In the stillness of my heart I feel love.

In our busy lives today we may feel we must focus on creating space or time to relax, let go and pause to be in a state of nothingness.  We feel it takes ‘work’ to be in a space of ‘non-work’.   I pause in what I’ve just heard from the wisdom that comes in messages from beyond, I humbly ask them to tell me more.  There is a pause.   The soul knows.  There is only love.heart
Some of us feel we must work ‘hard’ and focus to get to a space of where we naturally function as the heart. This place where we naturally feel, know and share authentic love.   When and how did it happen that we forgot this natural state and we feel we have to ‘work’ at it?  When did we forget where authentic solutions, actions, wisdom and knowledge reside. In our natural state of being, they reside in love as love.
July has been an energetically charged month. World and local events have shaken our belief systems, and has created space for emotional shock and fear. Some feel it is difficult to find this place of stillness and love with all global and personal events that are crashing around us. We may seek comfort in gathering to find peace, action and understanding.   The soul knows. The heart knows. There is no need to look externally, and no need go further than your own heart. Your heart is the place where your light shines brightly. It is the inner light that we desire to see within each other and we believe it will get us to a place of peace. You have that within you. It is there, it never left you and you don’t have to ‘work’ to experience it.   Just be to allow love.      
The soul knows. The heart knows.   We know when we are with others that share our light we are in common light. Common frequency.   There is love.   You don’t have to work at experiencing love. It is there. I see it when I face you, ignited and burning brightly.  You simply need to allow love and allow your light to shine. Your light is love.  
I see you !  I see your light !