March 2024 – Marching Forward

We enter March quietly, leaping from the leap day (2-29) gateway. We’re feeling the pressures of the Universe to move. Some days, it feels like we have to force our way forward and march into each day while carrying the world’s weight on our shoulders. We are shedding, clearing, cleansing, and purging. We like efficiency and structure. 

March is known as the third month. However, March’s 2024 collective numerology is the vibration of “Two,” representing duality, harmony, balance, and partnership. 

The energy of the number 2 resonates with:

  • Abundance, prosperity, union, and divine intervention.
  • Explore or align your life with your soul’s mission and divine purpose.
  • It is a time to have greater faith in yourself and embrace life’s polarity.

In March, we continue to shift to a higher perspective, embodying Universal laws of nature, oneness, and unconditional love. Our relationships will change as we continue to heal and evaluate wounds we’ve collected along our timelines. Discomfort, fear, and transformation are necessary steps meant to awaken and attune us to our true nature, but they are also signs of collapsing timelines and moving us closer to personal lines of time. This change is taking time to ease through, and we may feel symptoms of imbalance, sleepiness, memory loss, and sadness we don’t understand. We CAN have peaceful resolutions to new or old problems. We can leave older versions of ourselves behind and allow space to mourn what we once knew to be true. We are becoming more equipped than ever to manifest a higher vision. 

On March 10, a New Moon arrives in Pisces, bringing a time/energy of introspection and connection with the intangible realms. This transit inspires us to dive deep beyond time and space, trusting our intuition’s wisdom and allowing space for dreaming. Neptune’s watery energy brings cloudy confusion, so to help navigate this energy, focus on aligning with the greater forces that guide your path.

On March 19/20, the Sun enters Aries, Spring Equinox, and a time of transition and renewal. The beginning of the Aries season during the equinox is a time of balance between light and dark. It’s a period that invites us to embrace both aspects of ourselves – the light that illuminates and the darkness that holds potential. We are encouraged to sit with whatever arises, approaching it with love and acceptance. Our timelines continue merging, giving us the opportunity to understand, heal, and decide the gift we are given. By witnessing the alchemy of light transmuting shadows, we can reveal the potential for growth and evolution – and that is the Universe’s gift for ‘doing the work.’ 

We leave March through the gateways of Eclipse Season. The Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Libra on March 25 holds potent energy for shifting dynamics between Aries (I AM) and Libra(I BALANCE) polarities. As the eclipse illuminates the karmic destiny of relationships and partnerships, it will emphasize the themes of balance, harmony, and justice. The Moon in Libra urges us to seek fairness and equality in our interactions with others, stressing the importance of diplomacy, cooperation, and compromise. It prompts us to examine our relationships and alliances, ensuring they are based on mutual respect and understanding. As a result, we are invited to confront imbalances and conflicts between us within our partnerships, guiding us toward a resolution that promotes harmony and unity. 

All in preparation for the catalyst of energy we’ll experience with the Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 8. This eclipse moves across the United States in a pattern some speculate as transformative.  

This month is about finding your center, peace, and purpose. Every moment is a quantum leap to reclaim your power to choose and remove where you are running on autopilot and where you are living a higher level of conscious living. Become the author of a new chapter or new book! 

Shine your light and let the world see your brightness💓 Be blessed.  ~Laurie