How Do I Know this is a Sign

How do I know ?


The number one question I get asked when I teach about intuition is, ‘How do I know when I get a sign?’


The answer is to be aware of your surroundings and notice when things are out of the ordinary. When signs or symbols happen in threes, or objects are not where you’d normally find them, or when something, someone, or an animal is persistent in getting your attention, it’s an indication that you are getting a message. Pay attention to what you were doing at that time, or if you asked a question and wanted a sign, then this is your sign. Here was my sign today.


Many years ago I came across a list of language clarifiers designed to help you find potential inhibitors in normal language patterns. I’ve adapted and adjusted them to the energy world and every so often I pull them out and review them again to add, remove or modify them. Today I was pondering whether I would send a newsletter, and debating about sharing this list in this newsletter as a way to help readers move through all this change we are experiencing. I was wondering how I could help others understand their stories and the importance of modifying the stories that no longer fit when I was interrupted in those thoughts by the screeching of an eagle.


I see eagles often, and I feel their energy when I’m out in nature, but I usually don’t hear them, especially while I’m working in my office.   I went outside to investigate and see if it was an eagle, hawk or perhaps some other noise in my neighborhood that was drawing my attention. It was indeed an eagle and his screeching continued so I grabbed my phone and recorded. You can watch that short video clip on my Facebook business page Laurie Wondra YourLifeCore or website under the FAQ tab.


As I said out loud in the video that I was going to go see if I could pinpoint where he was I suddenly felt his energy above me. Yup, he was flying directly above me. The moment I acknowledged him, I felt a deep sense of gratitude, and he disappeared.   He not only disappeared from the sky but his screeching also stopped. This was a distinct message and I believe it was to send this newsletter and share these this message about the Power of Words – 12 Clarifiers.


The Power of Words – 12 Clarifiers


1. Urgent or Important?
Is this situation, event or matter urgent or is it important? This is similar to if something is a problem or concern. What will happen if it is not addressed or a solution determined ? Is there an inherent risk or will something greater happen if not addressed now? Is it urgent for you or for someone else? Sometimes we have responsibility to others, but this may not always be the case. Someone else’s urgent issue doesn’t necessarily make it your urgent issue.


2. Addressed or Avoiding?
Are you avoiding something that keeps coming back? This is an indication you need to address it. Finish it, complete it, close it.   If something is avoided and it keeps coming back you have energy tied to this. This can be wasted energy and by addressing it you free that energy to be spent on something more forwarding.


3. Accurate or Interpretation?
Another great question to ask, is … Is this TRUE?   This might be a bit tough for some when you are first starting to use your intuition and you find yourself asking if you are interpreting correct.  Even when using intuition ask your higher self. Is this true? Is it an interpretation based on my past and perhaps not where I am today? Is this accurate or is this an interpretation or belief that may require more information? If you need more information ask for that too. This may be a good time to ask for a sign!


4. Open or Resistant?
When you do ask for that sign, are you open to receive whatever the answer is, hearing it even if you don’t like the answer or are you resistant.  I once watched someone pull angel card after angel card because they didn’t like the answer, only to draw the SAME card. Be open, it’s the opportunity to learn, grow and know, it’s what you NEED at this particular moment of your journey.


5. Internal or External Reference Point?
Where is the information coming from? An internal belief, and external influence or empathic feeling? Can you identify if this feeling you have is yours or someone else’s. Is it perhaps an old story or recording that needs to be deleted or re-recorded with changes ?


6. Want or Could/Should/Need?
We face this question every day, and if you have kids you may face this question many times during a day. The world is abundant and we live in abundance, but sometimes we must ask ourselves is this simply a want or is this something for my higher purpose? Is this a momentary desire or something that I truly want/need long term? This is important during times of manifestation as you want to focus on the manifestations that are for your highest purpose, which may not always be aligned to what you think you want/need.


7. Opportunity or Possibility?
Is it a real opportunity or just a possibility? During these times of intense creativity and dreaming we have information available to us in new dimensions and at new depths. Our lives provide us with situations to explore opportunities and possibilities. It may be important for you to distinguish if your energy is to be focused on the opportunity or the possibility of the opportunity. Understand the difference and this will help to guide your energy.


8. Source or Symptom?
In any situation that requires problem solving you get to ask if this is the source or only a symptom of something deeper. As we work through the layers of our life patterns, beliefs and stories if we think we have the source ask one more time if there is another layer deeper and if you have truly reached the source or is it another symptom.  Go deep!


9. Response or Reaction?
When you have an opportunity are you responsive to it, or do you find you are often in reactionary mode?   Most people don’t like surprises and the universe usually gives plenty of warning, or messages to changes that are coming our way. You may have had an experience that after an event occurs you find yourself acknowledging  “I knew that was going to happen”, or “I saw that coming”.   If you find yourself in a perpetual mode of reaction, then spend more time focusing on being present in THIS day, or THIS moment so you can pick up the signs.


10. Create or Eliminate?
Is it time to create something new or eliminate ? Feeling stuck, on hold, board ? This might be an indication that it’s time to eliminate that which no longer matches your frequency and create something new that is more in alignment with where your frequency is.   Sometimes ‘old’ doesn’t fit in your new vibrational frequency and you have to eliminate it.


11. Present or Past?
Is this situation part of your past, present or future? Our past experiences are important to us as they help us clear, learn and move forward. If you have a past event or situation that holds you back from evolving, or your beliefs are old beliefs tied to an old story, then it may be time to look at these event with new light. The past is an aid to move you forward, not to hold you back. If you are the new-employee starting a new job and you continue to comment about how your old-company functioned you may be shutting down the opportunities to SEE what is present in this environment.


12. Toward or Away From?
As you move through evolution and change, you get to ask, am I running away from something I do not like or I fear, or am I moving towards something that is more in alignment of your journey. If you are running away from something, it runs too, and it will catch up with you.   Do the work now and then move forward.

Signs from Beyond

What does it mean…

I often get questions about odd events or circumstances and if it was a sign from beyond.   These events are often unexplainable and they become memorable because they catch us off guard during our normal routines. What, or who was it and what did they want are the biggest questions.   Sometimes there are messages, information, but most are intended to wake us up to the possibility that there is something or someone trying to reach us.    Clients may start their email, “you may think I’m crazy, but… “.   I don’t think of them crazy or odd at all.   I am, however, noticing that the attempts to reach us are becoming more frequent and more urgent. I believe this is because we are collectively raising our vibrational frequencies which is opening our senses more and is also making it easier to access this information around us.   I also believe we have more information and education available to us that teach us how to raise our personal frequency and then alert us to this information.   There are still many events that are left for interpretation, or just simply become a mystery.

Recently I was working from home, the kids were also home and I was having my house cleaned.  I was in my office preparing to see clients when all smoke detectors went off in the house.   I waited for a moment to see if they would shut off, my kids congregating in the entry of our home, looking at each other in that moment of … ‘now what’. The cleaning people began checking for smoke. By the panicked look on their faces, they were ready to run. This has happened before and is usually related to an electrical charge in the environment of the house.   The only way to shut them off and to recycle the alarm system is to cut the main circuit in the house.   As the animals were running for safe hiding, I was headed to for the main circuit breaker in the basement.   This time as I hit the breaker, the alarms did not shut off. They continued to blare even as I turned the power back on in the house.   My mind quickly went from asking, is this a fire emergency, an electrical surge or a message from someone beyond. Since the kids have been through this before they quickly surmised there was no smoke therefore it was me connecting with the energies of beyond again. As I came back up upstairs from the basement I stared into the wide-eyed cleaning team, ready with cell phone in hand, poised to call the fire department…… and suddenly the alarm stopped.    It was a message for one of the members of the team from his mom and I needed to share at that moment who I was and what I do and more importantly his moms message.     Then politely asked his mom if I could get back to work without interruption.

When something unexplainable happens……..

This last Halloween I and a friend were handing out candy. Dressed in costume ourselves we got into the spirit and excitement of all the kids coming to the door.   In between the groups we’d talk while keeping an eye on the door and street watching the kids run from home to home . My son was in the garage enticing kids with a giant spider that would creep out under the slightly open garage door.   We could hear the action in front of the garage by the giggles, screams and the sounds from all the Halloween motion activated toys turning on.  As my friend and I stood talking, a full size Reese’s peanut butter cup candy bar fell directly outside by the front door.     I wasn’t handing out full size Reese’s.. There were no kids in the street, on the side walk or in the yard… and I have a balcony overhang above my door making it impossible to drop anything from above… but yet it did…. and both of us witnessed this magic candy bar now on my front steps…   A Halloween gift from the heavens…   This will be one of those events in my life that I will forever wonder about..   When something unexplainable happens, we get to simply believe and say thank you.   I thank the heavens for that candy bar and the new found belief that ‘things’ can drop from the universe.

Both events happened when least expected and both with such force or oddity that caused all that were present to pause, wonder and then talk about it.

As the veil continues to thin and we continue to move to higher consciousness the methods and times for our loved ones, as well as angels and guides to connect with us continues to evolve. The question is… are we aware of the expansion of energy. Are we open to these mysterious events so when they do happen we welcome them rather than reason them away to other things.   November is another energy charged month with energy that is pushing us forward. Preparing us for 2015 and beyond. Urging us to be open and receptive to information from all elements of the universe.

Love and Light

Signs from above

July was packed full of adventure and learning as Em and I traveled to Peru to trek the 26 mile Inca trail to Machu Picchu.   At 9000 feet we began our trek and for four days and three nights we lived on the mountain. Hiking to the highest point of 14,000 feet, then descending to the SunGate at 9,000 feet, and finishing at Machu Picchu at 7,800 feet. It wasn’t just an up-down trail – but an up-down-up-up-up-down-down-up-down trail…     At times I found my knee hitting my nose as I climbed the steps that had been placed by the Inca’s hundreds of years ago.   We’d rise anywhere between 4:30 and 6 am and hike all day, making sure we’d make it to the next campsite before dark. It was a trek that tested our emotional and physical beings, but I’d do it again in a heartbeat !! Our adventure did not stop there, we did several other smaller treks; met and worked with Q’ero Shaman, made a few stops at the markets, and ended the trip with volunteer work in the hospitals in Cusco with Smile Network International.  For this volunteer work, we spent a day helping screen over 100 children for the possibility of surgery to correct cleft palate or cleft lip.  Over the rest of the week, the surgeons did over 50 surgeries . Em and I were blessed to have helped for three surgeries before we headed back to the US.

Julio was our second patient we followed that day. He was 17 and had traveled to the hospital two days earlier for the screening process. He was nervous and shook in the chair as we waited for the thumbs up for when they were ready for him in the operating room. This was going to be an hour long surgery to repair his cleft lip. The surgeon, physician’s assistant and anesthesiologist gave us the boundaries for sterile safety, yet encouraged us to watch and ask questions. If we felt any queasiness we were to back up to the wall and sit down.

Julio never knew his father, since he died when Julio was a baby, and Julio’s mother left him before he was a year old to go start another family – as was explained through our interpreter.  He was raised by his two uncles and aunt.     During Julio’s surgery and recovery, it was Emma and my job to communicate to the family his status. We were excited to tell his uncles when he was all done with his surgery. That the surgeon said Julio will be all ready to ‘kiss the girls now’. This removed the worried look from their faces and they laughed.  We waited with Julio in post-surgery as the anesthesia began to wear off.

We walked back out to the waiting area to tell his uncles he was now awake and we would soon be moving him to the recovery ward where he would stay overnight.   At this time we had a chance to sit down with his uncles and learn more about them.   We learned that Julio was very shy in school, and was made fun of most his life.    He loved soccer and math. Though he wasn’t sure what he wanted to do when he grew up, his uncles hoped he would become a truck driver.  He had step siblings but didn’t see them very often and his mother did not know he was at the hospital having the surgery. The uncles were quick to add they thought they would take him to see her and surprise her.   They thought Julio’s life would change now, and others would no longer stare at him. They thought this surgery would allow all doors to open for him and it would give him better chances in life.

We returned to the post op ward to help transport Julio to the recovery section of the hospital and we waited for his Uncles to join us there.   Em and I encouraged him to take deep breaths and drink juice.   The looks on his Uncles faces when they walked in to the room will forever be remembered by Em, I and the interpreter.   There was not a dry eye in the room !     To think his life changed in ONE hour.     Our 26 mile mountain trek suddenly felt insignificant to the miles this 17 year old had lived.

When we got home, I washed and dried the hospital scrubs we’d work in while at the hospital. From the dryer fell a dime. This dime had been in Em’s scrub pants pocket.   When we were preparing for Julio’s surgery, the surgeon  picked up a dime from the operating room floor and handed it to Em, saying ‘it must be your lucky day’.   Em and I locked eyes, and we both began to tear up.   I often talk about signs from heaven – like finding pennies and dimes and sometimes even feathers in odd places.   So here on this operating room floor in Cuzco Peru, as his son’s surgery was to begin Julio’s dad wanted our attention. He had a message. He was there with his son and wanted to thank everyone in the room for the love, support and all the work they were doing.   Em quickly put the dime in her pocket as we were asked to focus on the work ahead.

Later when it was time for us to leave the hospital for the airport, we made one last visit to say goodbye to Julio. He was more alert now.   We hugged, said our words of joy and blessings and left with full hearts.   To the seventeen year old boy who’s future is bright and full of promises and to his family that walked for hours to bring him to the hospital so he could have this surgery – we send our love.

Love and Light to you … Laurie

Full Moon – August 10,   A great time to release

New Moon – August 25, A great time to set intents

Holiday Lefse

The holiday season is usually my busiest time of year when I do intuitive parties. People hire me to do group readings at their holiday parties, or they hire me to do individual intuitive readings for the guests at their parties. I’ve been doing this for years, and this winter it was busier than normal. My calendar was fully booked into the new year already in late October. The energies are shifting and more people are wanting to reach out to their loved ones.

Steph had hired me last year for a holiday gathering with friends. When she emailed me this year requesting to book me for another holiday party this year, my calendar was already booked full. I felt bad about not fitting her in on my calendar but offered to put her on a waiting list. A few days later I had a cancellation of a party on a Friday evening. I immediately emailed Steph and provided the Friday evening date and time and asked if she were interested. Within five minutes I received an email from her. “YES !!! I’ll take it ! ” read her email.

The day of the party came and I was working at my home office when Steph’s mom joined me. Steph’s mom had passed a number of years ago and I’d first met her spirit form at the party that Steph had hosted nearly a year ago. I’d gone to the home and when the hostess answered, I immediately felt the presence of a woman behind the hostess Steph. I asked her, “Who is the woman that is standing behind you ? She’s been baking cookies in my office all afternoon.” I proceeded to ask Steph, ” What are this oddly shaped things? She is showing me that she is putting dough over a stick or something that looks like a stick.” Steph looked at me with tears rolling down her face. “That’s my mom. She used to make special holiday cookies that way”.

Today this same woman was once again showing me her cookie technique. I gently asked her to leave so I could get the rest of my work done before I needed to leave for her daughters party. I felt the excitement of her energy so I acknowledged that I would see her that evening and tried to refocus on my work. Her energy was not going away, now I saw her directly in front of me holding a big mixing bowl. It was resting on her hip and secured with her arm. She was stirring something with a big wooden spoon. She was intense in her stirring, which made me curious. What was she stirring ? To me it looked like potato salad. I asked her if she was making potato salad. She said, “No”. I then asked her, “Is this German potato salad?” She abruptly responded, “Absolutely not!” I committed to asking Steph later about the bowl and the mixture within the bowl. For now I needed to get back to work, and once again gently asked the woman to so kindly wait until later.

That evening when I arrived at Steph’s home, she greeted me with a hug. She reminded me that last year when I came to the door, I’d asked her about the woman standing behind her. Tonight she wanted to know if that woman was there. I laughed, “Steph, she’s been in my office most the afternoon. First she showed me the funny cookies, but then she began to stir something.” I explained to Steph what I had seen. “Steph, WHAT is she stirring, it looks like potato salad, and she got irritated when I suggested it might be German potato salad. What is it ?”

Steph began to laugh. “Laurie, she is making lefse. She always demanded that we continue the tradition of making lefse on Christmas. Her response of ‘ABSOLUTELY not’ would have been exactly how she would have said that. Laurie I can hear her saying – ABSOLUTELY NOT.”

I’m of German heritage and have never eaten or even seen lefse. I would have no reference to what she was making, but certainly knew she didn’t like when I suggested potato salad.
Steph told me that her sister was coming to the party that night and she asked me to tell her sister this story when she arrived. Last year, Steph’s sister avoided the party because she was afraid and the pain of losing her mother too fierce. This year she could only come to the party if it was on a FRIDAY night… THE FRIDAY night that had so conveniently opened up on my calendar so Steph could have the party. There were other forces that were aligning this evening, and though I was not surprised at all, the sisters were in awe on how that particular evening had fallen in to place.

As the party guests arrived, so did Steph’s sister. I shared my potato salad story with her and she laughed then cried as she reminded all of us that their mom insisted that the tradition of these special cookies and lefse be served over the holidays.

Steph showed me to the room that I would be doing private readings for everyone during the party, and I settled in for all an evening of doing one-on-one readings with her party guests. At the end of the evening I returned to the main area of the home and they were all chattering excitedly. Steph said, “Laurie you have to sit down, we have to tell you about the wooden spoon that flew across the floor! We were all sitting in the dining area when we heard a LOUD smack. There laying in the middle of the kitchen floor was a wooden spoon. It hadn’t fallen from any of the food as it was clean, dry and there were no serving spoons missing from the dishes. We can’t explain where that spoon came from but we all believe it was the spoon mom was using to stir her lefse”.

I agree with Steph, it most likely was her mom contributing to celebration that evening !

May you be very blessed this holiday season. Remember to tell those around you that you love them, but also remember to tell those that have passed you also love and hold them close in your heart. Love and Light.

The Christmas Table Cloth

We are coming in to a new Holiday Season again. It’s the time of year we perhaps gather more frequently with family and friends.   It’s also a time of year we are most often reminiscent of our loved ones that have passed on.   The holiday season was a big part of my childhood. Family gatherings, festive décor, and a table that hosted traditional holiday food.

I am blessed to work with so many lovely souls from this plane and beyond.  I am reminded again today that they are very much near us, especially during times of great joy, laughter, happiness and moments of tradition.   I had one of those moments this morning as I was pulling out all my holiday  table clothes to prepare for the holiday season.   My mom LOVED Christmas.  This was a time when all her family gathered at home on Christmas eve and celebrate the traditions she’d been raised with.  Food, singing, food, gifts, food, and lots of hugs and laughter.  She would prepare for weeks and even with nearly 50 of us, siblings, grandchildren and great grand children, she remembered us all.    After she could no longer host all of us, I would open my home to Christmas celebrations. She loved having us all together.  Today my siblings and their children are scattered across the states, and like many families that get busy with life,  we gather when we  can.


Knowing my mom’s  love of Christmas and entertaining,  as I traveled the world I would bring her things from around the world.  Rocks yes… but also other items.    On one such trip to Italy I purchased a Christmas linen set, and tucked it away to give to her for Christmas.  However, somewhere between unpacking my luggage and Christmas the Italian linen set was misplaced.   That was nine or ten  years ago, and there’s been a house move and the dining room furniture has since been replaced.  Today, as I was pulling out my linens from the bureau – there it was, in its original package.      I can’t explain where it’s been and why it is there today, but here it is and it is now in my possession and will be used each holiday season in acknowledgement of the family  members we have here and beyond.   Remember they are very much part of our lives…..       Love to all.