Codes and Keys – as Channeled by the Collective

June 9-2016  – Preparation and understanding of the Grand Cross Portal and Summer Solstice surge of lightDSCN0246

We are on this amazing pathway of evolution to higher consciousness. We are made from energy and millions of receptors that are active are being newly activated and modified every second of every day, 365 days a year. We are not static beings but evolving beings. Our DNA of ‘us’ is changing.   As energetic beings we have a core force field within and outside of us that interacts with the elements of energy. We are changed by this interaction.  Every piece of energy in the universe is interacting now. Every piece of energy we interact with holds codes and keys . Some of those codes are for us, and some of those codes and key are for others. The codes and keys assist us in this evolution. Our soul holds sort-like-a-map and we are following this map based on our energy as it exists today and what it is evolving . Universal codes and keys give us clues allow this map.

A code contains the logic or the knowledge as to what will change, how it will change and perhaps what its purpose is.   A code may be as large as suddenly having the ability to see an aura, and energy in a new way, or the ability to sense energy in a new way. It may be as small as you can smell the essences of roses deeper. One is a new addition in how you function in your energy being, vs a minor enhancement of what you already have.  This may be through the receipt of new codes or an enhancement to what was already there. Like an upgrade to your computer software, or a whole new release (Like Windows10).   We receive new codes during increase energy surges from the universe and nature, from others around us that unknowingly provide us with these codes, or they purposeful provide attunements to our shifts, such as a heart attunement.   These methods continue to evolve as the universe is also always changing how it will get this information to us.   It changes because we develop resistance or through working on our personal roadblocks we protect or shield from light coming to us.

If you are fearful of seeing auras, either conscious, or unconscious your ego will work to establish protection mechanisms to prevent you from seeing aura. This is a roadblock. As you are working on removing old roadblocks your ego may be establishing new roadblocks based on new experiences or foreign experiences where fear might rise.    You are quite efficient at developing these roadblocks and self-sabotage as many have had lifetimes of this sort of development skills.   This lifetime many of you are then learning to ‘let go’ and NOT build these roadblocks. In some cases you are not even away you’ve built this, so are struggling with tearing it down. It is a lifetime of ‘unlearning’ behaviors that are counterproductive to your evolution.

These codes become part of our energy bodies and may reside in our physical body, emotional body, spiritual body, energy body or etheric body.   They may reside or impact one or all bodies. They may remain there dormant for lifetimes or moments.  They may be turned off, on, upgraded or removed.

The universe, our soul journey, and our evolution are determining factors on what and when the codes might be activated.   Codes are coming to us now in “Light codes”, and some of you may see these codes in photos or through the sense of seeing with your eyes, or your third eye. You may have a knowing they are there in how they feel, smell, taste and even by their high pitch sounds.

They are activated by a key. The keys are provided by the universe in downloads or by another in our community that carry the key within a code in the emotional, spiritual, physical, energetic or etheric bodies.   A key must fit perfectly before code may be unlocked.   A person carrying a specific key that might unlock code in another person, might not be activated if the person with the code is not ready.   This is often times why we need or desire to hear the message for numerous healers or teachers that provide the exact same key, but it our timing and readiness that will determine the activation point.

Those carrying the keys may not realize they have keys as they are operating under the light workers agreements of the universe.   The key or code carriers may not be healing or light workers, but they carry codes and keys into areas, regions, families, businesses or communities to activate code in others to further the evolution of individuals or groups.     They may not even know they are activating, but find themselves in an unlikely places, jobs, countries, etc., where the soul is meant to do its work.

Some activations are not well received as this engages the protection mechanism within our egos to remain in an old structure where it is known, vs. moving to an unknown structure of energy.   All movement has the potential to adjust or modify our energy and other bodies.   Those carrying keys will be sought out to move the collective along and may find themselves largely in the public eye or in positions where they interact with large masses of people.

Most codes are for personal development and personal movement through lifetimes of an individual’s energy. Once that particular work is done at a personal level, we move to the family collective energy for work within our soul families, and many of our ancestral families. It is only at this point that we move to the healing or movement to a greater collective energy.   Most are yet at the individual level and due to the intensity of this work in our emotional bodies, attempt to skip this work and skip the soul group and move right to the collective.

The universe will hold the intensity at the personal level. Consistent energy in this field is an indication you remain at this level yet and must complete this work before working in a soul group. Many of you are working through your personal emotional bodies energy in combination with physical energy.  Those ready for the beginning of soul group work will begin to see breaks in old relationships such as personal relationship, work relationships or even earth family relationships as they prepare for work in the soul group.   The movement to this group is not to be taken lightly as though there is support, you are working on energy where you are experiencing is at a soul or ancestral collective level. You are no longer individual and your actions are for the greater of a large populace evolution.   Some soul groups are small and some large, and you may be involved in multiple soul groups. Typically you will begin small and as you gain experience to evolve to take more experience. This experience happens over lifetimes.   Most in this lifetime are experiencing this at a very infant level but due to the intensity here, they presume they are in large groups.     Some of you have agreed as a soul contract to do this work at a physical, emotional or spiritual level .

Some with codes are supporting these transitions and are not the activators or the holder of this code, but only in support.   Being called to do healing work may be a sign you are a supporter of this work that is on the horizon – and will be moving into higher elevations levels in 2018 and 2019.   Portals to expand this work to the greater collective begin in 2020.  You are simply preparing for these levels ahead.

We should clarify that all work, whether done at an individual, soul/ancestor or greater collective, contributes to the overall collective consciousness for space or level you are presently in. There are many dimensions and levels of collective consciousness. It is not one place, but rather many in the evolution process.   There is much confusion on this definition as your human mind and body are trying to structure it within the knowledge of the physical plane.   In dimensional energy, you may be in multiple dimensions for this work.    It is not a linear movement but rather a rotation or movement in all directions, sometimes all at once.

You may receive codes in a higher dimension and provide keys in a lower dimension.   The role of evolution is to traverse all dimensions for what is needed at the level you are in or are supporting.  As mush as you may want to leave a dimension, we remain anchored to much of the 3rd dimension as only 1/3 of the planet has taken any steps in evolution. They are being pushed to evolve and most, it is not of choice.

Some of you have the opportunity to see these downloads of codes and keys. These may appear in colors, mist, lines, symbols and many other shapes and ‘things’ that are new to you 3rd dimension bodies.   Your senses may be tuned to various codes so you may see codes and keys, hear them, feel them, taste them or simply know they are there.   As the universe shifts evolves and changes the method and type of codes, and the keys that are needed to unlock are always shifting.  Your interaction with another may be unlocking code that assists you or them on the journey, for they may hold a key for you.   This is why we are never done. We are energy shifting beings in a human body, therefore, our bodies change, but our ability to experience this information also must shift as the body may become limited.