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Writer's pictureLaurie Wondra

Approaching life with LIGHT

There are some simple guidelines that every light worker should know in how to approach the next few years.  

1. Stay out of fear. That's old energy and no longer useful for you. It takes up space that needs to be clear and filled with divine new energy. NEW energy. This new energy is a higher vibration, and it needs more space. You need this new energy as we've outgrown the old energy vibrations. They are beginning to feel uncomfortable, and often what we are feeling is fear of any change. So let fear go, this will create the new space required. Fear moves you from your heart to your brain. Fear lowers your vibration. When you are vibrating at a lower frequency, you lose your core.   Lower energies collect low vibrations and the eat up higher vibrations.  Low energies feed on fear, and they grow.  Don't be afraid as all is as it should be, and it is all orchestrated as planned.  Stay out of fear.  

2. Understand your association with Gaia.    You cannot take a breath or move a step on mother earth without being one with all creation. You are all one with dirt, rocks, plants, trees, birds, animals - there is no separation.  This would be the same with your fellow humans.   Because we are all connected, where one feels, all feel it. When mother earth hurts, we all hurt, we feel her pain. These are growing/changing pains, and much like mother earth is going through shifts so are we. Aches, pains, pressure build up in sinus, ears, are shifts similar to earthquakes, storms, hot waves, and mother earth also feels these in her core.   We are all going through changes to prepare us for these new frequencies, these new energies. Mother earth is changing and shifting to enable herself to sustain herself for the future. We also must shift in ways that will allow us to sustain ourselves in the future. We are moving from individual to community.  We are being called to help the shift in earth and people. Therefore, we must shift ourselves. We are being called to service.   You may find your gifts and abilities are expanding, or you may discover a new gift emerge in areas you believed you were not capable.  We are needed now to help ease the transition of all by explaining, teaching and just holding energy and space for those that need our help. To do this many of us are awakening to gifts we always had.   

3. Stop thinking so much and over analyzing. You ask, how can I do that when I am human and that is all I know.  Yes, you are human, but you are a light being, and this means you are energy and because you are energy you have the ability to access information on a multitude of levels. Intuition.   Learn to trust and use your intuition. go with your first answer. Use your energy to focus on intuition and not reason. The logic is there but is not always required to 'just know'   Trust that you KNOW.   Trust that your instinct will take you to a place where synchronicity steps in. Trust you will be taken care of and that all with align with ease, grace and elegance.  

4. Shine the light for you. Stop telling yourself you don't deserve, stop putting yourself last on the list. Begin to do the things that are meaningful and are important to you.  This is not a time to pretend to yourself and just get by, or just accepts the little drips of energy you allow yourself. This is THE time to pay attention to your core and what feeds it, and what fills it.  Remove any drama or sticky cords that don't belong to you anymore. Send them away with love for healing.   Know self, know your core and what charges you. Know what fills your tanks. Pay attention and say YES to self.    You are brightness, let others see your brightness, but do not be responsible for making their brightness. They will need to learn how to ignite their own flame. Just show your own brightness.   

5. Expect Peace.  Don't wonder because it just is!     You don't need to ask, for all that you need you have. It is yours already. You don't need to ask; you just need to claim it.  Stay in CORE, because it's all there!     It's asleep and just waiting to be awake to get to work, to provide, to sense, feel or excite. IT'S THERE. Feel it, breath it. Access it by setting your clear intents to use it.  

6. Expect evolution. Expect change. Expect transition. Expect Change. Expect to be a life-long-learner for this lifetime and the next, and the next, and the next.  When you approach your opportunities with the goal to learn, you do, and then you move on. You then have the ability to say, I have now learned from this opportunity and am ready for the next opportunity. You are NEVER done ... and isn't that exciting!


7. Expect love. This is deep love, within your soul. It is a connection with CORE and all you are, and all you have ever been. Expect it, take it, bask in it. It is overwhelmingly available, yet we hesitate to receive it in the off chance we may feel pain.   This doesn't make sense when you avoid love to protect yourself.  To shield yourself from love goes against why you are here. You are meant to love and be loved.

Be Light - Shine on ~ Laurie





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