May 2019- Happy may and the Beginning of a NEW Cycle

Spring, sweet breezes, rain and the freshness of new beginnings.  East is associated with Spring, robins and eagles, the element of wind and new beginnings. The astrological signs begin its new yearly cycle at the end of March-April. It’s a time of renewal, refreshing and frequency of vibrancy that we’ve been waiting for.   The Full Moon of April 19 brought closure to an old cycle that for many began nine years ago, some three years ago. In either case the planets in place now.

NEW Beginnings

April 2019 was defined as the completion of a soul cycle and continuation of our internal transformation process. The Portal of March 22 to April 22, included the power of the New Moon in Aries, and three planets moving into retrograde: Jupiter( April 10th to August 11), Pluto (April 24th to October 3) and Saturn (April 29 to September 18). The Full Moon in Libra on April 19 completed the closure of old and signified the opportunity for the beginning of a new cycle. The old cycle included years of internal work of clearing soul karma, aligning the soul journey, and spiritual evolution. The new cycle provides opportunities and pathways to a deeper understanding of self, the realization of your power, higher soul evolution and more ways to your soul dreams to reality.

Retrograde planets provide an opportunity for us to take out outer-life-experiences and use them to understand our purpose, our soul, our reality, realign our dreams and begin to shine them outward when the retrograde period is complete.  

Jupiter  The search for individual meaning and purpose, optimism, hope and a sense of justice is represented by Jupiter. So also our faith, an underlying philosophy of life, the striving for spiritual growth and expansion of the soul.
Saturn shows how we experience “reality,” where we meet with resistance and discover our limitations. It represents the conscience and moral conviction, the laws, and rules which we choose to obey. It also tells us about our powers and abilities.
Pluto describes how we deal with power, personal and non-personal. It explains how we meet with reality, letting go (death and rebirth) of those things that no longer make sense, and our capacity for radical change and rebirth.

In this new cycle, what are you becoming?  What are you creating NEW? What or who do you want in your life? What do you want from life and your experience here on earth?
As you ponder those questions and use the energy of May also ask;Are you complete in the closure of anything old, so you have space for anything new? Are you open and ready for the universe to deliver all that you’ve been working towards?Are you absolutely SURE what you are desiring or focusing on is right for you?  Take the opportunity of the May energy to recharge and reevaluate your path.