May – Laying Foundations

May, typically known as the fifth month, takes on a distinct character in 2024 with its collective numerology being number four. This number signifies stability, completion, and justice, and its energy encourages the expression of creativity and confidence. It guides us to use positive energies to lay the foundations for our future.

In May, we are drawn towards mental stability, trust, patience, organization, and determination. The month’s energies steer us towards the practical, stable, and secure aspects of life, while also urging us to seek truth and honesty in our path and resolve old energies where possible.

May presents us with opportunities to recognize our triggers and take steps toward resolution. The influence of Eclipses, Aries season, and Chiron may have been pushing us towards this, but May is more liberating in terms of how we resolve. Remember, energy neither grows nor diminishes, it transforms. This concept of transmutation, of energy changing from one form to another, becomes clearer as we transition from Taurus season to Gemini season, where revelations begin to bloom. 

Many are taking responsibility for the direction of their lives, and May is about to bring that to bloom. 

If you’ve felt discouraged these past months, May inspires us to access our higher self and the worlds of support and unconditional love. It’s a doorway to experience spiritual enlightenment and liberation. We are almost midyear and feel the need to take inventory of the energy. 

Themes of May include:

  • Personal and Global finance, banking, accounting, and Commerce. 
  • Wisdom and Knowledge activations as we resolve woundings and restrictive behaviors of our past.  
  • Prosperity, Wealth, & Abundance are Jupiter’s continued themes as we exercise our ability to manifest our goals. 
  • Themes of water come into focus this month, symbolizing the depths of our emotions and the vastness of our subconscious mind. Keep an eye out for water-related themes and global events, as Mother Earth is also responding to the energy of this time. 

For a more in-depth explanation of what the energy of May will bring, listen to Laurie’s latest podcast – What’s up with the Energies of May. 

Shine your light and let the world see your brightness Be blessed.  ~Laurie