December 2014 – Traditions, Vibrational Energy Increases

Traditions  The time period between December 12 and December 21 is always a powerful time for us to release energies.  We may become busy with the holiday season, but spirit somehow always finds ways to help us slow our pace so that we may focus within.   This is a 9 day span, but what about the 12 days of Christmas?   In some cultures there are the 12 days of blessings and this may be a very simple reminder to focus on the energy at that moment.  Perhaps develop your own tradition by beginning your day being in gratitude and then sending love on each of these 9 days.

Another tradition is to hold vigil on intent.  Various ‘festivals of light’ are celebrated, and have been for thousands of years, serving as a reminder that the light will indeed return after the darkest day.  Ceremonies and events of many cultures used fire as a sacred element.   The purpose was to allow it to burn for the night with the purpose to burn off ones dross or rubbish (English term), the ‘stuff’ we no longer need, and thus to reveal our gold (the golden light).   In some cultures it is a deliberate, intense and intent-full night of dancing, drumming, rattling, chanting, meditating, healing, and holding space for this light.  Perhaps December 31st celebration of New Years mimics this tradition and through time the date was pushed to conveniently align with the Calendar year.

This time when we look inward, we are reaching in to our soul, to our inner child, or that inner light that is pushing to come out to move us in to higher consciousness.

Another celebrated day is the Winter Solstice, December 21. It is the midpoint of winter, or the shortest day of daylight and the longest point of darkness.   The world is very still and the land dormant,  much like what happens within us when we go through dormant cycles. In this quietness,  it is an opportunity to contemplate a ‘season’ past or the ‘season’ that was and then the ‘seasons’ yet to come.  Much like when earth goes dormant, there remains internal growth and that is what we should continue to nurture.  It may be a time to prepare for growth, change or plan for 2015.


2015 -Vibrational energy increases…. again !

The Milky Way is said to be one of billions of galaxies in the observable universe. It contains between 200-400 billion stars, the one most familiar to us being the sun which is believed to be middle aged at 4.6 billion years. The oldest star in the galaxy is 13.2 billion year old – said to be nearly as old as the universe itself (13.8 billion years) – and the earth is about 4.5 billion years old. These are all scientific best guesses. Distances are measures in light-years, and the Milky Way galaxy is believe to be 1000,000 light years in diameter.  The enormity and vastness of the universe boggles our mind, challenges the imagination, yet it also gives us some notion of where we fit in all this.

Consider from this perspective that we have the opportunity in how we view our world. We can remain small, overwhelmed and myopic, or let go of this view in favor of seeing and accepting a bigger picture and all the possibilities. If we believe we are composed of material from those very stars that inhabit the Milky Way, we know we are connected to Earth and the entire universe at all times, in life and in death….. and we are not at all very small or limited… at all…

If we believe we share energy in this immense place we are then challenged to think the possibilities this could provide. Unlimited possibilities.   Dreams without limits.   Once again the enormity and the vastness of this possibility boggles our minds and we begin to question. How can this be? So we put limits on our ‘bigness’, we draw boxes around our possibilities, until it ‘seems’ more logical to what is visibly present in our lives.   But what if we could see beyond the infinite levels of greatness we have access to. How far would we dream, soar, join THAT space of vastness. What would that feel like?

Planet Earth went through the center of the galaxy December 2012.  We experienced huge shifts in our energy fields and for many the process of awakening took at giant leap. We are preparing for another big shift in energy and this means mother earth experiences this increase in energy and frequency first, followed by plants, animals and humans.   We’ve been working hard, shifting and clearing and opening our energy ports, expanding our energy fields in preparation for ‘something’ come. Many can feel the shift of the energy in the air, and the shift in our energy fields within and lastly the shift in our energy fields beyond our physical bodies.     We act or react to these subtleties, or we continue to ignore or suppress them feeling not quite satisfied in our journey.   Might be time to try – expansion – Dream big, and be in the flow of these new energies.


The Christmas Table Cloth – A Personal Story

I am blessed to work with so many lovely souls from this plane and beyond. I am reminded today that they are very much near us, especially during times of great joy, laughter, happiness and moments of tradition.   I had one of those moments a few years ago when I was pulling out all my Christmas table clothes to prepare for Christmas Eve dinner, and Christmas morning brunch.
My mom LOVED Christmas. This was a time when all her family gathered at home on Christmas eve and celebrated the traditions she’d been raised with. Food, singing, food, gifts, food, and lots of hugs and laughter. She would prepare for weeks and even with nearly 50 of us, siblings, grandchildren and great grand children, she remembered us all.   After she could no longer host all of us, I would open my home to Christmas celebrations. She loved having us all together. Today my siblings and their children are scattered across the states, and like many families that get busy with life, we gather when we can.

Knowing my mom’s love of Christmas and entertaining, as I traveled the world I would bring her things from around the world. Rocks, yes… but also other items.   On one such trip to Italy I purchased a Christmas linen set, and tucked it away to give to her for Christmas. However, somewhere between unpacking my luggage and Christmas the Italian linen set was misplaced.   That was ten or twelve years ago, and there’s been a house move and the dining room furniture where I might have stored linens had since been replaced.  That Christmas, as I was pulling out my linens from the new bureau – there it was, in its original package.

I can’t explain where it’s been and why it is there today, but here it is and it is now in my possession and will be used each Christmas in acknowledgement of the family members we have here and beyond.   Remember they are very much part of our lives…..       Love to all.

Love and Light