Our Pets

Saying Good-bye to a beloved pet.

In August our eldest cat Ollie unexpectedly died.   Ollie was a rescue kitty that chose us. When we went to the rescue center, he was like glue to my legs, thus I nick-named him Velcro kitty. He was an old soul, and those that came to my home were either greeted by his gentle wise energy or you never ever saw him. He was a ‘healer kitty’, and he knew when his energy was needed. At times he would stand on his hind legs and paw at the windows in my office door until I would open the door and let him in.   When I would hold events in my home he would sometimes take his spot in a chair in the circle where he would hold space for whatever energy we were working in.  His favorite spot when not working was to be tucked away in my closet, or sleeping at his guard station at the top of the stairs.

Do our pets visit us after they die ?  

YES !   A few weeks ago I was resting on the couch after I’d had surgery,   though my eyes were closed I felt the distinct pressure of a cat walking across my legs.   Thinking it was Meeko our youngest cat coming to check on me,  I opened my eyes but saw no cat. I could still feel the pressure of him walking across my legs and I welcomed him to lay across my lap.   Ollie was back to help me begin the healing process.     There are times when I go upstairs and I feel the warmth on the floor where he would lay while at his guard station at the top of the stairs.  Energetically he is sometimes there.

Can animals help us with their energy?

Animals carry a higher frequency than humans. Not all animals, but most animals sense when something is different with their owner, or with someone in the house.   As in Ollie or Meeko if they are called to help move energy they will demand to be in my office and spend time with some clients.   Animals give energy, but they also absorb energy much like humans.   Some take and heal that energy returning it as in a ray of light.  Animals hold the frequency of unconditional love, which is a very high frequency. It helps balance our highs-lows, and elevates us to a higher place of being. How beautiful and healing if we could remember this each day. How powerful the energy of love is and what would happen if we’d send this out to the world each day ?

Can other animals see animals that have died ?

Recently I witnesses our dog Toby running into the living room where I was sitting.   His attention was laser focused on something that he was chasing .   A few feet behind him was Meeko, the younger cat running to keep up with Toby then he suddenly changed his run to a low slink on the floor as if he were ready to pounce on something obviously he was seeing, but I was not.     I watched in amusement as they continued to play, hiding behind furniture then darting out to run into the next room and back again.   Ollie was back and he meant business.   As he’d gotten older he wasn’t as active, now I could feel his energy out pacing his ‘pet siblings’.   He’d regained his youthful energy. At night sometimes I wake to the animals running through the house, no doubt playing.      I’ll hear Meeko meowing (talking) in the dark to his buddy Ollie, and I know Ollie is there answering in the squeak that he had as his signature ‘roar’.

Pets hold a special place in our hearts. They love us, and bring light and energy in to our lives. Some are protector animals.  Some teach us to love unconditionally, and some are simply in our lives to share their love.

Happy September !

Love and Light to you … Laurie


A Blue Jay Message

For two days now I have been hearing and seeing two very large Blue Jays around my neighborhood. They’ve called to me when I’ve pulled in the empty garbage containers, and again when I went to the mail box. I’ve acknowledged them and the wisp of blue I see in their flight as they fly over the white snow. Today as I was making tea, I looked out my kitchen window to see one of the Blue Jays looking back at me. I laughed and told myself he was only looking at himself in the reflection of the glass of the window. As I walked past my patio door I noticed the second Blue Jay sitting on the lid of my sage pot that was on my deck. I’d moved its the small table is usually sat on, and had placed the pot directly on the deck over night. The water on its base froze, securing it tightly to the deck. The Blue Jay was sitting on the lid of my sage pot, and the contrast of the red pot, the white snow and the Blue Jay stopped me. He turned his head looked at me and I made direct eye contact with him. He then very loudly squawked at me and took flight.

I decide to look up Blue Jay in the animal sprit book and it says.

Rather than dabbling in the spiritual / metaphysical realm, choose a path to explore and go as far as you can with it Asses s your main gifts and talents, develop a plan as to how you can best use them, and then take clear and purposeful action Choose one or two of the projects you’ve started and finish them. Pay close attention to nonverbal clues that tell you when someone is trying to deceive you. Whatever the situation that has triggered some fear, attack it boldly and courageously.

I don’t believe the message is about the two last sentences, though the last few days – weeks may have put some sadness, wondering and worry in our minds. I feel the message is more about change. It’s a calling or a SQUAWKING to all of us to wake to our gifts , our knowing and action them with our heart. It’s about choosing this newness we feel as the ignition to something greater that is on its way. Move into action and belief that our souls knows what it is that we are to be doing. For those that know me closely you know I always work on many projects. I welcome creative energy and creative ideas that manifest into greatness.   I ask you to share in a goal with me, in taking your creative gifts and manifesting them to greatness.

Love and Light

Spring Wishes

This spring feels different. I’ve been hearing this quite a bit lately. I’ve also been asked recently when is all this ‘crazy’ energy going to stop. Well, this WONDERFUL energy won’t be stopping anytime soon, but our souls are pushing us to new levels and this may be what is feeling uncomfortable. These are levels of energy we’ve not experienced in this lifetime. Many of us may be struggling with this energy, with this ‘mystery’ feeling. Many of us don’t know what we are ‘supposed’ to do, nor how to get to where we are ‘supposed to be’. On the flip side, some or learning to flow with this energy and enjoy it. Which are you … going with the flow, or fighting it upstream.

When I find myself in a feeling of rudderless energy, or a feeling of floating emotions, I go within. This is the best time to simply be still, be quiet and go within to seek your inner voice. This is the time to lean to what your heart is telling you.

Be still my friends and listen to your soul. You really do know once you quiet the outside noises that continue to distract you.