Episode 10 – Archangel Metatron, Merkaba (sacred geometry) and the pineal gland activation

Listen while Laurie and guest Mark Griffon talk about Metatron, the book the Keys of Enoch, sacred geometry, the pineal glad and more about the codes and keys of the universe.    Episode 10 – Metatron

Laurie first met Metatron as a young child and he came to me to explain a bit more on the Akashic records.   She’d feel his presence when she was working with math or simple doodling.  She knew he was kind and now as an adult she knows that he has a special love for children and understand it was during those times of doodling, or playing with the shapes of sacred geometry, and the codes and keys of the universe.

Metatron –  The meaning of Metatron’s name isn’t clear as his name doesn’t end in the ‘el’ suffix like all the other archangels – with the exception of Sandalphon.    He is still a messenger and has been awarded special skill and responsibilities.

He is one of only 2 archangels who were once mortal men who lived on earh – the other being Sandalphon – was the prophet Elijah) . There have been many speculations and texts written by experts about what his name means – he has been called the angel of Presence.   (invite him in)

He is the youngest of the archangels since his creation occurred after the other archangel.   His earth name was Enoch, and in texts he was said to have walked with God (in the book of Genesis)   – BUT he was a scholar and he studied heavenly secrets.  It is said he was escorted directly to the seventh heaven – the highest level – to reside and work.   Enoch was given wings and transformed into a great archangel name metatron. .  Since he was a successful scribe on earh he was given a similar job in heaven – the keeper of the Akashic records –  known as the book of life.  This is all past, present and future and he organizes this material.