June 2018 – Sunshine and Sensitivity

Welcome summer!  Hot summer temperatures and bold storms pushed May right off the calendar. In June we’ll officially welcome summer with the Summer Solstice, where we have the most hours of daylight here in the Northern Hemisphere, but there’s other magic in the air that stirring our passions up.   
Uranus moved into Taurus mid-May. Uranus is the planet of innovation, liberation and revolution. It can destabilize the foundations of anything that is stuck in the past and resists a progressive future.  Its role is to show you where you might feel trapped. Uranus will strip away anything that is holding you in a place of lack, status quo or being stuck, and if you don’t or won’t move, its force will create events that will move you. 
Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac, and ruled by the planet Venus and relates to our human desire for personal comfort, stability, and security, which for many are love and wealth. Notice where your passions are desiring expression. Taurus also is the first earth sign and represents Mother Earth herself. Mother earth will continue to rumble this summer as she too is feeling the energy of change just as we are. Be outside and enjoy the feel of her upon your bare feet! 
This energetic shift could create some significant disruptions to your regular routines, habits, and lifestyle, which has up until now provided you with material and emotional stability, security and nurturing. Changes in these areas might not be so comfortable for some, and it may test your skills in resilience.
The Full Moon at the end of April pushed some of you to declare – DONE. In doing so, you set in motion a doorway and a new path. As you travel this new path, don’t bring along your old habits and patterns. When stress or fear rises, most of us have established patterns we tend to fall back on.  Under the Uranus/Taurus influence, you might notice you are tempted to revert to old habits or patterns as a method of avoidance. If your comfort patterns involve reaching for unhealthy snacks, shutting down communication, reaching for another glass of wine, make a conscious decision if these are the patterns you want to take with you on your new journey. A new path might warrant new patterns. Know and decide where your ‘comfort’ zone is before you hit any stress or fear bumps.  Want to know about the influences of Uranus in May listen HERE  
In Gratitude !