April Wondra-ing. What are you waiting for?

April energies will feel like a flood of emotion as we are clearing away the things that we’ve drudged up over the last month. At times feeling you are being swept away in uncontrollable emotion, on a path or direction that is untraveled and new. You may question the way, try to prevent the movement as you continue to be swept by the powers of the universe. Sounds like a ride on a wild roller-coaster for some, and you may find it utterly frightening or totally exhilarating.

Choose how you are going to feel during the push of the April Energy. It’s portal and vortex energy that are flinging us out to places we’ve not been before as a way to have us experience things we’ve only been too afraid or reserved to attempt. Be bold, brave and learn about your resilient soul during this time. Many of you have been asking for these changes, and it’s become a pent up flow now overflowing and pushing. 

The portals to clear old energies of 2016-2018 have closed, but we still may be wondering where we’ve been the last few years. We’ve been planting seeds for our futures in our language, emotions, and thoughts. The universe will begin to deliver those things allowing us to adjust, weed out and reseed with what might be more fitting for us now. An example would be a dream or desire you had 4 years ago was seeded, and the universe is delivering it or a variation of it, but YOU have changed and those wishes of four years ago may no longer match. In some cases the universe with auto-correct what you asked for and actually what is part of your plan. This is where the unexpected tends to create that sweeping feeling.  

This highly charged portal is open now until April 22, and we’ll have plenty of time to assess the clues of the universe and adjust. Opportunities abound – what are you waiting for?