Mid-Year Review

We made it past the midyear point… What’s that mean ??   You may have heard me speak earlier in the year about the planetary grand cross.   Simply stated this is when planets align in a cross format, their opposition to each other influence in ways that push us for change and movement.

We were pushed hard over the last six months. You know you’re in a different place compared to where you were six months ago, yet you may be wondering whether you’re done with this energy that’s pushing you , or if you are any closer to your goals, and if you are done working through unresolved situations.  I’ve heard more than a few declare…. ‘I’m done’ !!   It might not be that simple.

If you followed the urge of the energies of the universe, you took inventory of your life and took action.   Acknowledge yourself if you did this, for it takes courage to look deeply at your life. Yet, if done with compassion and a sense of humor you’ll grow and learn from a life review.  You are now able to take what you’ve learned and pocket those lessons as a future asset. You took steps to release patterns or behaviors that weren’t for your highest good. It takes courage to change. To Let GO !   The unknown can be downright scary and sometimes a known feeling of being uncomfortable is easier than an unknown dream…. the universe isn’t going to allow that to happen forever.

When you call in Archangel Michael to help with your fears, he and the universe are going to support you, but they are also going to keep those fears front and center as a way to ensure you work through them. Our courage is being tested, and the warrior spirit of courage feels like it has a new meaning.  The courage to NOT DO battle, but to feel, embrace and let go by moving into an area of unknown, and for some, that may be an area of ‘nothing’.   Take inventory of your life and focus on change or healing of anything that’s unbalanced.    Ask for what you want, what you dream about and if it’s not there now – seek to understand why not. The universe provides…. .

These challenges of courage may have come in one or many domains of our lives; home, health, relationships, family, careers. What needed to go, left. What needed to be dealt with or changed either did so on its own or the universe brought focus to it so change could happen. Perhaps it was something that faded away.  How we moved through these changes became an opportunity in itself.   Did you move with ease, grace, elegance or were you kicking, screaming and fighting to hold on – staying in warrior mode ?     It takes courage to look at your life and REALLY look at all of you. The layers of your energy. Your physical presence, your emotional being and your etheric levels (levels of energy).

Remember, you really are quite an amazing being !   You glow, you shine and you vibrate with a buzz that can interrupt power enough to blow a few light bulbs and mess with technology.  You are extraordinary and July is going to be an electrically charged month with more light and love available to us than we’ve experienced in previous months. If you did the work, you are ready for this as this is what you’ve been working so hard to prepare for in the last 6 months.   Shine On !!!

Full Moon – July 12,  A great time to release

New Moon – July 26, A great time to set intents

Happy July !   Love and Light to you … Laurie