Episode 8 – Archangel Gabriel, Uriel and Metatron.

Laurie was requested by and guided to invite the Archangels to speak about their roles and when and how to call on them for support.   In this episode Laurie talks to and about Archangel Gabriel, Uriel and Metatron.

Episode 8 – Archangel Gabriel, Uriel and Metatron

She answers listener question – Can you ask the archangels for help with the clearing of old energy. I have not been able to release mine. I have had a cold/respiratory issues since the week before Christmas. Would you ask Michael or Raphael?  

Laurie shares Archangel Michael and Raphael’s response and Raphael also answers about the seemingly increase in colds and bronchial conditions.

Laurie also answers a request to expand a bit more on the directions (north, south, east, and west) and how the angels connect with us through these directions, and also how the Archangels are divided into companies or clans and how Michael, Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael have a direct connection to the earth.

1) Michael –   “The Mikael-Clan” /The Company stands for: Balance, courage, protection, energy, peace, knowledge, obedience, purity, righteousness, strength and thoughts. Michael brings the energy of fire to our journey.

2)Gabriel – “The Gabriel Clan” /The Company stands for: compassion, understanding, restoration, rejuvenation, glory, holiness, light, compassion, partnership, justice, transformation and taking consciousness. Gabriel brings creativity to artists, writers, dancers, theatre, and any other place we need creative thought in our lives.

3) Uriel –   “The Uriel-Clan” /The Company stands for: Alchemy, feelings, power, love, prophecy, transformation and wisdom. Uriel is also tied to weather.

4) Rafel (Raphael)   “The Rafel-Clan” /The Company stands for: mercy, kindness, healing, magic, truth and beauty. Healing is on all levels, body, mind, spirit, energy, esoteric.

We are an extension of divine love and light and sometimes we feel disconnected, but we are always connected to earth and we are connect to our divine source.    Archangels are angels, that have been given gifts and responsibilities to assist the world with love, justice and wisdom and to mentor people and all physical beings. They are messengers of the divine love to all living souls.    

Metatron is only one of two archangels that walked as a man. His earth name was Enoch. His name does not end with ‘el’ like all the other archangels –with the exception of Sandalphon, who is the second archangel that walked on earth. Metatron is the keeper of the akashic records. He works tireless to help us. He’s lived on earth so he understands us, our analytical minds and our desire to KNOW.

He has a special place in his heart for children – leading children to safety, or watching over them.   He is concerned about the children that we have labeled. (ADHD – other)   he watches the crystal children coming in now.   Laurie also explains how he helps children and parents of not only crystal children but all children.