2023- September – the Gateway to Fall

With Venus, Mercury, Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto all retrograde – it’s a time of inward processing, understanding, and release. September’s ascension energies will continue to clear and enhance our nervous and endocrine systems. Recent shifts and the illumination of the two full moons of August brought awareness of our disharmonies, patterns, or issues, and we are processing them now. Some have revealed how we may unconsciously feed our fear, limitations, scarcity, and misery. Where might you blame external energies for your beliefs or actions/non-actions? Our higher senses become heightened during these internal processing times, and now we are wondering/wandering what the next stage of our life purpose or focus is.

September is known as the ninth month. However, September’s 2023 collective numerology carries the number seven vibrations of self-awareness and inner wisdom. The energy of seven also holds the vibrational energy of integrity, truth, alignment, and faith. September boosts the opportunity for spiritual evolution and intuition. As we become more introspective, it creates growth.  

Understanding yourself – is growth

Challenging your old patterns or beliefs in a new light – is growth

Aligning yourself to this new understanding – is growth

Practicing the energy of introspection and intuition – is growth  

As the days grow shorter and the Sun’s warmth mellows, the ascension energies swirling around us begin to integrate more calmly. With the arrival of a new month, we step into the sacredness of September, a time of subtle shifts and harmonious alignments.

This month, Cosmic shifts carry a distinctive and assertive energy, urging you to respond to a clear and resounding call to action. These movements propel you towards taking decisive steps and embracing a proactive approach to your goals and aspirations. In parallel, the cosmic shifts direct your focus inward to explore and redefine your core belief system and life philosophy. This inner exploration prompts you to examine the foundations upon which you build your perspectives, values, and understanding of the world and question if they are valid.

On Sept 22 – The transition into Libra season and the fall equinox brings the theme of finding equilibrium/balance within your divine mastery. This energy will highlight a more profound quest for balance and harmony in relationships and within yourself. The Sun is descending, marking a pivotal moment of equilibrium between light and darkness as we move into the fall and winter months. This creates your portal for how you want to be in the world. Things to ponder in the time of retrograde, slow down, shifts, and resets.  

September is a great month to reflect and set intentions that are now aligned or have become clear. Get organized and prioritize these intentions. Embrace and welcome the change that happening. Create a routine that supports you and has space for the universe to drop things in. Be present with your energy, and internalize what your energy is or isn’t. Don’t wish for more or less, but be aware of where it is or isn’t and what creates and uses it. Learn, practice, and develop any areas you want to improve, shift of change, and whenever possible, align yourself to the positive energy available to you. 

Shine on  In Gratitude and be Blessed.  ~Laurie

April – Blueprints for a different future!

April is the fourth month of the year; however, the collective numerology of April 2023 carries the “number two” vibrations of duality, harmony, balance, and inner peace. It also holds the rhythmic vibrations of cooperation, trust, and faith and connecting with your higher being to understand more of your divine purpose. 

It’s a month softer yet infused with more energetic magic and challenges that will feel intense and invigorating to others. It’s a month of initiation. A Full Moon in Libra on April 6 will help balance the intensity of the leaving March energy with balance, harmony, and beauty. It is a month that will allow us to seek meaningful connections and relationships with those around us. We enter Mercury pre-Retrograde begins April 7, giving us a precursor of what the energy in full force will feel like after the Solar Eclipse.

The Solar Eclipse is on April 19 in Aries, and the sun moves into Taurus four hours after the peak Eclipse, providing more opportunities for new beginnings and profound transformations. This Eclipse reminds us to be agile, flexible, and welcome change. Taurus season begins April 20, and the full force of the Mercury retrograde begins April 21. The bull will want to push forward where we don’t feel secure, stable, and comfortable, but April’s retrograde and energy will remind us to be in Flow vs. Force. April is another initiation month for our emotions and mental bodies to align. We begin to put pieces together and have visions of the potential outcome. We WILL evolve, but evolution is more straightforward when we are aligned and follow a plan. It requires trusting in the universe and remembering that challenges can be hidden opportunities. 

Where March may have showed us where we most needed changes to our relationships, homes, communities, careers, or things we needed to leave behind – April pushes us forward on a path we might need a clearer vision of. The universe will provide a more precise path and plan, provided we are open to it and wait for it—more flow vs. force.  As humans, it is normal to want it all NOW, and we may feel frustrated if we have to wait, but we are building stamina and stability for our future selves. Use creativity, play, and joy to build a better future, and remember, in doing so; sometimes you need to wait for all the pieces. 

Remember our connection with nature and all the pollinators, asleep and waking, ready to work hard to create stability for the season.  Earth day is April 22. Nature nurtures and teaches us.(photo: creating butterfly and bee homes for my yard/gardens)

Shine on -💖 Laurie – In Gratitude and be Blessed.

March 2023 – Pluto and Saturn make their move!

For lifetimes our ancestors and astronomers have looked to the skies for direction, tracking, and inspiration. We’ve studied the stars and the planets. We’ve built practices and ceremonies around them, like new and full moon celebrations. But we continue to learn. Pluto changes signs every 20 years and Saturn every 2.5 years. BOTH are changing signs in March. Pluto moves into Aquarius and Saturn Pisces.

Pluto was discovered in 1930, so it has a short history of its impacts, but we do know that the last time Pluto was in Aquarius was between 1778 and 1798, a period of uproar and change all over the world. Pluto is about death and rebirth, and it’s been in Capricorn for the last 20 years. Here’s a simple map of how it will transition into Aquarius while still bouncing a bit back to Capricorn during retrogrades:

The dates of the transition

  • Pluto in Capricorn until 3/23/2023      The Archetype of I HAVE vs I KNOW
  • Pluto first in Aquarius: 3/23/2023 to 6/11/2023
  • Pluto back in Capricorn: 6/11/2023 to 1/21/2024
  • Pluto again in Aquarius: 1/21/2024 to 9/2/2024
  • Pluto back in Capricorn: 9/2/2024 to 11/19/2024
  • Pluto finally in Aquarius: 11/19/2024

The universe gives us time and space to move into this energy – but it WILL impact all of us. Listen to my PODCAST that will explain more about the energy of these TWO outer planet shifts. Listen

Saturn moves into Pisces on March 7 and stays there until May 23, 2025, when it enters Aries. Saturn has been in Aquarius since December 2020. Saturn in Pisces is our chance to get clarity around our most profound dreams and those areas of our life that come to a natural end. Pluto will help with those endings. Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac. While Pisces is not ending energy for everyone, there is nevertheless an expectation of bringing to the highest degree of manifestation some of the projects we’ve been working on for decades. 

Saturn is karma, shadow, and pushes us deep for lessons and learning. Pisces is comforting, wise, and artistic, sometimes making us feel fuzzy or floaty. What might this energy mean for us? 

Saturn is cold and dry, and Pisces is watery and emotional. 

Saturn is strict, and Pisces is soft. 

Saturn indicates subtraction, Pisces addition. 

Saturn (lack) and Jupiter (abundance) 

It is and will continue to be a time of internal and external change. When forces externally change, it pushes us to change our responses, view, and, most importantly, our beliefs. When the planets are in their normal forward motion, there tends to be more external change – society, community, and global. When the planets go retrograde, the universe gives us time to respond to those changes – reflect, review, and respond once we are in forward motion again. 

March will show us where we most need to make shifts and changes. World events will force the movement of populations, responses to global needs, and different planning for future needs for housing and food sources. Individuals continue to look for their communities for these coming changes. I will share more insights this year on how we and our world will change and how we can navigate the energy of change. 

Shine on -💖 Laurie – In Gratitude and be Blessed.

February – We are Vibrational Energy – the Vibration of the Heart

“Everything in Life is Vibration” – Albert Einstein

The Law of Nature states everything has a vibration. The Law of Vibration states that everything vibrates and nothing rests. Everything is made up of atoms that are in a constant state of motion, and depending on the speed of these atoms, things appear as a solid, liquid, or gas. These layers of energy create our physical being, but we also have layers around us that comprise our energetic, emotional, mental, and astral layers. There are studies of the interactions of these energies, including when they clash.  

“From the standpoint of quantum physics, as we examine every smaller particle of matter – people made of cells, molecules, atoms protons/electrons, quarks, etc. – we eventually reach a state of reality where the smallest particles of matter, when broken further, do not yield smaller particles which we can put names on, but rather a universal energy matrix of relationships of vibration patterns. In actuality, there is nothing solid in the universe at all. Consciousness itself is a vibration pattern.” ~Dr. Jeffrey Thompson, D.C., B.F.A.– Center for Neuroacoustic Research.

We vibrate at varying frequencies, and we also have conflicts of energy with other frequencies. 

When you feel irritated, it’s an off vibration, either yours or the other persons. It’s vibration, and YOU have the power(vibration) to shift it. We are awakening to the understanding of how vibration works and how all is connected through a vibrational network.

If you want to manifest(create) something, vibrate to that frequency. There have been studies of the human form and its impact on vibrational energy documented as early as 1928. The Buddha said, “anything that arises in the mind starts flowing as a sensation on the body.” If everything vibrates and vibration affects our life and our physical bodies, and we manifest based on those vibrations, how can we attract what we want in our life? 

Vibrations of the same frequency resonate with each other, so like attracts like energy. As human energy, our vibration creates and magnetizes like frequencies to us. When we focus on a particular thought or idea, it will eventually attract its vibrational match. Vibrational matches include both high (happy) or low (sad) frequencies. 

The strongest vibrational magnet starts with your emotions and how you feel about something. Whenever you are transitioning to something new or different, your emotions are releasing, expanding, and evolving. You may want to use the help of other vibrational frequencies to keep your emotional vibrational energy high. Music in the frequency of 432Hz works at the heart chakra, “the feeling,” and therefore could influence the emotional change in any situation. 432Hz is our actual heart frequency and, thus, can contribute to creating a sense of balance. 528Hz, according to Dr. Leonard Horowitz, is believed to have the ability to heal damaged DNA. It is also the Earth vibration, so a vibration of 528Hz grounds us to earth and all her natural healing abilities. There have been scientific leaps in understanding vibration. Studies in this area continue as science becomes more interested and evolves in understanding the impacts of energy on the physical bodies, emotional and spiritual bodies. 2023 is another LEAP year in Acoustic Technologies TM.

February is a great month to focus on emotions from the heart. Venus will move through Pisces into Aries in February reminding and illuminated for us, what we believe about our heart and relationships. The full moon on Feb. 5 will illuminate areas of the heart to either clear or expand. The full moon is in Leo, with an archetype of ‘I WILL.’ This energy is about also sexuality and eroticism, creative expression, and you’ll feel the force of proving to others ‘I WILL’. Address any illumination to areas of truth, things you’ve not wanted to admit, or the world to know. Free this energy so that you can focus on the pure vibration of the heart, and the real things you want to manifest in your life Love to all of you – from the higher dimensions of joy, bliss and continued balance of truthful love. Here are a few reminders to help you let go:

  • Let go of all thoughts that don’t make you feel empowered and strong.
  • Let go of feeling guilty for doing what you truly want to do.
  • Let go of the fear of the unknown; take one small step and watch the path reveal itself.
  • Let go of regrets; at one point in your life, that “whatever” was exactly what you wanted.
  • Let go of worrying; worrying is like praying for what you don’t want.
  • Let go of blaming anyone for anything; be accountable for your own life. If you don’t like something, you have two choices, accept it or change it.
  • Let go of thinking you are damaged; you matter, and the world needs you just as you are.
  • Let go of thinking your dreams are not important; always follow your heart.
  • Let go of being the “go-to person” for everyone, all the time; stop blowing yourself off and take care of yourself first … because you matter.
  • Let go of thinking everyone else is happier, more successful or better off than you. You are right where you need to be. Your journey is unfolding perfectly for you. 

New Moon on Feb. 20 is in Pisces with the archetype of I Believe. It’s a time to believe in yourself, your actions and how you can be more present every day. To hear more about the planetary and energy influences of February list to What’s Up with the Energies of February

Shine on -💖 Laurie – In Gratitude and be Blessed.

August 2021 – Lions Gateway

What exactly is the LION’s Gate? On August 8, an annual cosmic alignment known as the Lion’s Gate occurs. Powerful cosmic and spiritual energy will converge during this time thanks to Sirius, the brightest star in our sky, aligning perfectly with Orion’s Belt and the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt. Sirius is the star of abundance, creativity, and devotion. When it joins forces with the sun in Leo, the energy to manifest, transform, and bring balance to your life is increased exponentially.

The zodiac sign of Leo is ruled by the sun, and it, in turn, rules the heart. This portal is named after Leo energy, so when the sun in Leo aligns with Sirius, the star of devotion, it opens the door to intense love and the awakening of the Divine. The time of the Lion’s Gate Portal is a chance to recognize your power and begin to allow it to grow.
The Lion’s Gate Portal is open from July 26 – August 12, which is when you’ll feel the vibration of this forceful energy, with its greatest power peaking on 8/8. In numerology, eight is all about power and balance. Tip the number eight on its side, and it becomes the symbol of infinity, symbolizing infinite manifestation and linking the Divine inside of you to the Universe as a whole.

August is a month where you have the opportunity to bring your life into harmony, whether it is financial stability, emotional well-being, realizing your goals, or releasing negativity. The heat of summer is intense, just like this energy with a purpose to fire us up and move us along.  Use the energy of August to enhance love, and this includes all that you love and who you love.  Be aware of what you are manifesting in your life. If it’s not what you want, then change it. Lighten up, love it up. The Universe tends to drop us subtle gifts in August to determine if it’s what we want or it’s just what we think we want. These gifts are a way for us to find balance, clear away negativity and realign our direction. We are ready for love, connection, and lighter energy, and Leo brings us this opportunity. August is a time that our transformation accelerates. Change tends to happen fast and unexpectedly.  

Don’t look for perfection; you won’t find that but do see and acknowledge what is before you. Like a compass, it’s not perfect.  It doesn’t have to be perfect; you’ll miss the journey if you wait for the specifics or the ideal path.
This month you can connect with me and people all over the globe that are focused on Mother Earth and the waters of this planet. See Drumming and Sound Healing events listed below for August 8.

Shine your light – Shine your Love. Shine ON. ~Laurie