August 2022 – Heat and Heart

Who doesn’t like a good sunset or the colors of the morning sunrise, yet we often don’t pause long enough to observe and enjoy. August is known for its fiery energy from a temperature viewpoint as well as the fire of the soul. It’s the month of Leo, and Leo is known for their drive, passion, stamina, and creativity. Like the Lion who wants to rule the jungle, Leo is proud and loves to show it, so this month the universe allows us to practice being bold in our life. For each individual being bold will mean different things in different domains of your life. Home, family, relationships, health, wealth, career.

The sun in Leo correlates to a cycle of self-expression and self-actualization, and those realizations about self come through interactions with others. The universe will give us those opportunities for exchanges, which could be in the form of a challenge as a way to let go of old patterns. We see who we are through the eyes of others, but this year, we are roaring a bit more to be genuinely seen as who we are and not a version of what someone thinks we should be. 

This awareness can be uncomfortable for us and sometimes for those around us. Others might expect you to show up as the old version of you, but you’ve shifted. Time to celebrate that shift and the growth that you’ve had. All transition isn’t easy, you’ve got some cuts, bruises, and scars from past battles, but this is a month you can check in on where you’ve been and the decision to not go there again.  

August is the 8th month, and 8 is known to be the achiever and measures life by the goals it reaches. It has good business sense, a powerful presence, and a strong drive for success. The 8 is also a symbol of balance, and you can see it in its symmetrical shape.

A sideways 8 is the symbol of infinity, which is beyond – to infinity and beyond! Eight follows seven; there are 7 colors in the rainbow, 7 days of the week, and 7 diatonic scale notes make one complete octave, but what is after 7 – eight that which is beyond. 

This month, we reflect back, but the desire is to see what is beyond. To look ahead means an expansion of consciousness. When you are aware, you grow and expand and know more about who you are and why you are here. That is consciousness; the fire within you is seeking more of that. 

Shine on -💖 Laurie