November 2018 – Experiences of Life – time of reflection

I’m often curious about how people see their experiences in life. We reflect on events in our life and categorize them into good, bad, great, awful, remember or forget. We all have categories and when you indicate which of these categories do you reflect on the most.
The planetary support in October and November throwing us deep into these experience categories. If you have been working on organizing your personal spaces, and that’s an example of external organization, but our spirits are working on our internal space. Cleaning, tossing, saving and simplifying applies both to our personal space as well as our emotional health. In either case, we often find things we’d forgotten about. Neptune natal retrograde is creating this unplanned cleansing for our souls by showing us those forgotten or purposefully hidden memories. Most of what we are attempting to clear are not from this lifetime. Present day life events are only the catalyst for transformation of our emotional memories. 
This transformation includes speaking the truth for things you’ve held on to. Finding your voice to honor your experiences. There is again more light coming into the planet, and this is highlighting the opportunity of our soul growth. 
I’m curious, how you are looking at your past? What areas are you yet afraid to look at, for fear of the emotion it might dig up. Confused about feelings that you feel don’t have any history (at least in this lifetime) Honor your feelings and your history. Transform the thread, cords, and relationships of past. No long cut the ties or cords, but rather transform them by honoring the experience. Doing this is what will provide a clear gateway for your future.  
Love and Light ~Laurie