March 2024 – Marching Forward

We enter March quietly, leaping from the leap day (2-29) gateway. We’re feeling the pressures of the Universe to move. Some days, it feels like we have to force our way forward and march into each day while carrying the world’s weight on our shoulders. We are shedding, clearing, cleansing, and purging. We like efficiency and structure. 

March is known as the third month. However, March’s 2024 collective numerology is the vibration of “Two,” representing duality, harmony, balance, and partnership. 

The energy of the number 2 resonates with:

  • Abundance, prosperity, union, and divine intervention.
  • Explore or align your life with your soul’s mission and divine purpose.
  • It is a time to have greater faith in yourself and embrace life’s polarity.

In March, we continue to shift to a higher perspective, embodying Universal laws of nature, oneness, and unconditional love. Our relationships will change as we continue to heal and evaluate wounds we’ve collected along our timelines. Discomfort, fear, and transformation are necessary steps meant to awaken and attune us to our true nature, but they are also signs of collapsing timelines and moving us closer to personal lines of time. This change is taking time to ease through, and we may feel symptoms of imbalance, sleepiness, memory loss, and sadness we don’t understand. We CAN have peaceful resolutions to new or old problems. We can leave older versions of ourselves behind and allow space to mourn what we once knew to be true. We are becoming more equipped than ever to manifest a higher vision. 

On March 10, a New Moon arrives in Pisces, bringing a time/energy of introspection and connection with the intangible realms. This transit inspires us to dive deep beyond time and space, trusting our intuition’s wisdom and allowing space for dreaming. Neptune’s watery energy brings cloudy confusion, so to help navigate this energy, focus on aligning with the greater forces that guide your path.

On March 19/20, the Sun enters Aries, Spring Equinox, and a time of transition and renewal. The beginning of the Aries season during the equinox is a time of balance between light and dark. It’s a period that invites us to embrace both aspects of ourselves – the light that illuminates and the darkness that holds potential. We are encouraged to sit with whatever arises, approaching it with love and acceptance. Our timelines continue merging, giving us the opportunity to understand, heal, and decide the gift we are given. By witnessing the alchemy of light transmuting shadows, we can reveal the potential for growth and evolution – and that is the Universe’s gift for ‘doing the work.’ 

We leave March through the gateways of Eclipse Season. The Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Libra on March 25 holds potent energy for shifting dynamics between Aries (I AM) and Libra(I BALANCE) polarities. As the eclipse illuminates the karmic destiny of relationships and partnerships, it will emphasize the themes of balance, harmony, and justice. The Moon in Libra urges us to seek fairness and equality in our interactions with others, stressing the importance of diplomacy, cooperation, and compromise. It prompts us to examine our relationships and alliances, ensuring they are based on mutual respect and understanding. As a result, we are invited to confront imbalances and conflicts between us within our partnerships, guiding us toward a resolution that promotes harmony and unity. 

All in preparation for the catalyst of energy we’ll experience with the Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 8. This eclipse moves across the United States in a pattern some speculate as transformative.  

This month is about finding your center, peace, and purpose. Every moment is a quantum leap to reclaim your power to choose and remove where you are running on autopilot and where you are living a higher level of conscious living. Become the author of a new chapter or new book! 

Shine your light and let the world see your brightness💓 Be blessed.  ~Laurie

January 2024 – Individualism, Oneness and the year ahead.

Wondraing…… The Milky Way is said to be one of billions of galaxies in the observable Universe. It contains between 200-400 billion stars, the one most familiar to us being the sun which science says is middle-aged at 4.6 billion years. The oldest star in the galaxy is 13.2 billion years old – said to be nearly as old as the Universe itself (13.8 billion years) – and the Earth is about 4.5 billion years old. These are all scientific best guesses. Distances are measured in light-years, and the Milky Way galaxy is believed to be 1000,000 light-years in diameter. The enormity and vastness boggle our minds and challenge our imagination yet give us a placeholder for where we fit in all this.

Consider this perspective, and we can see how we view our world as limited or limitless. We can remain small, overwhelmed, and myopic or let go of this view in favor of seeing and accepting a bigger picture and all the possibilities. If we believe we are composed of material from those very stars that inhabit the Milky Way, we know we are connected to Earth and the entire Universe at all times, in life and death….. and we are not very small or limited.

We share energy in this immense place as we are energy with all. We are forever preparing, avoiding, or experiencing energy shifts as energetic beings. We’ve been working hard, shifting, clearing, and transmuting our energy fields in preparation for ‘something’ different. Many can feel the shift of the energy; we feel change because we are energetically connected.  

2024 is a BIG year.  

Pluto moves into Aquarius and will be there for the next 20 years. Saturn in Pisces will continue to remind us how we experience reality, where we feel resistance and the rules we choose to abide.2023 was the year of the rabbit and a ‘Seven’ year, and 2024 is an ‘Eight’ year and the year of the Dragon. We move into the energy of ambition and action-oriented powered by the possibility of dynamic growth-obsessed Dragon energy. The universal ‘Eight’ year brings us closer to completing a 9-year cycle in 2025 and preparing for a Universal year of ONE in 2026. Fierce determination will be required as we continue navigating the energies of shifting systems that highlight the need for change while questioning our role and power in influencing our personal change.  

I’ve created TWO end-of-year podcasts to explain the overall energy and the individual impacts of 2024. I suggest this in preparation for the year ahead. 

  • Get clear and serious. An 8 Universal Year brings many opportunities to expand and reach new heights. You can also expect to be driven out of your comfort zone, forced to step up, or get stepped on!
  • Take your goals seriously in the 8 Universal Year. If you don’t have goals – create them.
  • Take time to align more directly with your authentic calling in life. If you don’t know that calling – find it.
  • Step into the year with your heart and mind open, willing to learn new navigation skills that combine your mind and heart. Learn your energy fields as ONE system that, when your Physical, Etheric, Emotional, and Mental bodies all work together, helps you face change, challenges, and success on a higher level.   
  • Know the constant is change as existing systems, structures, and concepts soar to new levels of success or disintegrate while new ones take over.
  • Take control and be your authority. Lead yourself. It is a year of individualism. Individual – individuate – and individualism will be terms we hear and energy the Universe pushes in 2024. Be a strong individual who can contribute healthily to humanity. 

We are one with the Universe. Created from Stardust, here, as humans, we experience our soul journey and know that our actions, emotions, and beliefs impact us and others. Our sensitivities to energy and the energy of others will ebb and flow to support and challenge us as we continue to evolve. Most important.

Shine your light and let the world see your brightness Be blessed.  ~Laurie

December – Endings, beginnings, gratitude and giving.

It is the busy season, and as we systematically wind up the last month of 2023, we attempt to jam it all into a few weeks. It is a season of endings and new beginnings; sometimes, we must finish something before we begin something new. Have you struggled to complete something that lingers in your life? This year, the universe helped many complete things they may have been holding on to, thus creating a vortex of space for 2024 to fill in.

Between December 12 and December 21 is an excellent time for us to release energies. We may become busy with the holiday season, but spirit somehow always finds ways to help us slow our pace so that we may focus within. This is a nine-day span, but what about the 12 days of Christmas?  

In some cultures, there are 12 days of blessings, which may be a simple reminder to focus on the energy at that moment. I see this period as the 12 days of gratitude and blessing for all that is and all that is possible. The new moon in Sagittarius on December 12 will remind many what to AIM for. There are also some significant planetary transitions happening this time of year, where we move from the energy that has influenced our AIM for the last few years to the energy of USE. This includes a deeper understanding of our power, our energy, our love, and how to put it to use effectively. The strength of 2024 will provide numerous transitions and help us to move along on our journey and celebrate the growth of our inner light. 

Winter Solstice December 21. It is the midpoint of winter, the shortest day of daylight, and the longest point of darkness. The world is very still, and the land is dormant, much like what happens within us when we go through dormant cycles. In this quietness, it is an opportunity to contemplate a ‘season’ past or the ‘season’ that was and then the ‘seasons’ yet to come. Like when the earth goes dormant, internal growth remains, which we should nurture.  

This time of year also helps us hold a vigil on intent. Various’ festivals of light’ are celebrated and have been for thousands of years, serving as a reminder that the light will indeed return after the darkest day. (December 21) Ceremonies and events of many cultures used fire as a sacred element. The purpose was to allow it to burn for the night to burn off one’s dross or rubbish (English term), the ‘stuff’ we no longer need, thus revealing our gold (the golden light). In some cultures, it is a deliberate, intense, and intent-full night of dancing, drumming, rattling, chanting, meditating, healing, and holding space for this light. It is a time for us to remember to share our light.  Perhaps December 31st celebration of New Year mimics this tradition and has been aligned with the Calendar year. It is a time to reflect on the past while welcoming hope for the New Year.     

In December, as many are experiencing a final push of inward work, we can also be reminded of our perception of perfection. We are always ‘perfect,’ though we might not feel at our best at times; we are experiencing all we need for our particular journey. On December 27, we’ll feel the energy of the emotional Full Moon in Cancer and reflect on our past, present, and future.   

I hope you experience calm and peace this holiday season and are surrounded by people who love and support you. I wish for you to shine your light so bright that others recognize your soul essence. 

Shine your light and let the world see your brightness Be blessed.  ~Laurie

November 2023 – Deep changes and gateways to New Beginnings

November is jam-packed with ancient wisdom and spiritual energies, offering us a divine awakening and a powerful call to action. It encourages us to look at how our life journey has brought us to this moment. Nothing is by accident; everything we need to move forward, and grow is here now, regardless of our current situation. The key is to look deep inside ourselves, lean, heal and grow.


Here are some essential tips to harness and use this month’s cosmic energy:

1. Set Clear Intentions: With the New Moon in Scorpio on November 13, use this energy to set clear and specific intentions for what you want to achieve. The shadowy archetype energy of Scorpio is I DESIRE, and this transformative energy can amplify your intentions and help you manifest your desires.

2. Embrace Inner Transformation: Scorpio into Sagittarius season encourages deep introspection and exploration. Use this time to dive into your emotions, process and understand any fears or limitations, and engage in personal growth, self-discovery, and expanding your mental beliefs.

3. Navigate Conflicts Mindfully: This month’s energy can bring sudden changes. Stay adaptable and focus on resolving conflicts with patience and creativity rather than reacting impulsively. Use the gift of pause when possible. 

4. Channel Mars’ Energy: Leverage Mars’s fiery, assertive energy to start and finish projects. The Eclipse on October 28 had the potential to wipe away old boundaries or create opportunities where you need new boundaries. Define your needs and be proactive in pursuing your goals.

5. Practice Open Communication: Foster trust and intimacy by communicating openly and honestly with loved ones. Patience and strong listening skills are needed, but they will help in more profound and fulfilling conversations. 

6. Say NO to What No Longer Serves You: Heal emotions and shed old habits and beliefs. Let go of what no longer serves your growth and make space for new opportunities.

7. Stay Flexible: Adapt to unexpected circumstances and embrace fresh perspectives and solutions.  

November – Deep Changes and Gateways to New Beginnings

November is jam-packed with ancient wisdom and spiritual energies, offering us a divine awakening and a powerful call to action. It encourages us to look at how our life journey has brought us to this moment. Nothing is by accident; everything we need to move forward, and grow is here now, regardless of our current situation. The key is to look deep inside ourselves, lean, heal and grow.

Here are some essential tips to harness and use this month’s cosmic energy:

1. Set Clear Intentions: With the New Moon in Scorpio on November 13, use this energy to set clear and specific intentions for what you want to achieve. The shadowy archetype energy of Scorpio is I DESIRE, and this transformative energy can amplify your intentions and help you manifest your desires.

2. Embrace Inner Transformation: Scorpio into Sagittarius season encourages deep introspection and exploration. Use this time to dive into your emotions, process and understand any fears or limitations, and engage in personal growth, self-discovery, and expanding your mental beliefs.

3. Navigate Conflicts Mindfully: This month’s energy can bring sudden changes. Stay adaptable and focus on resolving conflicts with patience and creativity rather than reacting impulsively. Use the gift of pause when possible. 

4. Channel Mars’ Energy: Leverage Mars’s fiery, assertive energy to start and finish projects. The Eclipse on October 28 had the potential to wipe away old boundaries or create opportunities where you need new boundaries. Define your needs and be proactive in pursuing your goals.

5. Practice Open Communication: Foster trust and intimacy by communicating openly and honestly with loved ones. Patience and strong listening skills are needed, but they will help in more profound and fulfilling conversations. 

6. Say NO to What No Longer Serves You: Heal emotions and shed old habits and beliefs. Let go of what no longer serves your growth and make space for new opportunities.

7. Stay Flexible: Adapt to unexpected circumstances and embrace fresh perspectives and solutions.