Energe Take Two – August 2019 Entering the Lions Gate

Energe Take TWO– Are you familiar with the stones that are carved with inspirational words like LOVE, BELIEVE, PEACE, SUCCESS, etc?  This stone was carved ENERGE and it is not a typo. 

My spell check will continue to warn me that it’s a misspelled word. Dictionary.com will tell me there is no such word and Grammerly will continue its attempt to correct it. The French spelling of Energy is Energie’. I could continue with my research but I stop here, knowing I now have multiples of this carved stone in my possession, and it is once again a message.
In 2011 on a trip to North Minnesota I stopped at the rock shop in Beaver Bay, MN. I found two stones with the word ENERGE engraved into them. At the time I purchased them I thought they said Energy. I bought both with the intent to give one to my travel/spiritual buddy who was here from out of town doing some teaching with me. Everything is energy to me, so appropriate for what we were teaching. Later as I gave the stone to my friend, he laughed saying I was giving him a misspelled-word-stone. It was here I first noticed the spelling…. ENERGE and had a realization it was a humorous yet deep message.

Definition of Energy is the capacity for vigorous activity; available power. The substance that moves us and keeps us in action.    

Emerge means, to come forth into view or notice, as from concealment or obscurity, to come into existence or to develop. 

The stone is Yellow Calcite, and its vibration value is an uplifting stone that enhances meditation, induces a deep state of relaxation and is believed to provide greater spirituality in linking to the higher mind or higher consciousness. It’s an incredibly expansive energy. PERFECT !! 

Putting this all together at that time we believed it meant having available power that is to come into view or to be developed by the higher mind as a means of providing greater spiritual information for evolving higher consciousness. Affirmation at the time of being on track.

You may say that’s a stretch. Not really. I look back to what has evolved and come through my work since 2011 to 2019 and feel its similar to being in a speeding spacecraft. Each day we are given signs, symbols, some common and some just odd. We have information available to us all the time, we simply need to be observant. All messages are meant to help us, provide clues or reassurance along our journey.   

How many times had I looked at those stones and not really looked at the word? I just skimmed right over it, my brain filled in what would have been an actual word. Apply this to our greater world of being…. How many times might we take something at surface and not really SEE or EXPERIENCE it and allow our brain or past experience to fill in what we think it is, but not even see what is actually there.

I’ve been to this rock shop each year and always dig through the word-stones. How many times did I stop at any box of rocks with words carved on them checking to see if I’d find another. What are the chances in 2019 that I’d find ENERGE again? Well I did and I clutched that stone like it was a huge chunk of gold. 2011 was a significant spiritual development year for many, a year of ending and new beginnings and I believe 2019 is equally expansive. Shifts and awareness in our beings are more of a norm and we are hungry for information and clues to let us know we are on path. 

In August the Lion’s Gate opens on 8-8. It is a portal day with the opportunity to celebrate where we’ve been and decided where we are going. Messages about our pathway will continue to be shown us before 8-8 as through August. The full moon on August 15 will help to illuminate hidden things about what we’ve chosen while shining light on some new pathways. The number 8 turned on its side is the infinity sign and is believed to add some extra magic to the day for those things set in forwarding motion. I share more information on these magical days in my latest podcast. Listen HERE

Get your space gear on – rockets are firing and ready to take off!!  
 Love and much Light. Laurie