September 2022 – Processing the Past to cross the bridges to the future

Out of the heat of the summer season and into fall and supported by Virgo (I analyze). In the northern hemisphere, we begin to notice shorter days of sunlight. Cool days, frosty evenings, sweatshirts, football, colorful leaves, and our efforts to stretch the sunshine of the shorter days as long as possible. September Equinox officially marks the beginning of fall. In the Southern Hemisphere, we begin to prepare for planting season, and the days grow longer. We enter the season marked by the element of water, the energy of bear, a time to reflect and begin the gathering and harvesting in preparation for winter. 

September, we have six planets and Chiron, all in retrograde. Things begin to slow down, and with the analytical push of Virgo, we are PROCESSING where we are, where we’ve been, and what’s ahead. The bridge we cross from 2022 to 2023 and the future can look ominous or exciting depending on how you are processing your personal road construction of 2022. 

The impact of the retrogrades will help us process everything we’ve been constructing. 

  • Jupiter: helps us find blocks that have kept us from expanding, exploring, experiencing life, and pursuing opportunities. Jupiter remains in Aries (IAM) until Nov. 23. Signs most impacted are Aries, Sagittarius, Aquarius, and Pisces  
  • Saturn: more restrictive than usual but exposes karmic issues to work on. Remains in Aquarius until Oct. 23. We’re still learning lessons, but the signs most impacted are Capricorn and Aquarius
  • Uranus: slows down any significant changes, which can help stabilize and soften sudden significant changes. Uranus remains in Taurus until Jan. 2023. The signs most impacted are Taurus and Aquarius
  • Neptune makes reality cloudy and more challenging to grasp, but that forces us to use our intuition more. That push continues for all signs as Neptune remains in Pisces until Dec 3.  
  •  Pluto provides an opportunity to adjust to massive transformations. Releasing the old and pushing new growth and our evolution in how we will live our lives and use our skills/gifts. Pluto remains retrograde in Capricorn until Oct. 8 – Signs most impacted are Scorpio and Capricorn
  • Mercury retrograde from Sept. 9 to Oct 2 in Libra (I balance). This planet goes retrograde 3-4 times a year, and it’s meant to slow us down and focus. This is the last Mercury retrograde for some years to impact Libra, and it will push us to focus on relationship issues that need to be addressed. This means Libra, Gemini and Virgo are reflecting on relationships, partnerships, and connections over the last few years. The Virgo energy could create more stress than usual so remember your go-to routines for rest, relaxation, and fun.  
  • Chiron remains retrograde and continues to make us more introspective and reflective so we can remove blocks to healing. It’s not there to create pain but to help us release it. Aries, you are most impacted. 
  • Mars goes retrograde October 30-Jan.12 in Gemini and that will bring continued changes for all. All the work we are doing now, clearing, understanding, creating boundaries and paths will help prepare us.

FULL MOON in Pisces on September 10th brings up awareness in health areas for Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces. If you have been avoiding something, it may be annoying until it is resolved. You must take care of the physical vessel for all other energy bodies to work well – your emotional, mental, and spiritual body. We are building from the past during this full moon, turning the past to help us move forward. Many of us will ask ourselves where previous years have gone, review our accomplishments and renew, or reaffirm what else in life we have to do. It is a period of spiritual search for one’s peace and harmony of past decisions with the present direction in mind. The energy is also about any decisions of moving forward, setting firm plans, and taking action to cross the bridge of the future. 

We end the month of September with the New Moon in Libra, reminding us of the balance we need in our lives and who are the people that create and bring us to balance. What do we do to maintain a healthy balance in our life?  

September will continue to be soul-work for us, and the retrogrades, moon cycles, and the fall equinox gateway will all contribute energy to push us along. Flow vs. Force is a mantra to remember as you navigate the pathways of September. Shine on -💖 Laurie