December 2021 – In the Dead of Winter

If you live in a place where winter brings dormancy you may feel things energetically die off. Barren trees, brown or snow-covered grass give the appearance of lifelessness. If you’ve ever driven on icy roads, you know the phrase – SLOW DOWN. Winter is a time of slowing down, but it’s not a time of ‘dead’. Far from it, for beneath the snow, or brown grass the earth is resting. There is activity there, even though it may not be visible to us.

Winter is a time for slowing down, resting, going inward and planning. You know if you stay in this state for too long, you’ll grow restless and that’s usually when cabin-fever sets in. Over the holiday season you may feel the rush and pressure of finishing the year, entertaining family and friends, organizing for tax season and dreaming of a warm weather get away.

The November 29 Podcast covers specific dates and impacts of December, that intend to prepare us for 2022. Below are some tips to help you through the end of the year.

Be aware of what you want, need, and desire.  This pause point can prevent regret later for overspending, overpromising, or over-committing to things that will create stress in their fulfillment. Being aware keeps you present. 

Enjoy The Present Moment. Being present prevents you from getting stuck in the past or stuck in the future. Yes, we can get stuck in the future by always looking ahead or committing to something we see in our dreams. Dreams and goals are essential but don’t live there. This is a time to be present and be in each moment of today.  

Carry what you can hold.  Imagine the impossibility of carrying groceries, presents, children, the energy of work, relationships, family… it can be crushing. It’s easy to take more, and you probably do that very well, but this is a time to be aware of the more realistic weight you are carrying.   

Work with others and without others.  You get to decide what works best for you, and sometimes that is going solo, and sometimes it is working with others. There is no forcing the natural flow of energy. We can feel when we are against the force and when we are aligned.  Don’t be afraid to say NO to help, but welcome it when it makes sense.   

Trust you make the right decisions. Trust your sense of responsibility is strong and reliable. You’ll know when it’s a healthy action from fear, desire, or obligation. None are wrong, be aware and trust what is motivating your actions.   

You hold value.  Energy can be measured in money, time, love, and other material things.  Your energy holds value in all that you do or all that you choose not to do. We exchange energy and understanding what you value or don’t value in those exchanges can reduce the stress.   Also, understanding your value on energy will probably differ from others, and there may be times you’ll need to balance each definition. Time to you may be a big deal, but not so much for others.  

Pressure and stress roll away with ease.  Everyone feels the pressure of the universe at one time or another.  What we do with this energy is vital.  Coal being pressurized becomes a diamond, while other earth composites can become sand or dirt. What you do with this energy is a choice in how we decide to direct it to something healthy and forwarding or something that deteriorates our being. This is a season to decide.  

Change is inevitable.  The one thing we know is that nothing stays the same. Earth is energy and is moving and, therefore, changing.  You live on earth, so you also are changing, and so is everything around you. Know what to carry along in 2022 and what has changed and is better left behind. You never know when what is ahead can be better than what was left behind, but without checking it out, you won’t know – and the universe wants you to know.  

Declare that you are resilient, skilled, and capable – It’s time to remind yourself of all the best pieces and bits of yourself that make up who you are. You didn’t get to this point in your life with some bumps and bruises. Value those scars and learnings as they remind you that you are strong, agile, adaptable, and you are here.  

Embrace vulnerability, openness, and nurture love.  Winter can be cold, but your energy towards humanity doesn’t need to follow suit. The heart is warm and loving. Our light is solid and bright. Shine this for you as much as for others to see how to bring a shining being you are. The law of attraction draws the vibration you are to you. Be a beaming being of love and light.   

Shine your light – Shine your Love. Shine ON. ~Laurie