Episode 13 – Current Planet energy and Extraterrestrial beings

 Laurie is joined by Mark Griffon of Sedona Mystical Tours. We open the show talking about the Full moon and retrograde energies of FIVE of the planets already in retrograde, or those moving there shortly.  The topic of this show is our discussion about interaction with Extraterrestrial beings (ET’s).  We talk about the Arcturians, Sirians, Pleadians and Ashtars Command, and how and why they interact with us.   This episode had to be taped twice due to the static and extra noise Mark and Laurie experienced, they share this experience  as well as some personal stories where they have experienced interaction, or a purposeful visit.
Watch here :  Episode 13- Current Planet energy and Extraterrestrial beings

Episode 12 – Balance of the Feminine / Masculine

 Balance of the Feminine / Masculine – how are both sexes impacted with elevation to Higher Consciousness and all the energy surges.      Laurie is joined by Mark Griffon of Sedona Arizona as we talk about romance, intimacy, relationships and the overseers that help us.  All of us have both masculine energy and feminine  but how are we being impacted in a year of change and transformation in our relationships with ourselves and others. 

  • Finding Soulmate, relationships – Archangel Chamuel, Hathor, Aengus,
  • Love, romance, passion, kindled and burning each day – Aengus(celtic) ,Aphrodite, Guinevere, Isolt, and Pele –
  • Sexualtiy/marriage – Aphrodite, Ishtar, Pele.
  • Manifesting – Archangel Ariel, Archangel Raziel, Babaji, Damara, Jesus, Melchizedek, Saint-Germain, Solomon

In this episode Laurie and Mark talk about patterns in relationships and what we’re seeing and hearing in the space of relationships –  (all relationships, not just romantic) .  How intimacy energetically impacts us,  sacred intimacy and more.

We talk about the 4 traits that men are looking for and equally the top 4 that women look for in their relationships.

Listen or watch here Episode 12 – “Balance of the Feminine / Masculine”

Episode 11 – What is my Purpose” with Archangel Chamuel

This year is about transformation and moving into higher consciousness – community, action, and the IAM energy. This is creating space for the unknown and many people desire to fill this with a knowing of what’s next, and then the bigger questions – what is my purpose.   If people are feeling unfulfilled, or are searching for something bigger to ‘make’ them happy, they search for the external ‘thing’    We have more help now from angels, ascended masters, elders and the earth teacher and holders of the light that are helping or simply holding us in the light while we work and a few that we are going to work with tonight are Archangel Chamuel,  Athena,

Laurie is joined by Mark Griffon of Sedona AZ again, to discuss our purpose, and the overseers that might assist in providing insight, direction and help on our journey through life and the ascension process.  

There is a belief that there are really 4 steps to ascension –   accountability, honor, humility and service

Accountability – doing ‘the work’, stopping old patterns, letting go of those patterns or beliefs that don’t’ fit us anymore

Honor – honoring ourselves and others around us that ARE doing the work that are going deep. Some are experiencing major transition points in homes, families, jobs, health, relationships.   Every event, or ever situation that we experience each day presents an opportunity to honor ourselves by ‘doing the work’, discovering who we are at our CORE.

Humility–   humble; modest opinion or estimate of one’s own importance, rank, class, ego falls away. We find the rawness of our being.  For some this can mean being stripped of all to rebuild.  (ie sometime bulldozing is better than a remodel)

Serve – This becomes the difference between being in service and being service. The first is a doing role, and the second is a being.    A doctor, dentist, healer – serves or provides a service – this is being in service.  But being service is allowing the core of your energetic being to contribute to the collective consciousness.   Being in Joy – contributes that energy to all and that’s being service.   Clearing your energy, knowing it will help others and is being done for the greater is being service.   It is not having to ‘plan to do something’, but being in a higher level of presentation of you energy force field every moment.

Watch and listen here : Episode 11 – Purpose, Relationships, the Gene Keys

Episode 10 – Archangel Metatron, Merkaba (sacred geometry) and the pineal gland activation

Listen while Laurie and guest Mark Griffon talk about Metatron, the book the Keys of Enoch, sacred geometry, the pineal glad and more about the codes and keys of the universe.    Episode 10 – Metatron

Laurie first met Metatron as a young child and he came to me to explain a bit more on the Akashic records.   She’d feel his presence when she was working with math or simple doodling.  She knew he was kind and now as an adult she knows that he has a special love for children and understand it was during those times of doodling, or playing with the shapes of sacred geometry, and the codes and keys of the universe.

Metatron –  The meaning of Metatron’s name isn’t clear as his name doesn’t end in the ‘el’ suffix like all the other archangels – with the exception of Sandalphon.    He is still a messenger and has been awarded special skill and responsibilities.

He is one of only 2 archangels who were once mortal men who lived on earh – the other being Sandalphon – was the prophet Elijah) . There have been many speculations and texts written by experts about what his name means – he has been called the angel of Presence.   (invite him in)

He is the youngest of the archangels since his creation occurred after the other archangel.   His earth name was Enoch, and in texts he was said to have walked with God (in the book of Genesis)   – BUT he was a scholar and he studied heavenly secrets.  It is said he was escorted directly to the seventh heaven – the highest level – to reside and work.   Enoch was given wings and transformed into a great archangel name metatron. .  Since he was a successful scribe on earh he was given a similar job in heaven – the keeper of the Akashic records –  known as the book of life.  This is all past, present and future and he organizes this material.




Episode 9 – Eclipses and Shadow energy – what’s happening NOW !

This year is about transformation and moving into higher consciousness – community, action, and the IAM energy. What many people don’t fully understand is that as each of us ‘clears’ old energy, we do so for the collective and therefore we help the expansion and evolution of the collective.   We have more help now from angels, ascended masters, elders and the earth teacher and holders of the light that are helping or simply holding us in the light while we work.

Ascension – is our movement to an elevated level or frequency.

I’ve received a number of questions recently about shadow energy.   People are experiencing a shift and an in-depth discovery of self.   The questions are usually wondering why they are experiencing feelings or emotions for something that they thought was released a long time. Questions wondering ‘what is wrong’ with them, ‘is this bad’ and then the desire to ‘make it stop’.    Some experiences people are having are relationship conflicts, or behaviors in themselves that they feel are judgmental, petty, and other low frequency feelings. They find their stress levels high, tolerance low and the desire to flee the situation.

We are all in this place of evolution or ascension and we are working through our limitations.   Listen to Laurie discuss the planetary energies with Sedona business owner and tour guide, Mark Griffon Listen here

Episode 8 – Archangel Gabriel, Uriel and Metatron.

Laurie was requested by and guided to invite the Archangels to speak about their roles and when and how to call on them for support.   In this episode Laurie talks to and about Archangel Gabriel, Uriel and Metatron.

Episode 8 – Archangel Gabriel, Uriel and Metatron

She answers listener question – Can you ask the archangels for help with the clearing of old energy. I have not been able to release mine. I have had a cold/respiratory issues since the week before Christmas. Would you ask Michael or Raphael?  

Laurie shares Archangel Michael and Raphael’s response and Raphael also answers about the seemingly increase in colds and bronchial conditions.

Laurie also answers a request to expand a bit more on the directions (north, south, east, and west) and how the angels connect with us through these directions, and also how the Archangels are divided into companies or clans and how Michael, Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael have a direct connection to the earth.

1) Michael –   “The Mikael-Clan” /The Company stands for: Balance, courage, protection, energy, peace, knowledge, obedience, purity, righteousness, strength and thoughts. Michael brings the energy of fire to our journey.

2)Gabriel – “The Gabriel Clan” /The Company stands for: compassion, understanding, restoration, rejuvenation, glory, holiness, light, compassion, partnership, justice, transformation and taking consciousness. Gabriel brings creativity to artists, writers, dancers, theatre, and any other place we need creative thought in our lives.

3) Uriel –   “The Uriel-Clan” /The Company stands for: Alchemy, feelings, power, love, prophecy, transformation and wisdom. Uriel is also tied to weather.

4) Rafel (Raphael)   “The Rafel-Clan” /The Company stands for: mercy, kindness, healing, magic, truth and beauty. Healing is on all levels, body, mind, spirit, energy, esoteric.

We are an extension of divine love and light and sometimes we feel disconnected, but we are always connected to earth and we are connect to our divine source.    Archangels are angels, that have been given gifts and responsibilities to assist the world with love, justice and wisdom and to mentor people and all physical beings. They are messengers of the divine love to all living souls.    

Metatron is only one of two archangels that walked as a man. His earth name was Enoch. His name does not end with ‘el’ like all the other archangels –with the exception of Sandalphon, who is the second archangel that walked on earth. Metatron is the keeper of the akashic records. He works tireless to help us. He’s lived on earth so he understands us, our analytical minds and our desire to KNOW.

He has a special place in his heart for children – leading children to safety, or watching over them.   He is concerned about the children that we have labeled. (ADHD – other)   he watches the crystal children coming in now.   Laurie also explains how he helps children and parents of not only crystal children but all children.

Episode 7 – Archangels Michael and Raphael

Laurie was asked by Archangel Michael and Raphael to begin a series to educate and explain more about energy and frequency and how and why the angels are interacting with us more.  Michael has been interacting with Laurie since she was 6-7 years old and Laurie welcomes his love and knowledge when she works with her clients.  She was curious why these two, and why now.

In this episode of YourLifeCore Radio, Laurie Wondra and Pamela Muldoon have the first in what will be a series of discussions on the Archangels. Archangel Michael and Archangel Raphael join the conversation to offer up insight, wisdom and guidance and they answer why now,  what their role is and help us understand the community and clans of angels and how they are working together to help us on our journey. 

Laurie also breaks down the dimensions, moving from the 3rd dimension to the 5th dimension. Learn how you can continue your spiritual awakening by asking the Archangels for help when needed and continue to move to your next level of higher consciousness. 

In this episode when Laurie begins to talk with Michael she notices an uplift in the energy and an outpouring of his love and support.  She pauses in the show to ask if this is felt by the listeners, and is given an answer by Michael that he is providing an attunement through this message that will help clear, and infuse the energy of the listener.  Whether you’ve listened to this live or after in the recording, knowing that he is clearing and providing this uplift to your energy field.    Raphael then adds his energy to our hearts and aligns us to the higher frequencies of 528HZ with explanation as to why this, and why now.

Episode 7 – Archangels Michael and Raphael

2016 – The Year of Action

Happy 2016 – The year of Action !
2016 – Highlights
We just went through a number of energy portals at the end of 2015.   This completed the earth’s elevation to the 528 Hz – the Heart frequency and 5th dimension.    This created a tremendous opportunity for some last pushes of energy removal in 2015, but they also served as an entry point for 2016 energy.  
I’ve been sharing insights about 2016, and thought I’d offer some high-level points here.    Listen to January 12th Blog-Talk Radio to hear what the angels and Laurie have to share about 2016, then listen to listener questions from Laura and Mia and hear their responses.  Episode 6 – What will 2016 bring  


1. IAM Energy – The IAM vibration is about your inner core sense of self, without external influences. It is your true energy vibration driven by your passion, emotions, feelings, desires and your wantings in life.   It is a year that your inner core energy must be aligned with external direction. A misalignment of inner and outer and you feel off balance, life is a struggle and what you want never seems to be within reach but rather always a dream or something off in the future.    
2. 2016 is a year of action, and many of the planetary alignments will have ‘fire’ energy, or a force that leaves you feeling that you must take action. There is a desire to put action to your visions and your dreams yet you may not know what that is yet. Without knowing your inner core, you may struggle with where to direct this energy. You may push forward on something you believe you ‘should’ be doing, only to become frustrated when you don’t experience the desired results. 
3. It is a year to say NO to those things that don’t align with your inner core, so that your energy force fields can be directed and utilized on the things that you are aligned to.   It is a year to say YES to those items that you do align to.   You know you are aligned when you feel a natural flow of life, and there is ease about all your actions.    It is a year to understand your force field and where you are expending good energy.
4. An emotional year.   2016 carries the core of the 528HZ heart energy so this will be an emotional year. Some might say YIKES to this, however it is meant to help you understand and define your emotions in-depth, in a way that you may use them to guide you –   NOT hide from them, but acknowledge them as your compass for direction/action.    It is a year to better understand the health of your emotional body and the value of the information that is provided when you are aware of this energy.
5. More quick shifts. 2016 is a year where you may experience quick shifts. A sudden job, relationship, home or other shift. This aligns to the year of action, but It is a year to practice and use the tools you’ve learned and collected in the past. Any challenges, experiences and opportunities that you experiences AND learned from in the past will now help you through experiences that are intended to further you on your journey. If you remember that you have all the skills and knowledge that you need whenever a challenge presents itself, you will keep your vibrational frequency high and this will help you move through challenges with ease. All challenges are meant to forward us on our journey and if we see them as such and learn we continue forward.
6.  2016 is a highly intuitive year. This can be great assistance if you are already on the spiritual path and have the desire to further develop your intuitive gifts. Each year we have access to more information that help us. This information is not always in earthly media, but may come in formats from messages beyond this dimension. Each year the veil thins and as our frequency elevates we have access to greater expanses of knowledge. Think beyond what you know today as your basis for knowledge. If you are just beginning to acknowledge your own intuitive being, then consider this may be a launching year where you can connect more with your own divine energy. 
7. 2016 is a year where self focus will be a top priority for many and this will include a focus on health and wellness. More focus and information on nutrition, fitness and other ways to support your physical bodies as we progress through energetic transformations.   Get outside and connect on-earth where possible. The earth is at 528 HZ and by connecting on-earth, your energy field gets a quick boost.   
8. Year of community.   As we evolve through the understanding of IAM and inner core, our beings elevate and we are drawn to our communities. We bring our unique individual energy to others as we establish communities or partnerships that help us elevate to new levels.   The 528 HZ Heart energy is to be shared, and we will look for communities that we can share a higher frequency of being. Like draws like, so select wisely where you are placing your energy and ensure it is aligned with your core. Direct energy to what you do want and only what you do want. Any energy focused on what you ‘don’t want’ will have the opposite effect, and will only bring more of that to you.
9. Manifestation from the energy of our feelings.  Our feelings and emotions create the vibrational frequency of what we manifest, so understand your emotions and utilize this knowledge to manifest that which you desire.   It is important that your feelings are in alignment with your words (or your words in alignment to your feelings)  as it is the energy of your feelings that manifests what you experience.  
I feel the vitality in the year ahead.  There is electricity in the air.   Feel your vitality and call that to you each day. FEEL what holds you back and focus to replace that with the FEEL of your passion and step in that direction.   

YourLifeCore Radio Episode 5: High Frequency Way of being – In Gratitude

In this episode of YourLifeCore Radio, hosts Laurie Wondra and Pamela Muldoon discuss the external influences of the energy surges that are coming in over mother earth during the Portal of 12-12 to 12-22, followed by a rare Full Moon on 12-25.  We discuss how this energy is impacting our force fields. We often talk about the external energy but what is the science behind this energy and how do we self direct from our bodies and mind to help elevate our frequencies.   We can use some simple practices and an emotion such as GRATITUDE  to help us raise these frequencies.  Listen Here

We are experiencing growth spurts in our own force field. We need to do this to align and plug in to web of energy that surround the planet, is within the planet and connect us all.  Mother earth is completing her transition to the 5th dimension and we are working to align.  This means an changes in our energy field.  Listen for more details on why we find we are yawning more, feeling edgy, might feel physical aches in the heart area and lots of heat, and neck ‘stuff’.

We have an opportunity to thrive in this energy. Laurie discusses the difference between being Thankful and being Grateful and how the frequencies are different for us in our masculine and feminine energies.

In 1949, Donald Hebb, a Canadian neuropsychologist, wrote what has become known as Hebb’s axiom: “Neurons that fire together wire together.” Neuropsychologist Rick Hanson puts it this way:   The longer the neurons [brain cells] fire, the more of them that fire, and the more intensely they fire, the more they’re going to wire that inner strength – that happiness, gratitude, feeling confident, feeling successful, feeling loved and lovable.”

We talk about the physical benefits of being in gratitude and how Dr. Leonard Horowitz, says that 528 Hz is a frequency that is central to the “musical mathematical matrix of creation.” More than any sound previously discovered, the “LOVE frequency” resonates at the heart of everything.  It connects your heart, your spiritual essence, to the spiraling reality of heaven and earth.

It is the “Miracle” note of the original Solfeggio musical scale. (MI)  This frequency was used by ancient priests and healers in advanced civilizations to manifest miracles and produce blessings.

High frequency feelings, brings clarity, Gratitude, compassion, and love.

Gratitude, love, compassion create High Frequency

In numerology 528 reduces to a 6, the number for physical manifestation. The symbol “6” reflects the “spiraling down from heaven into the wholeness of earth.” According to the laws of physics, this frequency is fundamental to broadcasting all matter and energy into reality.

Laurie talks about the frequency of the head and the heart and the 528 DNA- healing and heart frequency as this is the energy that is coming into us now. This is casting a violet light over earth.

Listener questions include questions about crazy dreams, and waking with bruises and scratches. Laurie explains this as how we are leaving our 3rd dimension field and going outward to learn, play and experience then falling hard back to our 3rd dimension bodies.   She suggests that there is no shadow or evil in this, but rather part of our exploration in our growth. Similar to when we were children and would explore outside, sometimes falling but getting back up to continue to explore.

Listener question Jenny asks if her Grandpa visits them and if he knows about the bears that were made from his shirts. Laurie connects and gives a loving message to Jenny and her family.

YourLifeCore Radio show is a bi-weekly podcast that is live every other Tuesday at 5pmPT/7pmCT/8pmET. We use the BlogTalkRadio platform to take our live callers for questions on the air. If you would like to be live caller on one of our upcoming episodes, the number is 347-934-0351. If you would like to submit a question for Laurie to answer on the air, email her directly at laurie@yourlifecore.com.

Our next episode is Tuesday, December 29th and the topic is 2016 – What can we expect for the New Year.

Episode 4: Energy Around The Holidays

In this episode of YourLifeCore Radio, hosts Laurie Wondra and Pamela Muldoon discuss the fluctuation of energy around the holiday. Listen Here

December is usually a highly charged time of year anyway – family gatherings, corporate end of year, expectation of finishing something and starting new, powerful gateways and this year we have a number of power surges that will be impacting us.  Laurie shares the impacts of these energy surges.

Laurie answers Listener Jenny’s question about how this energy might be impacting children during this time and provides some  helpful tips for parents.   She answers questions about what we might do to help ourselves or others, like grounding our physical or our energy bodies.   She explains some simple but effective ways to ground your energy field and our physical body.

Spending time with family can be very fulfilling and loving but some families or individuals may not have a loving family to be with. We discuss some easy ways to enter a party or family gathering and be at peace in the energy.   Laurie also offers some suggestions such as walk with a smile, hugging,  observing the person with ‘new eyes’ and not hold old memories,  and other options and ideas to ease through this holiday season maintaining your personal energy field.

YourLifeCore Radio show is a bi-weekly podcast that is live every other Tuesday at 5pmPT/7pmCT/8pmET. We use the BlogTalkRadio platform to take our live callers for questions on the air. If you would like to be live caller on one of our upcoming episodes, the number is 347-934-0351.
If you would like to submit a question for Laurie to answer on the air, email her directly at laurie@yourlifecore.com.

Our next episode is Tuesday, December 15st and the topic is  High frequency ways of being – Gratitude and how this impacts our energy centers