How Do I Know this is a Sign

How do I know ?


The number one question I get asked when I teach about intuition is, ‘How do I know when I get a sign?’


The answer is to be aware of your surroundings and notice when things are out of the ordinary. When signs or symbols happen in threes, or objects are not where you’d normally find them, or when something, someone, or an animal is persistent in getting your attention, it’s an indication that you are getting a message. Pay attention to what you were doing at that time, or if you asked a question and wanted a sign, then this is your sign. Here was my sign today.


Many years ago I came across a list of language clarifiers designed to help you find potential inhibitors in normal language patterns. I’ve adapted and adjusted them to the energy world and every so often I pull them out and review them again to add, remove or modify them. Today I was pondering whether I would send a newsletter, and debating about sharing this list in this newsletter as a way to help readers move through all this change we are experiencing. I was wondering how I could help others understand their stories and the importance of modifying the stories that no longer fit when I was interrupted in those thoughts by the screeching of an eagle.


I see eagles often, and I feel their energy when I’m out in nature, but I usually don’t hear them, especially while I’m working in my office.   I went outside to investigate and see if it was an eagle, hawk or perhaps some other noise in my neighborhood that was drawing my attention. It was indeed an eagle and his screeching continued so I grabbed my phone and recorded. You can watch that short video clip on my Facebook business page Laurie Wondra YourLifeCore or website under the FAQ tab.


As I said out loud in the video that I was going to go see if I could pinpoint where he was I suddenly felt his energy above me. Yup, he was flying directly above me. The moment I acknowledged him, I felt a deep sense of gratitude, and he disappeared.   He not only disappeared from the sky but his screeching also stopped. This was a distinct message and I believe it was to send this newsletter and share these this message about the Power of Words – 12 Clarifiers.


The Power of Words – 12 Clarifiers


1. Urgent or Important?
Is this situation, event or matter urgent or is it important? This is similar to if something is a problem or concern. What will happen if it is not addressed or a solution determined ? Is there an inherent risk or will something greater happen if not addressed now? Is it urgent for you or for someone else? Sometimes we have responsibility to others, but this may not always be the case. Someone else’s urgent issue doesn’t necessarily make it your urgent issue.


2. Addressed or Avoiding?
Are you avoiding something that keeps coming back? This is an indication you need to address it. Finish it, complete it, close it.   If something is avoided and it keeps coming back you have energy tied to this. This can be wasted energy and by addressing it you free that energy to be spent on something more forwarding.


3. Accurate or Interpretation?
Another great question to ask, is … Is this TRUE?   This might be a bit tough for some when you are first starting to use your intuition and you find yourself asking if you are interpreting correct.  Even when using intuition ask your higher self. Is this true? Is it an interpretation based on my past and perhaps not where I am today? Is this accurate or is this an interpretation or belief that may require more information? If you need more information ask for that too. This may be a good time to ask for a sign!


4. Open or Resistant?
When you do ask for that sign, are you open to receive whatever the answer is, hearing it even if you don’t like the answer or are you resistant.  I once watched someone pull angel card after angel card because they didn’t like the answer, only to draw the SAME card. Be open, it’s the opportunity to learn, grow and know, it’s what you NEED at this particular moment of your journey.


5. Internal or External Reference Point?
Where is the information coming from? An internal belief, and external influence or empathic feeling? Can you identify if this feeling you have is yours or someone else’s. Is it perhaps an old story or recording that needs to be deleted or re-recorded with changes ?


6. Want or Could/Should/Need?
We face this question every day, and if you have kids you may face this question many times during a day. The world is abundant and we live in abundance, but sometimes we must ask ourselves is this simply a want or is this something for my higher purpose? Is this a momentary desire or something that I truly want/need long term? This is important during times of manifestation as you want to focus on the manifestations that are for your highest purpose, which may not always be aligned to what you think you want/need.


7. Opportunity or Possibility?
Is it a real opportunity or just a possibility? During these times of intense creativity and dreaming we have information available to us in new dimensions and at new depths. Our lives provide us with situations to explore opportunities and possibilities. It may be important for you to distinguish if your energy is to be focused on the opportunity or the possibility of the opportunity. Understand the difference and this will help to guide your energy.


8. Source or Symptom?
In any situation that requires problem solving you get to ask if this is the source or only a symptom of something deeper. As we work through the layers of our life patterns, beliefs and stories if we think we have the source ask one more time if there is another layer deeper and if you have truly reached the source or is it another symptom.  Go deep!


9. Response or Reaction?
When you have an opportunity are you responsive to it, or do you find you are often in reactionary mode?   Most people don’t like surprises and the universe usually gives plenty of warning, or messages to changes that are coming our way. You may have had an experience that after an event occurs you find yourself acknowledging  “I knew that was going to happen”, or “I saw that coming”.   If you find yourself in a perpetual mode of reaction, then spend more time focusing on being present in THIS day, or THIS moment so you can pick up the signs.


10. Create or Eliminate?
Is it time to create something new or eliminate ? Feeling stuck, on hold, board ? This might be an indication that it’s time to eliminate that which no longer matches your frequency and create something new that is more in alignment with where your frequency is.   Sometimes ‘old’ doesn’t fit in your new vibrational frequency and you have to eliminate it.


11. Present or Past?
Is this situation part of your past, present or future? Our past experiences are important to us as they help us clear, learn and move forward. If you have a past event or situation that holds you back from evolving, or your beliefs are old beliefs tied to an old story, then it may be time to look at these event with new light. The past is an aid to move you forward, not to hold you back. If you are the new-employee starting a new job and you continue to comment about how your old-company functioned you may be shutting down the opportunities to SEE what is present in this environment.


12. Toward or Away From?
As you move through evolution and change, you get to ask, am I running away from something I do not like or I fear, or am I moving towards something that is more in alignment of your journey. If you are running away from something, it runs too, and it will catch up with you.   Do the work now and then move forward.