July – Portal within portal, within portal, within portal… OH WOW!!

June-July-August is a time of gateways and opportunities. At this same time, it is a time of change and personal shifting. In early June, I began to receive messages of these portals. As the information was coming to me, I asked for a visual to help explain this phenomenon of the Summer of Portals, Partnerships, opportunities, and change. 
We are never complete on our journey of transformation. We came here to this life to have experiences that help us grow and evolve our soul. We came here to help or support others to grow and develop their soul. We came here because we have roles in A or MANY collective consciousnesses that will evolve humanity.  

This three-month span creates natural gateways for us to evolve. Not all will go through these portals. Some will choose to not step through any gateways, while others will be speaking loudly to the universe to bring it ALL on. Some will have a choice, and others may be pushed through the doorways. Some may hear, ‘it’s not time just yet, you have work to do right here.’ During these gateways, you may experience, or others may experience profound change. Be kind to yourself, and be kind to others as they may not even be aware of the shift that is happening.  
I recently had a triggering event with a sibling that I didn’t even know was within me. It took me totally by surprise as nothing was bubbling prior, or after. In fact, the trigger was an event I’d heard about that happened 4-5 years ago. After processing it in my mind and heart for a few days, I was able to understand and clear this energy. It wasn’t about my sibling at all, but a deep childhood feeling that just no longer needed to be stored in my physical or emotional cellular structure. Still, I was shocked by the power this feeling stirred within me. Mind you – through this ENTIRE experience, I had no interaction with my sibling about it. It was all about me and my view of the world, but it was there, suddenly raw, and needed to be healed. Expect this sort of unexpected opportunity and remember you have all the tools to understand, healing, repair, and move on. No drama, nothing getting stuck, just merely a clearing, so you have space for more ‘good stuff’ ahead. Anything that just is taking up space is being shaken up and moved on.  

We are getting help from the universe in planetary movements and retrogrades. We are feeling it in the vibrational frequency and tones of both the earth and the universe. Spikes of over 10x the normal range of the Hz in Schumann Resonance have been recorded recently. Normal fundamental measurement is 7.82 Hz, the second layer is 14.1 Hz, and the third is 20.3, but lately, the spikes have been around 90Hz. Depending on your vibrational frequency, you will feel these jumps differently – but 90 Hz is going to be felt by everyone. 

The earth has been preparing for these jumps. All this wet weather mimics the water content needed on earth to make any transitions. Just like human cells are 70-80% water, the earth water required to be at a level for these frequencies to come in. (later podcast coming on this).  I will be continuing to create messages around these portals through the month, with some mini-meditations to help shift the energy in your bodies. Agitated, edgy, crabby, fuzz-brain, etc. are all symptoms when the external vibration doesn’t align with our internal cellular structure.  

These changes are GOOD changes. Actually, they are GREAT changes, allowing for new growth, and a new way of being. We continue to learn about what makes us shine the most. Shine ON – Love and Light to you this July ~Laurie

June – Energies of Summer

The gateway of summer is opening, and energetically we are experiencing lots of Venus energy. This means we have a summer of relationships and the opportunity to learn more about our emotions through the interactions we have with others. I’m not speaking strictly of romantic relationships, but all connections we experience. Some may still be working on childhood or past life wounds, but most have evolved their toolset to accommodate the shifts and changes that are needed for this cycle of the summer of transformation. Summer Solstice in June reminds us of the cycle of planting and nurturing. July includes a set of eclipses that will give us insight into our progress and the outlook for the year ahead.

It remains a time of emotional discovery and deep learning of the soul. Often times in heavy Venus energy, we feel a deep longing for partnership and close relationships, and if we perceive we don’t have that, we feel lonely. Our loved ones, angels, and guides step in to support us and surround us as we maneuver our exposed emotions.  We are never alone.
You may be feeling the ‘strangeness’ of this shift in frequencies in many ways. Feeling lost, directionless, or confused about the many opportunities before you or frustrated if you think there are NO opportunities. You are NOT lost, but you may be expecting an outcome that is not aligned to your soul. You are NOT lost, but the timing may not be what you expected. You are NOT lost, but you are missing the messages of the universe because you are fixated on what you expect it to ‘look like.’ Now is a time to expect the unexpected.

We are all feeling this shift of 2019 and the impact of Venus energy in different ways. Please don’t compare where you are to those around you as this only shadows your own path.  You are never alone, and there are helpers in the universe that are there to assist you, whatever the journey.
Growing up outside a small town just south of the cities, I would ride my bike to hang out with my friends. This bike ride included racing downhill on a gravel road past a home that had two dogs that would viciously chase anything with tires. The downhill ride to town was easy because, by the time they’d realize something was coming, you’d likely be past them. These were only short moments of fear, and once past the nipping dogs, it was clear pedaling. A short distance ahead and the road turned to smooth pavement, and I’d be off to spend time with my friends. The uphill ride home, was more challenging. They could see me coming, the gravel would slow me down and required a bit more planning for a running start up the hill. Too fast on the pavement and I could wipe out once my tires hit loose gravel, and too slow and the dogs would be waiting for me. There were longer routes I could have taken, but few moments of fear never deterred. I learned to ride through the fear, or perhaps was it exhilaration? It might feel you have nipping dogs at your ankles now in this energy, and you may even want to stop, or give up but don’t let fear stop you. Is it fear? Be realistic about the ride and learn from it. There could be a fantastic adventure beyond.

Listen to my upcoming podcast on What’s Up with this Energy – June 2019 or my May 26 Episode – You are Never Alone- What the angels and guides have to say. Listen Here Shine ON – Love and Light to you this June ~Laurie