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Writer's pictureLaurie Wondra

September Energy

Eclipses and good stuff

Hello September. Where did summer go? The Sun's warmth begins to fade, the nights are cooler, and we notice the shortening of daylight. The sunsets are excellent, and the full moons hang low in the sky. The waves of change continue to take over our vibration senses as we quantum leap throughout the year into a new month about nurturing ourselves and purposefully reaching a higher consciousness. We continue changes with the additional dance of balancing light and dark. We enter September in Virgo energy, and the first New Moon on September 3 is Virgo. We continue celebrating Virgo Season, highlighting refinement, organization, and health. It's a time to get your life in order, fine-tune the details, and focus on what truly benefits your well-being.  

The full moon lunar eclipse on September 18 in Pisces reminds us of our commitments and dreams. Mid-month, the Sun shifts into Libra, and we'll celebrate Libra season – September 23 and the Equinox, a perfect balance between light and dark. Libra season invites harmony, balance, and a deeper understanding of relationships, encouraging us to reflect on where we need more equilibrium in our lives. We prepare for the lunar eclipse on October 2 in Libra.  


September is generally known as the ninth month in numerology. However, September's collective numerology for 2024 is "eight," representing abundance, balance, karma, personal power, and universal law and order. We are also in a number 8 year! The number eight is associated with opportunity and wealth, with a more serious focus on business. We'll aim to achieve increased success through ambition and determination while balancing the material and spiritual world. It is a perfect month for perfecting the emotions of love, fear, compassion, ambition, humility, bonding, and receptiveness.

It's all about breakthroughs and bouncing back this month. You'll be able to see through the negative emotions in the narratives and stories you've been holding on to understand what's going on in the background. It's time to reinvent yourself from the inside out. Anything rare or unexpected that surprises you is a golden opportunity to elevate your game and transcend old patterns. Remember, distractions aren't here to frustrate you—they signal a need to wake up, pay attention, and step your game up.

When we cling to attachments, we might think we've got everything figured out, predicting outcomes like clockwork. Believing we have it all figured out, but….. when the Universe decides you're ready for more, a shake-up will take you to places you've never planned or imagined. The spontaneous changes are a gift that requires agility and grace. If you attempt to control the situation mentally, you may miss an opportunity that leads to growth. It is the time to trust your heart, let go of attachments, and allow something new to inspire you. Awakening often occurs in unexpected moments that take you off course but lead you closer to your true self. I think the times in my life when I probably made the most leaps were when I didn't see it coming at all. I didn't even recognize it until I was through the change. Some of those times, I fought and resisted change, feeling I knew better or that the change was taking me out of alignment. I was wrong, and the Universe was right. The Universe is always right, and the Universe will always win.

Be blessed.  ~Laurie 💖

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