June 2021 Juxtapose

If I were to give June a word, the first word that comes to mind is juxtapose. Juxtapose means to compare two objects, ideas or images so that the differences between the two are emphasized. The OLD and NEW.

In June, we’ll step through the gateway of summer on June 21. Summer Solstice, and a time where the sun rises high in the sky, and we celebrate the most hours of daylight of the year.   Leading up to this gateway we continue on our path of transformation with the clearing energy from the May 26 Lunar Eclipse, Saturn, Pluto and Mercury retrograde and the Solar Eclipse on June 10.  So, what’s this all mean. You don’t need to be an astrologist, or follow the planets to feel the energy of change in the air.    We feel different. We have been in various states of isolation in the past year, so you may feel you’ve regressed on your journey. This past year the universe stepped in to help course-correct our path. Leading into the pandemic, we were headed down a way misaligned to the energies of the Age of Aquarius. 

Aquarius is the most global sign of the zodiac – it rules networks and communities based on a mutual vision. In the next 2000 years, there’s no more place for top-down, hierarchical cultures or extreme political doctrines. The Age of Aquarius will come with a completely different “operating system” – something we haven’t seen yet.  Pluto retrograde (death and rebirth) is still in transition of the United States, at its pinnacle in 2024, and continuing its transit through 2027. We are seeing some of that shifting now in our world, particularly in the worlds of politics, religion, judicial, education, social equality, and medical, but we still have more ahead. 
Aquarius is about humanitarianism, science, technology, energy, cosmic awareness, and our evolution.  We can’t look at the headlines each day to realize we are in a time of significant transformation. The information through our experiences are the codes and keys that we receive from the universe that prepare us for the future.  Our practices, beliefs, and how we navigate each day as a human is shifting. It feels uncomfortable, scary, and the soul’s excitement could be interpreted as anxiety.  

Retrograde season is a time for us to Review, Reflect, Remember, Resolve, Reconnect, Repair, Remove and Renew.

I’ve done a few specific podcasts that have more information on navigating Saturn’s Karmic influence from May to October and the pushes behind the Eclipses of May 26 and June 10.  Mercury is about communication, travel, and we are often warned not to sign any legal documents, don’t travel, and electronics are more apt to malfunction. Usually, I’m not too fond of fear-based warnings, and a better way to approach this is that you will need to read any fine print, and make sure you understand all the details. It’s about communication, and our filters for interpretation are a bit laxer during this time. It’s easier to confuse or be confused during detailed conversations during a time where everyone is shifting. If you have something electronic that’s been troublesome; it has a more substantial chance of failure during this time. You’ll want to be preemptive. If you feel you have to be more aware of what you say, and who you tell it to, this is precisely the universe allowing us to reframe what we thought we knew in to the truth. 
Saturn, the planet of karma lends the energy to repair, remember, reflect and re-do. It’s an opportunity for us to emerge to something NEW and not go back to same-old way of being. Summer is a gateway for transformational change, and a chance to be different.  Shine your light – Shine your Love.