Hello October 2019

2019 is flying along! Three months to 2020. Where did summer go? Where did the last ten years go? There is no time in higher dimensions, and our evolution connects us and has us moving within higher states of ‘being.’ We’ve been busy riding the waves of the energy. All the portals and surges of light hitting us this summer have kept us moving along the road of transformation. The energies of summer pushed our buttons and our limits as we experienced new streams of change. We’ve been shown the reality of our ‘self stories’, and give tools to blast through old beliefs and habits that we won’t need in these other states of ‘being.’ Chiron, the wounded warrior, continued to push on ancestral wounds to clear all paths for transformation. Nothing to hold you back but yourself. The intensity of the energy and these experiences is a step in the evolution process.   

The universe listens and responds to us with ‘gifts’ disguised as opportunities and challenges that create or force change. The change creates a new version of YOU.  

Fall is about harvest and the success of the energy we invested in spring and nurtured over summer. During harvest time, we compare what we planned to the reality of now.  

The themes of change are usually not isolated to a single area of your life. They are meant to create momentum to more significant changes, or sometimes have a catapulting effect on your life. This may be the upgraded version of you, and it can only come with incredible change. Perhaps you’ve been asking yourself these questions and making changes in your life. It’s a season of reflection, adjustment and action for correction.   

Are you happy?

Are you living a purpose-filled life?

Are your relationships aligned with your soul and your life goals? 

Are you speaking your truth without intending to dim the light of others?

Are you aligned with new beliefs, having released limiting stories?

Are you living a life of your-defined harmony?  

Perhaps you have focused on the art of listening and observation and now have new tools that assist with clarity. The observer aspect of you collects the information it receives and processes it with ease without attachment to the information. You sift or filter based on its resonance with your higher self, all while listening inwardly. It is listening without having to have immediate action. You begin to feel more peaceful and patient. This is the elevated version of you. The doors are open for you to create your best self.

Go for it!  Happy October. 
Much Love and Light – Laurie