January 2023 – More Shift

Wondraing…… The Milky Way is said to be one of the billions of galaxies in the observable universe. It contains between 200-400 billion stars, the one most familiar to us being the sun which is believed to be middle-aged at 4.6 billion years. The oldest star in the galaxy is 13.2 billion years old – said to be nearly as old as the universe itself (13.8 billion years) – and the Earth is about 4.5 billion years old. These are all scientific best guesses. Distances are measured in light-years, and the Milky Way galaxy is believed to be 100,000 light-years in diameter. NASA continues to explore space. I find myself at times mesmerized by the images of space. The enormity, vastness and beauty are mind-boggling and challenge our imagination, yet this gives us a foundation of where we fit in.

We choose how we view our world. We can remain small, overwhelmed, and myopic, or we can choose to see opportunities and possibilities. If we believe we are composed of material from those very stars that inhabit the Milky Way, we know we are connected to Earth and the entire universe at all times, in life and death, and we are not small or limited at all. In space, as systems die off, others are created. 

When we understand we are not separate from what is ‘out there’, but instead, we share energy, we realize the infinite possibilities that the universe demonstrates for us. The universe shows us beauty and dreams without limits. Only we put limits on ourselves. We put limits on our ‘bigness,’ we draw boxes around our possibilities until it ‘seems’ more logical to what is visibly present in our lives than what might be possible.  What if we could see beyond those boxes we’ve drawn? How far would we dream, soar, and join THAT space of vastness? What would that feel like?   

We are preparing for another significant energy shift. Mother earth experiences this increase in energy and frequency first to support us, followed by plants, animals, and humans.  We’ve been working hard, shifting, clearing, and opening our energy ports, expanding our energy fields in preparation for ‘something’ to come. We’ve worked hard on our emotional bodies and aligned our mental processes to healthier emotions. We worked at changing our practices to align with those mental processes and new belief systems, and we are now preparing to externalize them in the world. We are surer. We know more about what we want and what we want to be a part and how important that alignment is for us. We seek for life change to be in an aligned being—body, emotion, mind, and spirit. Many can feel the shift of the energy in the air, the change in our energy fields. We ARE energy and have discovered it is easier to live aligned. We have found it painful to be misaligned. It’s time to build a future based on an aligned being. For most, 2023 will be the year of ‘going for it’. Dream big and build big in 2023 – and certainly LOVE big.

Listen to my latest podcast to learn what’s up for 2023.