December 2018 – My Wish For You

My wish for you this holiday season is calm, peace, and that you be surrounded by people that support this energy. My wish for you is that you be held in the vibration of love and the environment that supports unconditional love. My wish for you is that you shine your light so bright that others recognize your soul essence.
Being in a state of worry, or replaying a ‘stress’ event continues this process. We know this impact on the physical body, our pupils dilate, our heart rate increases, glucose is released in our system for bursts of fleeing energy and blood flow moves to our extremities away from our internal organs so we can move quickly. Our immune system takes a hit as it adrenaline and cortisol flood our muscles to assist in defending us. Circulation in the brain shifts to reaction vs. thought and analysis. We know the chemical reaction and its impact over time, but what is the effect of stress on our auric bodies?
The Etheric Energy Body – The second etheric layer is the skin of our energy fields. It feeds us information about them and me. This auric field begins to contain holes, and we experience conflict between our inner and outer world. We start to lose the ability to differentiate between mine and yours, and it begins to feel like you are taking it all on! The chakra system in the body slows or even stops to self-preserve.  
The Emotional Energy Body – The emotional layer is the keeper of your feelings. It is here where both fears and celebrations reside.  Feelings are gathered and explode in the space of rawness. We begin to shut down emotionally, and the first thing we do is disconnect from other sources of emotions (people) The emotional body, which is where we manifest from retreats or flattens, and it moves to survival mode. It shrinks and hunkers down. Emotions can be out of control, or there are none. The chakra energy points for our identity, security, expression, intelligence and intuitive spirit and basis for how we live is altered.  The universe will begin to interject in an attempt to wake us from this state.
The Mental Energy Body – Our belief systems are also stored here. This is where our thoughts are assimilated and sorted out. It is where ideas evolve to the outer energy fields. In this layer, our personal truths, or rather, our perceptions based on our experiences are stored.  This is where fear, doubt, overwhelm creep in. We move into analysis paralysis and further shut down from any or all opportunities that the universe may present. NOTHING presented to us filters in. This is where we begin to say things like, ” oh I tried that, it won’t work, nothing will work.” We feel defeated feel hopeless.    
The Spiritual/Astral Energy Body – The spiritual layer of the human energy field is the final layer. It has been said to be the place where our “consciousness” or “higher awareness” resides.  We begin to lose our connection to our soul journey, soul purpose and the divine outer light that is always there to assist us. Living in stress is living in a constant state of chemical imbalance as we try to survive. ALL layers of our being are impacted, and this stunts our normal evolution process
@ 2017 Laurie Wondra – Evolving as a Higher being. ‘
My wish for you this holiday season is healing, health, love, peace and that your dreams manifest. My wish for you is that you shine your light so bright that others recognize your soul essence. 
Shine ON – Love and Light ~Laurie