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Writer's pictureLaurie Wondra

October - Force, Flow or Opportunity?

Seljalandsfoss Falls Iceland

The energy around us is shifting dramatically as the days continue to grow short, and change continues to pick up speed, keeping us on our toes, sometimes leaving us confused, overwhelmed, or exhausted. It's another packed month of energy with opportunities for healing, spiritual communication, and enlightenment. Chances to reset, tune into your higher self, and settle some karmic scores.

October is generally known as the ninth month. However, October's collective numerology for 2024 is "nine," representing compassion, spiritual growth, and universal love. Nine is associated with artistic creativity, higher consciousness, and divine will. The energy also focuses on generosity, emotion, insight, and awareness.

Nine is a completion number and the cycle's ending, yet it is also the beginning of the next. PERFECT for the October 2 Solar Eclipse in Libra. Libra is about balance and justice. This energy will impact everyone, but the most impacted will be Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. Because this is a new eclipse cycle that sets the stage for the next 18 months, so it's the perfect time to rethink your goals and self-image. Expect profound change.

The month ahead delivers epic breakthroughs and divine metamorphosis with opportunities to continue shedding unnecessary baggage. After shedding what you don't need, it becomes an excellent month for manifestation. The Sun traveling through Libra at the beginning of the month increases your awareness of cooperation, fairness, justice, equality themes, and relationships as Venus rules Libra. Later in the month, we leave Libra season and move into Scorpio season, where our transformation continues as the pulses of the universe push us deep inward to soul discovery and preparation for 2025.

October energy can bring about the transformation of society, Inspiration from higher worlds, abundance, and enrichment. There is potential for enlightenment and liberation from ill intentions, the alchemy of the soul, inner healing, and the opportunity to transform the dark into good. We come face-to-face with lessons of power abuse, embracing our strength and connection to the light. Surprises and rare occurrences this month are golden opportunities to elevate your life and break free from old patterns. Be centered and watch for unnecessary distractions or detours. The universe calls for you to wake up, urging you to pay attention, stand up, and level up. We are in the midst of powerful global changes as we enter the final months of 2024.

Expect powerful energy this month—eclipses, retrogrades, and direct motions all contribute. Key dates:

  • 10/2 Solar Eclipse in Libra  

  • 10/9 Jupiter Retrograde

  • 10/11 Pluto goes Direct

  • 10/13 Mercury enters Scorpio

  • 10/17 Full Moon in Aries,

  • 10/22 Sun in Scorpio

Listen to What's Up with the Energies of October for more details and potential impacts. With so much shifting and changing, listen to how this is impacting our emotional and mental compass. Laurie helps you understand these shifts and how the universe supports your inner compass recalibration.    

Be blessed. Shine ON!  ~Laurie

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