The Christmas Table Cloth

We are coming in to a new Holiday Season again. It’s the time of year we perhaps gather more frequently with family and friends.   It’s also a time of year we are most often reminiscent of our loved ones that have passed on.   The holiday season was a big part of my childhood. Family gatherings, festive décor, and a table that hosted traditional holiday food.

I am blessed to work with so many lovely souls from this plane and beyond.  I am reminded again today that they are very much near us, especially during times of great joy, laughter, happiness and moments of tradition.   I had one of those moments this morning as I was pulling out all my holiday  table clothes to prepare for the holiday season.   My mom LOVED Christmas.  This was a time when all her family gathered at home on Christmas eve and celebrate the traditions she’d been raised with.  Food, singing, food, gifts, food, and lots of hugs and laughter.  She would prepare for weeks and even with nearly 50 of us, siblings, grandchildren and great grand children, she remembered us all.    After she could no longer host all of us, I would open my home to Christmas celebrations. She loved having us all together.  Today my siblings and their children are scattered across the states, and like many families that get busy with life,  we gather when we  can.


Knowing my mom’s  love of Christmas and entertaining,  as I traveled the world I would bring her things from around the world.  Rocks yes… but also other items.    On one such trip to Italy I purchased a Christmas linen set, and tucked it away to give to her for Christmas.  However, somewhere between unpacking my luggage and Christmas the Italian linen set was misplaced.   That was nine or ten  years ago, and there’s been a house move and the dining room furniture has since been replaced.  Today, as I was pulling out my linens from the bureau – there it was, in its original package.      I can’t explain where it’s been and why it is there today, but here it is and it is now in my possession and will be used each holiday season in acknowledgement of the family  members we have here and beyond.   Remember they are very much part of our lives…..       Love to all.