May 2018 – Manifestation

Do you believe in manifestation? Do you have patience?  Do you have practices? Do you think that you are always creating your future?  Do you think the universe is listening and will deliver? 
May is a planetary charged month meant to help us plant seeds for our future.  I’d like to share some personal experiences and beliefs about manifestation: 
•   Dream
•   Feel, not think about what you want to manifest.
•   Say ‘ Yes’ on the way to manifestation
•   Leave space for the universe to deliver something that is better than what you can dream up.
•   Be relentless and adjust if needed.
•   Be in gratitude for all you experience
Dream.  For some, moving into adulthood created limits to our dreams. Responsibility taught us to be practical, and real in what we asked for, wanted or expected. Sometimes we play with questions like, ‘if money were not an option, what would you do,’ or ‘if you had a magic wand what wish would you grant.’  These inquiry questions allow us to dream without boundaries or limitations. If you had this opportunity what might imagine?  When you dream, share those dreams. Ponder, adjust, expand and vocalize them.  
Feel your Dream. We can write about our dreams, some call these goals, but there is more power in our dreams (goals) when we feel them.  Our emotions generate a vibration that acts like a magnet drawing to us those things equal in that vibration. Words plus the feelings of the dream create a surge of energy. If you say you want something, but the emotional wave is something else the universe will deliver on the emotional frequency, which is usually stronger.  
Recently I had dinner with a friend and was musing about my travel bucket list. Iceland was the next country on the top of my list. I’d been loosely sharing this with friends, but I noticed that that night as I shared this dream of the volcano-glacier island, I felt the excitement rise in my heart.  The next day I received an email from a friend asking if I wanted to go to Iceland.  
Say ‘Yes.’   Of course, I said YES to that opportunity to travel to Iceland. The universe just gave me what I asked for.  I wasn’t expecting it, I didn’t hesitate and I didn’t get stuck in analytics. I made an educated decision (calendar, budget) but didn’t labor over on potential thought-noise. I said YES.  Within 24 hours I was booked on a trip to Iceland, along with four others that also said YES.
Leave Space.   Leave space for the universe to deliver something that is better than what you can dream up.  When we hold the reins too tight, we are limited to what can occur. We need to guide, have some boundaries, but leave enough space or loosen our desire to control to experience something more significant than expected. The majority of our thoughts are repeat thoughts just regurgitated another way, but when we leave space or void, the universe can deliver something new that we’ve not experienced before.   I love when the universe surprises me with ‘HOW’ or ‘WHEN’ something is going to happen.  I don’t have to know all the details. Some surprise is good!
Be Relentless and adjust along the way  Don’t give up on your dreams, desires or wishes.   The universe always delivers. It might not be in the time we wanted or exactly how we thought it would show up, but it will show up. In April I set intent to do more group and public speaking outside of Minnesota, preferable radio or podcast. I would focus on the feeling of this desire.  I am doing a TeleSummit in May with a group out of Colorado, but my intuition was pushing for something else. I got a call from a producer in NY for a radio spot. Two days later after that interview, it was followed by an offer that didn’t align with me.  I graciously said no-thank-you and set about tweaking my intent. I had no regret and didn’t spend much energy on it instead focused on moving to something different.  Today I connected with a contact in LA and am saying YES to an opportunity that is emerging under my eyes. I understand it may not look like what I had initially dreamed but instead morphed into something better. I am comfortable with being uncomfortable while this evolves.  
Express genuine gratitude.  Say thank you for the experience. The universe delivers on what you feel, and you can adjust if it’s not quite right, and doing this tweaking helps you learn how to evolve your dreams.   All experiences lead to something else. All experiences help you learn. When feeling gratitude your frequency remains elevated, and you feel good. When your frequency is elevated, you are most apt to dream about the future or the things that will move you forward. Dreaming about NOT getting what you want will hold you in that stuck place. 
In Gratitude !