March 2024 – Marching Forward

We enter March quietly, leaping from the leap day (2-29) gateway. We’re feeling the pressures of the Universe to move. Some days, it feels like we have to force our way forward and march into each day while carrying the world’s weight on our shoulders. We are shedding, clearing, cleansing, and purging. We like efficiency and structure. 

March is known as the third month. However, March’s 2024 collective numerology is the vibration of “Two,” representing duality, harmony, balance, and partnership. 

The energy of the number 2 resonates with:

  • Abundance, prosperity, union, and divine intervention.
  • Explore or align your life with your soul’s mission and divine purpose.
  • It is a time to have greater faith in yourself and embrace life’s polarity.

In March, we continue to shift to a higher perspective, embodying Universal laws of nature, oneness, and unconditional love. Our relationships will change as we continue to heal and evaluate wounds we’ve collected along our timelines. Discomfort, fear, and transformation are necessary steps meant to awaken and attune us to our true nature, but they are also signs of collapsing timelines and moving us closer to personal lines of time. This change is taking time to ease through, and we may feel symptoms of imbalance, sleepiness, memory loss, and sadness we don’t understand. We CAN have peaceful resolutions to new or old problems. We can leave older versions of ourselves behind and allow space to mourn what we once knew to be true. We are becoming more equipped than ever to manifest a higher vision. 

On March 10, a New Moon arrives in Pisces, bringing a time/energy of introspection and connection with the intangible realms. This transit inspires us to dive deep beyond time and space, trusting our intuition’s wisdom and allowing space for dreaming. Neptune’s watery energy brings cloudy confusion, so to help navigate this energy, focus on aligning with the greater forces that guide your path.

On March 19/20, the Sun enters Aries, Spring Equinox, and a time of transition and renewal. The beginning of the Aries season during the equinox is a time of balance between light and dark. It’s a period that invites us to embrace both aspects of ourselves – the light that illuminates and the darkness that holds potential. We are encouraged to sit with whatever arises, approaching it with love and acceptance. Our timelines continue merging, giving us the opportunity to understand, heal, and decide the gift we are given. By witnessing the alchemy of light transmuting shadows, we can reveal the potential for growth and evolution – and that is the Universe’s gift for ‘doing the work.’ 

We leave March through the gateways of Eclipse Season. The Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Libra on March 25 holds potent energy for shifting dynamics between Aries (I AM) and Libra(I BALANCE) polarities. As the eclipse illuminates the karmic destiny of relationships and partnerships, it will emphasize the themes of balance, harmony, and justice. The Moon in Libra urges us to seek fairness and equality in our interactions with others, stressing the importance of diplomacy, cooperation, and compromise. It prompts us to examine our relationships and alliances, ensuring they are based on mutual respect and understanding. As a result, we are invited to confront imbalances and conflicts between us within our partnerships, guiding us toward a resolution that promotes harmony and unity. 

All in preparation for the catalyst of energy we’ll experience with the Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 8. This eclipse moves across the United States in a pattern some speculate as transformative.  

This month is about finding your center, peace, and purpose. Every moment is a quantum leap to reclaim your power to choose and remove where you are running on autopilot and where you are living a higher level of conscious living. Become the author of a new chapter or new book! 

Shine your light and let the world see your brightness💓 Be blessed.  ~Laurie

February 2024 – How Will you Navigate the Dance of Pluto?

Pluto has moved into Aquarius, and you may or may not be wondering how it impacts you. Pluto’s energy will touch all of us in some form. Pluto is about transformation. It pushes us to go and grow, deepening our self-knowledge. It describes how we deal with power, personal and non-personal, be it through experiencing the power of others or exercising it ourselves. It is shadow, death, and rebirth and the cycles we explore between. 

Pluto is about death and rebirth. It is related to our subconscious, those things that tend to remain hidden. Pluto brings change. It is an ‘outer’ planet, so it will impact and drive environment, community, and societal change, for those changes necessary to advance. Our humanness will respond and show us (illuminate) where we need work. Chiron (how and what needs to heal) remains in Aries, challenging us to understand old wounds, heal them, and live without creating new wounds. 

Timelines are collapsing, adding further healing opportunities to create change that can bring joy, happiness, and peace into our lives and those around us. 

Pluto will be in this place for 20 years, giving us time to work with the energy of profound change, profound discovery of self, and our response to the world. This energy will impact all, and we will all learn to dance with the transformative power of Pluto. It’s not all bad, but it does provide a doorway for transformation. Other planets will help us – i.e., Uranus will create doorways for new, unknown, unusual, and unexpected change. Chiron will push on our wounds. Saturn will remind us of what we believe to be our reality and where we meet resistance. Jupiter will encourage us to seek our purpose and challenge our beliefs. All will help teach us to trust ourselves, plug into our divine energy, seek within, and shine our light brighter. 

The energy of the planets seems confusing, and we need to pay more attention to information. We are feeling the impact on our evolution and the journey.

February’s collective numerology carries the number ONE vibration of balance, compassion, love, and new beginnings. The energy of the number ONE also resonates with the following:

  • Individualism and independence, leadership
  • Initiations and spiritual awakenings, new beginnings
  • Divine guidance that you are on the right path.
  • Needing to align thoughts with dreams to manifest success.

We might not think of planting seeds now, but the universe encourages us to prepare and plant. It’s a pioneering month.  Most important I Hope you Dance.

Shine your light and let the world see your brightness💓 Be blessed.  ~Laurie

March 2023 – Pluto and Saturn make their move!

For lifetimes our ancestors and astronomers have looked to the skies for direction, tracking, and inspiration. We’ve studied the stars and the planets. We’ve built practices and ceremonies around them, like new and full moon celebrations. But we continue to learn. Pluto changes signs every 20 years and Saturn every 2.5 years. BOTH are changing signs in March. Pluto moves into Aquarius and Saturn Pisces.

Pluto was discovered in 1930, so it has a short history of its impacts, but we do know that the last time Pluto was in Aquarius was between 1778 and 1798, a period of uproar and change all over the world. Pluto is about death and rebirth, and it’s been in Capricorn for the last 20 years. Here’s a simple map of how it will transition into Aquarius while still bouncing a bit back to Capricorn during retrogrades:

The dates of the transition

  • Pluto in Capricorn until 3/23/2023      The Archetype of I HAVE vs I KNOW
  • Pluto first in Aquarius: 3/23/2023 to 6/11/2023
  • Pluto back in Capricorn: 6/11/2023 to 1/21/2024
  • Pluto again in Aquarius: 1/21/2024 to 9/2/2024
  • Pluto back in Capricorn: 9/2/2024 to 11/19/2024
  • Pluto finally in Aquarius: 11/19/2024

The universe gives us time and space to move into this energy – but it WILL impact all of us. Listen to my PODCAST that will explain more about the energy of these TWO outer planet shifts. Listen

Saturn moves into Pisces on March 7 and stays there until May 23, 2025, when it enters Aries. Saturn has been in Aquarius since December 2020. Saturn in Pisces is our chance to get clarity around our most profound dreams and those areas of our life that come to a natural end. Pluto will help with those endings. Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac. While Pisces is not ending energy for everyone, there is nevertheless an expectation of bringing to the highest degree of manifestation some of the projects we’ve been working on for decades. 

Saturn is karma, shadow, and pushes us deep for lessons and learning. Pisces is comforting, wise, and artistic, sometimes making us feel fuzzy or floaty. What might this energy mean for us? 

Saturn is cold and dry, and Pisces is watery and emotional. 

Saturn is strict, and Pisces is soft. 

Saturn indicates subtraction, Pisces addition. 

Saturn (lack) and Jupiter (abundance) 

It is and will continue to be a time of internal and external change. When forces externally change, it pushes us to change our responses, view, and, most importantly, our beliefs. When the planets are in their normal forward motion, there tends to be more external change – society, community, and global. When the planets go retrograde, the universe gives us time to respond to those changes – reflect, review, and respond once we are in forward motion again. 

March will show us where we most need to make shifts and changes. World events will force the movement of populations, responses to global needs, and different planning for future needs for housing and food sources. Individuals continue to look for their communities for these coming changes. I will share more insights this year on how we and our world will change and how we can navigate the energy of change. 

Shine on -💖 Laurie – In Gratitude and be Blessed.

February – We are Vibrational Energy – the Vibration of the Heart

“Everything in Life is Vibration” – Albert Einstein

The Law of Nature states everything has a vibration. The Law of Vibration states that everything vibrates and nothing rests. Everything is made up of atoms that are in a constant state of motion, and depending on the speed of these atoms, things appear as a solid, liquid, or gas. These layers of energy create our physical being, but we also have layers around us that comprise our energetic, emotional, mental, and astral layers. There are studies of the interactions of these energies, including when they clash.  

“From the standpoint of quantum physics, as we examine every smaller particle of matter – people made of cells, molecules, atoms protons/electrons, quarks, etc. – we eventually reach a state of reality where the smallest particles of matter, when broken further, do not yield smaller particles which we can put names on, but rather a universal energy matrix of relationships of vibration patterns. In actuality, there is nothing solid in the universe at all. Consciousness itself is a vibration pattern.” ~Dr. Jeffrey Thompson, D.C., B.F.A.– Center for Neuroacoustic Research.

We vibrate at varying frequencies, and we also have conflicts of energy with other frequencies. 

When you feel irritated, it’s an off vibration, either yours or the other persons. It’s vibration, and YOU have the power(vibration) to shift it. We are awakening to the understanding of how vibration works and how all is connected through a vibrational network.

If you want to manifest(create) something, vibrate to that frequency. There have been studies of the human form and its impact on vibrational energy documented as early as 1928. The Buddha said, “anything that arises in the mind starts flowing as a sensation on the body.” If everything vibrates and vibration affects our life and our physical bodies, and we manifest based on those vibrations, how can we attract what we want in our life? 

Vibrations of the same frequency resonate with each other, so like attracts like energy. As human energy, our vibration creates and magnetizes like frequencies to us. When we focus on a particular thought or idea, it will eventually attract its vibrational match. Vibrational matches include both high (happy) or low (sad) frequencies. 

The strongest vibrational magnet starts with your emotions and how you feel about something. Whenever you are transitioning to something new or different, your emotions are releasing, expanding, and evolving. You may want to use the help of other vibrational frequencies to keep your emotional vibrational energy high. Music in the frequency of 432Hz works at the heart chakra, “the feeling,” and therefore could influence the emotional change in any situation. 432Hz is our actual heart frequency and, thus, can contribute to creating a sense of balance. 528Hz, according to Dr. Leonard Horowitz, is believed to have the ability to heal damaged DNA. It is also the Earth vibration, so a vibration of 528Hz grounds us to earth and all her natural healing abilities. There have been scientific leaps in understanding vibration. Studies in this area continue as science becomes more interested and evolves in understanding the impacts of energy on the physical bodies, emotional and spiritual bodies. 2023 is another LEAP year in Acoustic Technologies TM.

February is a great month to focus on emotions from the heart. Venus will move through Pisces into Aries in February reminding and illuminated for us, what we believe about our heart and relationships. The full moon on Feb. 5 will illuminate areas of the heart to either clear or expand. The full moon is in Leo, with an archetype of ‘I WILL.’ This energy is about also sexuality and eroticism, creative expression, and you’ll feel the force of proving to others ‘I WILL’. Address any illumination to areas of truth, things you’ve not wanted to admit, or the world to know. Free this energy so that you can focus on the pure vibration of the heart, and the real things you want to manifest in your life Love to all of you – from the higher dimensions of joy, bliss and continued balance of truthful love. Here are a few reminders to help you let go:

  • Let go of all thoughts that don’t make you feel empowered and strong.
  • Let go of feeling guilty for doing what you truly want to do.
  • Let go of the fear of the unknown; take one small step and watch the path reveal itself.
  • Let go of regrets; at one point in your life, that “whatever” was exactly what you wanted.
  • Let go of worrying; worrying is like praying for what you don’t want.
  • Let go of blaming anyone for anything; be accountable for your own life. If you don’t like something, you have two choices, accept it or change it.
  • Let go of thinking you are damaged; you matter, and the world needs you just as you are.
  • Let go of thinking your dreams are not important; always follow your heart.
  • Let go of being the “go-to person” for everyone, all the time; stop blowing yourself off and take care of yourself first … because you matter.
  • Let go of thinking everyone else is happier, more successful or better off than you. You are right where you need to be. Your journey is unfolding perfectly for you. 

New Moon on Feb. 20 is in Pisces with the archetype of I Believe. It’s a time to believe in yourself, your actions and how you can be more present every day. To hear more about the planetary and energy influences of February list to What’s Up with the Energies of February

Shine on -💖 Laurie – In Gratitude and be Blessed.

November – New Phase Ahead

The picture to the right is the sunrise over Lake Superior, taken on my annual north shore wandering. I timed this trip with the powerful Full Moon in October and autumn seasonal changes. While tromping in the woods and listening to the crunch of leaves under my feet, I couldn’t help but notice how well nature lets go. Dead things need to fall away, and there is lost energy in trying to keep dead things living when the Universe is always making space for something new. There are natural cycles in everything. Sometimes these are ideas, projects, or dreams that have run their course, and the Universe is nudging us to move our energy elsewhere. The full moon of October, Pluto and Saturn turning direct, and the Solar Eclipse at the end of the month were all magic moments meant to give us insight and propel us forward into a new cycle. If you want to go back and revisit the planetary impacts of October, Read Here

November feels like it might be a month of cleanup as we are now in the position to re-assess our current projects, our approach to getting what we want, and what we desire our lives to be. We may feel more sureness in our direction, or it’s the sureness of the path we DON’T want to take. Mars retrograde energy means our drive will be more internalized, intensified, personalized, and perhaps pressurized. There can be passive-aggressive behavior during this time, which always is a good time to reflect and renew our self-care practices. 

Prior to the November gateway of 11:11, November 8 is the Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, so we can expect some disruptions in those things we feel are our stability – finances, home, and personal relationships. Disruptions can, however, create the opportunity to approach an old situation differently. Use the Lunar light to show you how. 

As I hiked some of my favorite trails along the North Shore, I was reminded of turning off and tuning in. Cell reception isn’t the best in the north woods and creates the gift of forced unplugging. I had my son’s 14-year-old dog along, and he reminded me there is always something ‘new’ to investigate every few steps. The Universe is like that. Always providing the opportunity to explore. We need to slow down and look. With the end of the year pressures ahead and any stress of the holidays, it is essential to play, unplug, and be present. Greet each sunrise as a day with new surprises and opportunities. With all great endings there are also great beginnings, and when we feel we’ve been challenged, the universe often offers us reward.

The Universe offers portals/gateways for us to explore, but the greatest portal is YOU. This month could be intense, but if you understand how to be in the energy flow, it might be a powerful month that helps launch you into 2023-2024. Shine on -💖 Laurie – In gratitude of all that follow my messages.

March 2019 – Wondra-ing Spring Yet?

I’m writing this as I’m watching the snow continue outside my window. Yes I’m snowed in! After my annual wandering trip West into the sunshine states, I, like many Minnesotans ponder our seasons here. I marvel at our endurance, and our vitality in how we embrace the weather with winter gear, layers, shovels, and snowshoes. We are masters of statistical weather facts as we await spring. We celebrate the annual return of the birds, warm weather and grass as we sport shorts and flip flops earlier than most state inhabitants. We are resilient as we quickly move on from the snowstorms and polar vortex weather of the past while being amused of the snow falls experienced in Nevada, California, Arizona and well as up and down the east coast.

There may be scientific weather reasons for the frigid cold and pummeling of waves of snow, but there are also energetic reasons. Repeated or extended weather patterns tend to keep us inside or in one place. I see it as an opportunity to do more internal processing, resting and sometimes more connection with those closest to us. The snow and water is good earth cleansing, but also it is another way of slowing us down, drawing us in to be more contemplative. Water represents our emotions, and we’ve been working on deep emotions most the winter. Time to wash some of that away too!. The Aries energy of Uranus and Chiron are giving us the push in our souls to get moving. Almost like cabin-fever of the soul. It is not a time to rush, but to act purposefully in all our actions as we plan for spring.
The portals to clear old energies of 2016-2018 have closed, but we still may be wondering where we’ve been the last few years. We’re planting seeds for new crops that will take us through the next 4-6 years, and the universe is providing a plethora of clues. March 6 New Moon brings energy and freshness about 2019. Spring Begins on March 20th with a Full Moon, also will be powerful illumination of new pathways. There is another energetic portal between March 20th full moon, and April 19 Full moon – prime planting perhaps? Listen to your soul, it always knows the path. 
Shine ON – Love and Light to you this March ~Laurie

February Wonder-ing

We are wrapping up January, and the energetic remnants of 2018 that are still playing in our energy field. Many things that have surfaced for us are in the final stages before they vibrate out of our field near the end of February. Hang in there, some may not yet feel all the stability and excitement of 2019, but it’s on its way. In numerology 2019 it’s a ‘3’ year, and is a significant number in Numerology. It can be a magic year for many of us. Three is a symbol of the Trinity and a number that brings good luck. It’s known to inspire and encourage generosity, power, and positivity. On the heels of two January Eclipses that help propel us forward, it’s already begun as a magical year. Its creative energy gives people the strength they need to express their ideas freely. It motivates all the life paths to rise to the challenges they face as well as to defeat the obstacles that may be presented.  

It’s a year of potential and good things on the horizon. The universe provides new pathways and clues to our alignment to those pathways. February is a month to wonder so be aware of this energy. 
When you travel are you one that likes your trip to be perfectly mapped? No surprises, all details planned out for the journey? Then you may struggle with all the options before you now. If you like variety, challenges, adventure, and alternatives to choose any path, then time may seem easy and fun for you. Our pathways have detours, road construction and the opportunity to get lost, or to see great things. Observe where you are and where you have been only to help you go forward. Enjoy this journey. Shine your light, be authentic to your truth and be patient but continue to be in awe, wonderment, and curiosity of what may be ahead.

2019 Happy New Year – In Gratitude

In gratitude of YOU! For the connections, the support, the shining of your light. I appreciate and honor you.  For all who have trusted in me to connect with angels, guides, ascended masters, astral beings and your loved ones(in both human or pet form) to deliver messages and teachings of wisdom, love or healing. For allowing me to be this conduit for the words of the universe and being open to hearing through these newsletters, free calls, podcasts and wherever I am speaking. Thank you for listening and for your valuable questions, topics, and feedback.  

2018 was a demolition year for so many. We’ve worked so hard to create visions and dreams for our future in the midst of challenge. The universe always hears our wishes, desires, ideas, and goals and now the universe is beginning to deliver those things we were asking for or working towards. Our challenge in early 2019 is to not sabotage what is being shone or brought to you. As humans, we do this by believing we don’t deserve, or we aren’t good enough to sustain something. It might appear too good to be true, so we avoid or dismiss it. Pay attention now as we see the glimmers of our desires that our souls have been waiting for, it’s our humanness that has a tendency of getting in the way and becoming the roadblock. 
We bounce into January with a New Moon – Solar Eclipse Jan 5-6 followed by a Full Moon / Eclipse on January 20-21. Eclipses are powerful as end a cycle and begin a new cycle. Given this eclipse season kicks off in the new year, watch what is happening around you, with you, or involving you as it will provide clues to what your 2019 may look like. The first full moon of the new year is often representative of last chance to leave the previous year residue behind. So you will have a few weeks for these clues to present themselves and adjust how you act or react to them. We are always receiving messages, translation of the messages will depend on your practices, new coping skills, and openness to change as the universe shows you where you need to shift next.  

2019 is a building year. Did you define your design to your soul specifications, or do you need to make some changes (tweaks or significant)? This is the time for adjustments and gratitude for what is being shown to you. We’ll end 2019 with a Solar Eclipse on December 26, and the universe will support us as we leap into 2020 and even greater transformations in our personal lives, relationships, community, and careers.   

My wish for you this holiday season is calm, peace, and that you be held in the vibration of love and in an environment that supports unconditional love. My wish for you is that you shine your light so bright that others recognize your soul essence. My desire for you this holiday season is healing, health, love, peace and that your dreams manifest. 
Shine ON – Love and Light ~Laurie

December 2018 – My Wish For You

My wish for you this holiday season is calm, peace, and that you be surrounded by people that support this energy. My wish for you is that you be held in the vibration of love and the environment that supports unconditional love. My wish for you is that you shine your light so bright that others recognize your soul essence.
Being in a state of worry, or replaying a ‘stress’ event continues this process. We know this impact on the physical body, our pupils dilate, our heart rate increases, glucose is released in our system for bursts of fleeing energy and blood flow moves to our extremities away from our internal organs so we can move quickly. Our immune system takes a hit as it adrenaline and cortisol flood our muscles to assist in defending us. Circulation in the brain shifts to reaction vs. thought and analysis. We know the chemical reaction and its impact over time, but what is the effect of stress on our auric bodies?
The Etheric Energy Body – The second etheric layer is the skin of our energy fields. It feeds us information about them and me. This auric field begins to contain holes, and we experience conflict between our inner and outer world. We start to lose the ability to differentiate between mine and yours, and it begins to feel like you are taking it all on! The chakra system in the body slows or even stops to self-preserve.  
The Emotional Energy Body – The emotional layer is the keeper of your feelings. It is here where both fears and celebrations reside.  Feelings are gathered and explode in the space of rawness. We begin to shut down emotionally, and the first thing we do is disconnect from other sources of emotions (people) The emotional body, which is where we manifest from retreats or flattens, and it moves to survival mode. It shrinks and hunkers down. Emotions can be out of control, or there are none. The chakra energy points for our identity, security, expression, intelligence and intuitive spirit and basis for how we live is altered.  The universe will begin to interject in an attempt to wake us from this state.
The Mental Energy Body – Our belief systems are also stored here. This is where our thoughts are assimilated and sorted out. It is where ideas evolve to the outer energy fields. In this layer, our personal truths, or rather, our perceptions based on our experiences are stored.  This is where fear, doubt, overwhelm creep in. We move into analysis paralysis and further shut down from any or all opportunities that the universe may present. NOTHING presented to us filters in. This is where we begin to say things like, ” oh I tried that, it won’t work, nothing will work.” We feel defeated feel hopeless.    
The Spiritual/Astral Energy Body – The spiritual layer of the human energy field is the final layer. It has been said to be the place where our “consciousness” or “higher awareness” resides.  We begin to lose our connection to our soul journey, soul purpose and the divine outer light that is always there to assist us. Living in stress is living in a constant state of chemical imbalance as we try to survive. ALL layers of our being are impacted, and this stunts our normal evolution process
@ 2017 Laurie Wondra – Evolving as a Higher being. ‘
My wish for you this holiday season is healing, health, love, peace and that your dreams manifest. My wish for you is that you shine your light so bright that others recognize your soul essence. 
Shine ON – Love and Light ~Laurie

August 2017 – Eclipse Energies –

We’ve been waiting for the Lion’s Gate, Lunar and Solar Eclipse!   

August is an energy packed month. There is a Full Moon on Monday, August 7 that is a partial lunar eclipse, followed by the Lion’s gate portal opening on August 8 and the New Moon on August 21 is a solar eclipse that is visible across a path of North America.

Eclipse energy has always fascinated me. This is the energy many of us have been feeling and waiting for !  It’s tremendously creative and has the power and punch to etherically push us along on our journey.

The energy of the eclipses always brings a twist that you won’t expect. Some eclipses are challenging while others bear gifts and opportunities. Few cosmic events are capable of bringing such dramatically good news. August is one of these months of opportunity and shift.

What are a solar eclipse and a lunar eclipse?

-A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth stands between the moon and the Sun, cutting off the light of the Sun from the moon. A lunar eclipse is always a full moon and usually marks endings or culmination points. They bring up memories, dreams, and emotions, so they often pack a big punch. – An eclipse of the moon will center more on the prominent women in your life (mother, wife, or female boss, for instance). This is not always the case, but you will find this will be a good rule of thumb. This may also impact the feminine side of your body (left side) and lots of movement in our hips and lower back, so you might be energetically feeling it here.


– A solar eclipse occurs when the moon stands between the Sun and the Earth, cutting off the light of the Sun. A solar eclipse is always a new moon and in astrology tends to mark new beginnings. – An eclipse of the Sun will more likely focus you on a prominent male in your life (father, husband, boss, or another key man). This energy often is felt in the head or sinuses and this month’s intensity may create some pressure there as well as foggy-ness.


Solar eclipses – Represent New Beginnings – most the time it means HAPPY. (Occasionally something may end too, but the accent will be more on the start than the finish.)  If something ends, it means you were not aligned on your path.  The changes could come gradually or suddenly. Still, the news or timing of those changes often comes as a surprise. If a solar eclipse falls on or within a few days of your birthday, you will certainly feel the effects of it over the course of the year. Changes will be complete by the time you reach your next birthday.


Eclipses come in pairs, always as a new moon and full moon two weeks apart and come up every five-and-a-half months. The eclipses in February 2017 gave us clues to how this energy may be directed now in August.

At eclipse time, we realize that we can’t control everything – they are meant to help us to evolve and to become more mature, seasoned, reflective, and philosophical. This is a time to expect the unexpected and to allow space for the unexpected. Be in your heart and not as much in your head thinking how ‘things’ should be. This is the space the universe fills in something different or better than what you’d thought of. It sometimes doesn’t feel this way, but these eclipses are about evolution and alignment of our soul as we progress to higher dimensions of being, all while gaining access to more aspects of information. So the unexpected might be something that’s not even on your radar as you evolve to new space.

Events that follow an eclipse have more weight than events brought on by a typical new or full moon. In fact, an eclipse is like a new or full moon on steroids! The events brought on by an eclipse often pack much more punch and may even bring on an event that seems “fated.”

Keep this rule in mind: The universe will not abide empty space. Whenever a vacuum is created, the universe rushes to fill it. Have faith that this will happen in your life and all that you “lose” will be replaced. Often the next stage turns out to be far better than the one you just left.


Points to Keep in Mind

  1. Eclipses are dramatic “wild cards” in our horoscopes that we don’t see coming.
  2. Eclipses bring news of big life events.
  3. Eclipses always bring unexpected changes of direction
  4. You may feel like you are walking across a bridge to a new land at eclipse time.
  5. Eclipses will always play with our sense of time and change it by compressing it and speeding things up.
  6. Eclipses can help you do things you never thought you could do, overcome fears, and show yes, you CAN do it!
  7. The ancients always wrote that if you act under an eclipse, especially a full moon eclipse (lunar), the plan will not work out quite the way you expected.
  8. Often a lunar eclipse will remove a person or element in your life that you thought you needed but don’t.
  9. Keep this rule in mind: The universe will not abide empty space. Whenever a vacuum is created, the universe rushes to fill it.
  10. Take note of ALL news and signals you get near eclipses.

During the intensity of August energy, create time to expand the space for the universe to fill in. When things begin to show up, you’ll get to decide to take action or not. Remember taking no action is taking the action of doing nothing, so be aware of the focus of what you want.