or the holder of this code, but only in support.   Being called to do healing work may be a sign you are a supporter of this work that is on the horizon – and will be moving into higher elevations levels in 2018 and 2019.   Portals to expand this work to the greater collective begin in 2020.  You are simply preparing for these levels ahead.

We should clarify that all work, whether done at an individual, soul/ancestor or greater collective, contributes to the overall collective consciousness for space or level you are presently in. There are many dimensions and levels of collective consciousness. It is not one place, but rather many in the evolution process.   There is much confusion on this definition as your human mind and body are trying to structure it within the knowledge of the physical plane.   In dimensional energy, you may be in multiple dimensions for this work.    It is not a linear movement but rather a rotation or movement in all directions, sometimes all at once.

You may receive codes in a higher dimension and provide keys in a lower dimension.   The role of evolution is to traverse all dimensions for what is needed at the level you are in or are supporting.  As mush as you may want to leave a dimension, we remain anchored to much of the 3rd dimension as only 1/3 of the planet has taken any steps in evolution. They are being pushed to evolve and most, it is not of choice.

Some of you have the opportunity to see these downloads of codes and keys. These may appear in colors, mist, lines, symbols and many other shapes and ‘things’ that are new to you 3rd dimension bodies.   Your senses may be tuned to various codes so you may see codes and keys, hear them, feel them, taste them or simply know they are there.   As the universe shifts evolves and changes the method and type of codes, and the keys that are needed to unlock are always shifting.  Your interaction with another may be unlocking code that assists you or them on the journey, for they may hold a key for you.   This is why we are never done. We are energy shifting beings in a human body, therefore, our bodies change, but our ability to experience this information also must shift as the body may become limited.

YourLifeCore Radio Episode 2: Using Your Sensing Gifts

In this episode of YourLifeCore Radio, hosts Laurie Wondra and Pamela Muldoon discuss the amazing gifts our senses provide us as we gain insight and clarity into our higher consciousness.

Laurie breaks down the “clairs” we have that are connected to our five senses: sight, taste, touch, smell and hearing. Clair is the French word for clear, and perhaps you have experienced one or more of the following:

  • Clairvoyant
  • Clairgustance
  • Clairsentience
  • Clairalience or Clairolfactance
  • Clairaudience

Gain a better understanding of what it means to use your intuition and to be empathic. All these terms are unique, but often blend together in our own personal experiences. In each episode, Laurie takes questions from the audience. Hear what Laurie had to say when Nicki asked via email how she can open up her intuitive abilities further. Laura was live on the air asking about a specific instance with her deceased grandmother. Laurie wraps up this episode by sharing some of the signs to look out for that indicate a heightened intuition or other clair gifts.

YourLifeCore Radio show is a bi-weekly podcast that is live every other Tuesday at 5pmPT/7pmCT/8pmET. We use the BlogTalkRadio platform to take our live callers for questions on the air. If you would like to be live caller on one of our upcoming episodes, the number is 347-934-0351.

If you would like to submit a question for Laurie to answer on the air, email her directly at

Our next episode is Tuesday, November 17th and the topic is “Can You Really Talk To Dead People?”