May – It’s not always roses but there is always beauty.

Welcome, May, a month of blooming flowers and trees, chirping birds, and sunshine. We are greeted by a powerful surge of energy that promises to shake things up and push us toward growth and transformation. Time to ground our energy as these spiritual upgrades and awakenings brewing within us are now ready to burst forth like blooming flowers in spring.

This month, the Universe encourages us to be bold, fearless, and unapologetically ourselves. We step out of our comfort zones and explore new horizons within ourselves and in our external lives. Expect the unexpected and trust you CAN navigate the twists and turn. You are growing, expanding your perspectives, learning, and becoming more resilient.

May is known as the fifth month. However, the collective numerology of May 2023 carries the “number three” vibrations of harmony, wisdom, and understanding. The energy of 3 also holds magnetic vibration of:

  • Creativity and fertility
  • Good fortune and wisdom
  • Abundance, joy, and opportunity
  • Growth, inner guidance, and manifestation

This month we have retrogrades, a Lunar eclipse, and a powerful New Moon, and we move straight into Gemini season. Venus, Jupiter, and Mars all switch signs, ushering in new personal and social structures. This month is filled with challenges and possibilities as understanding our position in the world becomes more evident. Expect heightened intuition and an increased sense of purpose guiding us toward our soul’s path. We’ll also dive deep into our subconscious minds to uncover hidden truths and shed old patterns that no longer serve us. It’s like cosmic spring cleaning for the soul as we stand at the starting line, and the Universe has pushed the green light! GO! 

 Shine on –đŸ’–Â Laurie – In Gratitude and be Blessed.  

The universe is encouraging us to remember, process, heal and release those things that hold us back in our evolution. Here is a clip from a recent podcast. To listen to the full podcast click here