Happy New Year 2015

Winding down and ramping up or just more ramping up?

A channeled message from my team of Angels, Shaman and Energy Wise Ones

Here you are again standing at the doorway of something ending (2014) and on the threshold of something new or continuing (2015). You feel excitement and the charge from energy in the air, and the belief in what is possible and what is rising on the horizon.

You hear and hold wonder and belief that 2015 is going to be a ‘better year’. Before you step through that gateway we offer you this time to pause and be in an awareness of gratitude for your life experiences in 2014. Acknowledge yourself and all that you experienced, learned, rejoiced in and perhaps released.

Be grateful for people that entered upon your path and those that exited. Be grateful for people that showed you a new path or a new direction, and those events or individuals that creatively placed challenges in your path that created a pause, stretch or a new way to view. Be grateful for all opportunities to review your circle of people and their interactions with your life.

At this threshold to 2015 you have the ability to reflect and then choose to end or repeat events or experiences. Pause to reflect on how you experience your life. Pause to ask if there are experiences you’d like to repeat or continue, or experiences you choose to leave behind. Will you only choose the ‘stuff’ that feels good and not repeat the ‘stuff’ that feels uncomfortable or controlled?   How will you choose to enter 2015?

You may choose to repeat an experience to simply to learn more, release more or expedite your journey to greater growth – knowing that the decision to pursue means to challenge your being. Sometimes you may need this uncomfortable experience to find authentic joy and your true state of being. Sometimes you have this choice and sometimes the universe will choose for you J   It is better for us to make this choice, as many of you don’t like surprises, and believe you have control. Sometimes you do have the forethought or courage to repeat, and the universe will provide that experience again.

Fear not the work you have yet to do. Commit to it because the experience always brings you knowledge and wisdom. Release any belief, emotion or projection of it being hard or painful. Put energy of excitement, love and reward with the belief you will move through it and the results will be just they should be. With this shift in your thought-energy you will be rewarded in experiencing the same event but with greater ease.

2015 is a movement year and all your activities, investments in your personal growth with be in assistance to help you progress if you are courageous and open to those experiences that are uncomfortable. All experiences have the ability to cause greater expansion and transformation. They don’t have to be painful if you perceive them to be helpful.

2015 is a freeway of transformation and another year of discovering our own energetic bodies. It is change by blending and the discovery of new energy portals – aka – chakras.’ It is a further balance of masculine and feminine energies and brain functions that help us align.

Your journey to awaken is to focus on feeling and understanding these experiences. This is the un-numbing or thawing process. We ask that you be open to reducing analyzing the heck out of your lives and everyone else’s too. Over analyzing manifests feelings of fuzziness, and leaves the soul feeling it is not transformation. You will find you have periods of time you are unable to retain data, or the data is confusing, as these are meant to create the opportunity to look at this experience without ‘data’. These periods are meant to give us a break in ‘thinking’ and practice our other senses. Not all will experience this at the same time as you do need to function as a society. These new concepts will push many to release old paradigms in how you look at experiencing your life. Letting go means allowing them vs. expecting them or fighting them.  It really can be a fun rollercoaster ride, if you understand the process and are able to adjust your expectations as to how you are ‘supposed’ to be.

New information is available to us, but it now comes in many other formats and methods. High frequency pitches and tones are sounds of the universe that carry information to us. Lights, colors and rays of energy also bring information. When you focus on your senses, you remove limiting filters and gain access to information very easily. Release the fear that you will miss something, because is remains all around you, and readily available to you.   Many of you are getting messages now and are frustrated that you do not understand.  The frustration is anchored in old structures of interpretation of this information rather than the new framework of energy you are learning.

2015 continues your transformation and the potential to move further, faster, gentler and easier if you are open to all experiences and view them all as possibility and excitement.  Some will feel as if you have finally arrived and some at only the beginning. Wherever you are on your own journey path…our question to you now is… are you ready to step over the threshold into the movement 2015…  Weeeeeee!