Love and Peace

Peace begins with Love.  The energies of 2016 have created a desire for more peace and love.    Let’s be honest, there are times where it may be difficult to find the love in every situation.  So what does it mean then to ‘be in a place of love’  or ‘be in a place of heart ‘ when we have difficulty in loving that situation?   

Love is where we all begin. When we are born all we know is love.   Somewhere along our journey fear creeps  in. Perhaps a memory of past life, or an event in this life and we may be triggered and an introduction is made of this vibrational energy that is called FEAR.  Over time fear becomes layered and we may spend a many years or a lifetime understanding and releasing those layers.  This is a time where the universe is providing us many opportunities to understand those layers in an effort to release them.  It is a necessity for us to further our evolution and expand our emotional body.   The energetic body of energy that supports love.

Our souls remember love and crave for the consistency and value when being in that space, yet for some it is harder to get there and stay there.   Somewhere along our journey we have all forgotten that it’s not a location outside of ourselves.  It is not THERE, but HERE within us.  It is not a place we have to go, it is a place we have to be.    This place, once uncovered hold that place of peace and a deeper love of self.

Somewhere along our journey we forget this and we begin to look for external indicators of love. We look for external validation.   We feel love is eluding us or we no longer have love, when all along it is our personal illumination that generates the greatest love.     To deny love is to keep yourself within your own darkness, or your shadow energy and some around you may be comfortable being in this place.  

September was a full month that had the potential in bringing our emotions to the surface.  If you didn’t feel this then ask if you are hiding somewhere within and you are not allowing or are avoiding your own brilliance.     

We all had places and emotions that tested us or those around us placing us in a space wanting to take action.  You are not alone on that emotional journey.  Everyone’s emotional body is set for expansion and many continued to feel that you should be ‘doing’ something.    Those were not the energies of September.  September was about feeling, understanding, releasing and establishing in depth understanding of our personal space.   The energies for forward movement began  to pulse which created confusion for some, and we may have focused in the places  where most comfortable – like doing.    It’s what many of us have been doing our entire lifetime.  This is different energy and therefore calls for different practices.    Your normal practices may no longer allow you to avoid you emotions.   

No running anymore, please embrace them and dive into the depths of your ability to love.  You were born knowing how to do this.  Time to remember … LOVE.