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Laurie sees thousands of people every year in large and small groups, one-on-one, either in person, ZOOM or via phone. Her high tech. global Corporate background has provided a solid foundation in technology and communication, while her angels, guides and teachers of the universe support her in the delivery of messages.  Below are some frequently asked questions clients have asked her over the years.    If you have a question that is not answered below please email your question to    If you have scheduled a face-to-face reading, please do not wear perfume or heavy scented oils as this interferes with frequencies and Laurie uses all her senses to communicate and gather insight.

  • How do I schedule a reading and how long do I have to wait ?
    You may schedule a reading by contacting Laurie by phone or email. Email is Please do not Facebook message her or text her as that may delay the response. If by email, Laurie will provide options for dates/times. Depending on Laurie’s teaching and travel schedule she will schedule you as quickly as possible. Weekend time slots fill up more quickly, and those appointments are usually booked out in advance. Group events and private parties usually book 6-8 months in advance. Check Laurie’s calendar to see where she might be scheduling group or private readings outside of her normal office hours.
  • How much time should I schedule?
    Laurie can talk(channel) pretty fast. She’s described it as sometimes feeling like she’s delivering messages from a firehose, as she’ll get a huge download of information and then deliver it as quickly as she can. She can cover a lot of information quickly. The appointment time can be dependent on how many questions or how much information you are seeking. If you have a few specific questions OR have a few loved ones you’d like to connect with, then a shorter reading time would make sense. If you have questions, loved ones and have interest in past life or current life energy thread healing that you’d like to cover at one time, then this takes longer and would align better for an hour or more reading. Laurie also offers an email question option for you to ask 1-3 questions via email
  • How do I prepare for my reading?
    Laurie suggests you take time prior to your reading to think about and then write out your questions. Laurie can cover a lot in a short amount of time and sometimes there are multiple energies providing information. Her goal is to answer any questions you may have, and during these sessions sometime people get excited and forget what they wanted to ask. By writing down your questions we make sure they are answered. People often find ALL their questions answered without even having to ask, simply because the angels and guides are aware of what you want answered. If there are times a question is not answered or the information is not clear and this may be because you are not ready to hear the message, it is not important at this time, or Laurie is not able to channel it. Often times, clarity in the message will also come later. MANY times, clients reach out to Laurie and share that they doubted the message, or didn’t know who the person was, but later all was clear, things happened just as they were explained by the angels. Laurie understands you may be nervous during the reading, and then memories are often cloudy. She has soooooo many stories where people don’t claim to know a loved one that shows up, only later to realize WHO it is. (ie they remember they DID have a favorite Uncle or god parent that passed.) The second reason Laurie suggests you write down your questions is to grant her permission to work with your angels and guides, and it lets them know you are wanting their help in providing information. She encourages you to ask questions during your session, ask for clarity if you need it. If someone is not coming forward that you want to talk to, ask them to come forward. If someone is coming forward that you don’t want to connect with, you can ask them to leave. It is important to Laurie that your connection is good, healing, and bring clarity. If you are having a virtual reading, be comfortable. Make sure you are in a quiet, secluded place. Please don’t be driving. Laurie reads energy, so if you are distracted, or not comfortable, or if there is other background noise it is another level of energy she has to work through, and it makes it harder for her to break through that energy to get clear messages. Laurie does not walk up to people in public and offer messages, there are protocols that she’s been given to follow so she is not bombarded by constant messages. She connects by raising her vibrational frequency to meet those of the angels, guides and loved ones.
  • Will a specific person come through in a reading?
    There is no guarantee that a specific person will come through in a reading. In fact, focusing on only one person to come through during a reading can be counterproductive to the process of the reading. Laurie recommends that you stay open-minded and be open to what and how the messages are coming through. If you are expecting a certain word, nickname, confirmation-story, those might not be available for your loved one to communicate. Spirit works from the direction of beyond - if a Spirit comes through, they have something to say, in the way they want to say it, so listen!
  • What if I hear something during the reading I shouldn't?
    Know that any and all information that you will hear will be for your highest good. Laurie only works with the energies of the light. Laurie is often asked if people will hear bad things. This causes fear that they may hear something bad or unexpected. Laurie works with loving, caring and protecting angels to deliver information for everyone’s highest good. She channels all the angels and energetic beings of light, but her regular team is Archangel Michael who protects, provides courage and removes fear. Archangel Raphael and his team of angelic helpers who help us heal our energy fields. Archangel Metatron who is the keeper of the Akashic records for our past, present and future, and other Archangels that help our loved ones pass over, the angels of creativity, the angels of nature and abundance, and the angels of romance and relationships. The Light Beings typically come to Laurie in pairs or a team and they help balance the logic we might put in our lives. In other words, they can ask the very succinct questions about our actions. Laurie also works closely with her Shaman and the spirits of the Kingdoms (plants, animals, crystals, the stars and star beings, elementals and of course Saints, Angels, Ascended Masters and Archangels.) They all provide information, but their role is also to bring forward other angels, ascended masters and elders that provide information. The messages that are delivered are for your highest good, for healing, to provide closure, clarity, or direction. Laurie does not do readings for ‘fun’, this is her life purpose, passion, she does this full time, and she is devoted to serving humanity using her gifts.
  • Am I allowed to bring someone with me to a psychic reading?
    Yes, but only unless arranged prior to the reading and there is an additional $50 “sitter” fee. This is not that the reading will be split between people, a reading is schedule for one person, it is simple for someone to accompany you during your reading, but still requires Laurie to discern the varying energy in the room
  • How often can I have readings?
    Laurie doesn’t have a set recommendation for readings. She encourages you to learn to connect to your higher self, and angels and guides. If it is time for another session, you will get nudges or ‘taps’ from your higher self, or the other side to reach out to her.
  • Is there a time frame I should wait before connecting with a loved one that has passed?
    Sometimes people have beliefs they should wait to connect with a loved one that has died. This might be based on religious beliefs, teachings, or just that they’ve heard it takes a soul more time to get to heaven. Laurie has learned over all the years she’s been doing readings that transitions happen quickly. There are different levels or frequencies of heaven, but they go to heaven. Other loved ones from the other side will often step forward to help communicate. It’s a matter of Laurie tuning into the frequency of where they are, and how they might be communicating – pictures, sounds, stories, words, smells and more.
  • Am I allowed to ask follow-up questions after my reading?
    Due to the large number of demands on Laurie’ schedule, and that during your reading she is channeling, she is unable to provide follow-up guidance after a reading. In addition, since the information that Laurie channels does not belong to her but instead comes from the spiritual guides that are guiding you, she does not retain or keep the information, thus requiring her to tune back in to the connection with you.
  • Is talking to the dead against what God wants?
    No. Laurie’ gift comes directly from God, Source, Universe. God is a very powerful entity. If we weren’t supposed to use this gift and talk to Spirits, then this gift would not exist. It would be prevented. Laurie has a strong foundation in love and belief in God, and uses her gift as directed from the divine. She lives a life of service. This is her fulltime role. Laurie’ gift is not related to Black Magic, Wicca, or anything related to evil. Laurie is a direct channel from divine beings of God, and nothing else. Laurie grew up Catholic, went to a Catholic school and has an Uncle that was a priest (now deceased). Some of her learnings, and understanding have come through her spiritual background, teaching and having in-depth conversations with those here and on the other side. She left a successful fulltime corporate career to use her gifts fulltime, and live her purpose.
  • Can Laurie connect with someone near death or in an altered state?
    Laurie connects with energy, and no matter where the energy is, she is able to connect. Loved ones being in a transitionary state is just where their energy is right now. If they are in an altered state, such as in a coma, medicated or are in later stages of Alzheimer’s, with permission from them, their guides, she is able to bring message through. It is most often our loved ones that step in to help where they are able. They want us to be at peace, to know, to be reassured, that we are never alone on this journey.
  • Is there a specific age group Laurie works with?
    Laurie client’s range in age from 8 to no limit. Sometimes parents ask Laurie to speak to their children because they might not have the language that their children will understand, or sometimes they don’t know what their child can comprehend. A common event is a child has nightmares, or feels there is a presence around them. Laurie works with the parents first to understand if this is something that the parent can work with on their child first. Having two gifted children Laurie understands the concerns some parent may face, and her experiences with her own children have helped her help others. Laurie has also had the privilege to work with clients of all ages. People may question if heaven is real or wonder what happens when their loved ones passed. Connecting with loved ones may help everyone understand the process and eliminate or reduce fears. Our angles always step in to help us, especially Archangel Michael who is the protector angel that provides courage while helping us.
  • What does Laurie actually see or hear during a psychic reading?
    Laurie experiences all the ‘clairs’ during a reading. She is an open channel and will receive information in the forms of hearing, seeing, smelling, feeling, and knowing. This means that spirits communicate by saying things or having her feel emotions or experiences. She gets messages in the best form that can be understood and communicated. Sometimes they are puzzle pieces that need to be put together. The message depends on you being open to the experience to hear what they might have to say.
  • How do I know when I get a sign?
    Be aware of your surroundings and notice when things are out of the ordinary. When signs or symbols happen in threes, or objects are not where you’d normally find them, or when something, someone, or an animal is persistent in getting your attention, it’s an indication that you are getting a message. Pay attention to what you were doing at that time, or if you asked a question and wanted a sign, then this is your sign. One recent afternoon that I was working from my home office, I was reflecting on whether I was to send out a newsletter and what the topic might be. I was getting a number of thoughts around topics, and I knew they needed to be center on helpful information that would help people ease through any transitions they were experiencing. My thoughts were interrupted by the distinct screech of an eagle. I went outside because the screeching was persistent. As I recorded the sounds of the eagle, I commented out loud that I was going to go search to see if I could see where this eagle was perched. As I did this, I sensed his energy above me. Yes, he was circling directly above. I acknowledged him and the gift of the message that I was on target with sending out the newsletter and its contents. The moment I acknowledge the acceptance of the message the eagle disappeared and there was no longer any more screeching. This was a sign-signal. Laurie has recorded a Podcast that discusses more of the common signs and ways to spot them. Listen Here
  • How does Laurie accept payment for readings?
    Laurie’ office accepts payment by credit card, Paypal, Venmo, check or cash. Payment is due at the time of scheduling your reading. If your appointment is in person you may pay at the time of your appointment.
  • Is there a difference between an in person reading and a phone or ZOOM reading? Is one better or more accurate?
    There is no difference between an in person or a phone reading. Both readings are equal quality. It is merely a matter of personal preference and location.
  • Will Laurie call me on the day of my reading or do I call Laurie?
    Laurie will call you on the day of your reading, or provide a ZOOM link. Please make sure that you provide accurate contact information when booking a reading.
  • How will I get my recording?
    Laurie uses a secure cloud service to give access to your recording. You will be sent an email with access to your MP3 recording. You may listen to your reading at this secured website, or download it. If you want to keep your recording, you will want to download and save it to your device, as the cloud service will only retain the recording for 125 days.
  • Do you offer medical, financial, or legal advice?
    Time with Laurie and the Angels and masters are not to replace other sessions or treatments you may need in your life for medical, emotional, or legal needs. We all have the ability to self-direct our lives (free will) and Laurie fundamentally believes we all have the ability to connect to our higher consciousness on an intuitive level. Information received should be used in a responsible way in your life. One of Laurie’s purposes in this lifetime is to teach how to connect with guides, angels and loved ones and that we all have free will and the ability to change how we experience life.
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