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This is a custom made key chain that comes with a clip to easily attach to keys, lanyards, backpacks, purses, zippers, clothing, bags, wallets and more. The key chain is made from Turquoise with a Turtle painted on it, a jet agate bead, a small black onyx bead and metal feather.

(US Imperial Ruler in picture for scale)

Each stone and crystal has metaphysical properties that can help aid in specific situations, help boost certain body functions/body parts, and can even offer different insight into the seen and unseen world around us.


Turtle: Represents the world or Earth and all that inhabit it as a whole. Turtle gives the ability to stay grounded, even in moments of disturbances and chaos. It teaches us and helps us slowdown in this fast pace life and pace ourselves, while still remaining determined, motivated, and persistent with our goals. Turtle also represents emotional strength and understanding ancient wisdom.  


Turquoise: Known as the talisman of kings, shamans, and warriors. It is a stone of protection, strong and opaque, yet soothing to the touch, and healing to the eye. It is a symbol of wisdom, nobility and the power of immortality or life after death. Turquoise was considered sacred, often being used as adornment in all manners of jewelry, clothing, and accessories for its power, luck, and protection.


Jet: Represents protection against physical pain, illness, violence, mental and psychic attacks. It was often used as a shaman stone in Native American Tribes. It also helps with clairvoyance and helps the user figure out their place in life. It helps break negative behavior patterns and negative thoughts that may hinder the individual from stepping into their true and authentic self. This is also a very grounding stone, helping the individual stay grounded, focused, and calm in rough or difficult situations. Jet is also a stone of good luck and good fortune.  


Onyx: Is a stone of great strength, vitality, and stamina. It gives energy and movement to those that have little to none. It is also a very healing stone that helps bring back shattered fragments of the soul and/or mind to help heal any deep inner past wounds and reach one’s full potential. A great stone for those starting a new big chapter of their life and are very nervous or overwhelmed about doing so.  

copy of Turquoise Owl with Onyx Bead and Metal Feather Key Chain

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