September 2020 – Finding a Way Forward

Finding a Way Forward

September is a change of season and the gateway of Fall. The month begins with a Full Moon on September 2, testing our beliefs, and giving us a clear opportunity for change. The New Moon on September 17 ignites the over-analyzer in us, and for some, this creates the feeling of stuck energy, but it does give us a pause moment to assess and decide. The Fall Equinox on September 22 creates the perfect doorway for us to aim at something new or check what we may have been aiming for, and make adjustments. Jupiter and Saturn go direct this month, creating more restlessness and our desire to move, even if we are not quite sure of the path.

It’s been a tough year, and the familiar excitement and hustle of the kids going back to school has an additional layer of stress added this year. There is an awkward silence in the air that is not a peaceful silence, but one of worry and stress. If you are feeling this energy, the universe is calling for you to turn up your heart light. It is a call to action. Some feel it is difficult to find this place of stillness and love with all global, local, and personal events crashing around us. It is here we are called to find that stillness and center of the heart and remember you are love, and you vibrate to that frequency. It is during times of non-alignment to this vibration that you feel ‘off.’

When I do any energy events, I open a circle of energy by calling in the directional gateways and the Archangels, animals, and elements of those directions. September 22 opens the gateway of Fall. The water element, where we acknowledge Gaia, the water of the earth, and the water of our human form. Archangel Raphael, the healer that helps heal the complex layers of our physical, emotional, mental, and astral bodies. The great bear spirit that knows when to rest and hibernate and when to roam and gather. 
It is a gateway that reminds us winter is coming, and it is harvest time if we have planted well. It is a time of introspection, assessment, and deep learning of the soul. Truly hindsight is 2020, and we know more now than we did in Spring, and we will know more in December than today. We will not have it ALL resolved now, but if we focus on forwarding humankind, we can be in a different place in December than we are now.  

Don’t lose hope; we’ve fought many battles in other lifetimes, and some are just tired. Some signed up to do it again, and some have never experienced such darkness of the heart, but you are here now, and we can’t ignore it. Be kind to yourself and others. Love yourself, and love others. It is time to turn our lights brighter, to see each other. To acknowledge what needs to change, and to welcome change where it is required. Shine ON!