October 2020 – Searching for the Right Piece(s)

October continues to be a month of challenge and tons of fiery energy. The month begins with a Full Moon, which helps us clear away emotions. The Full Moon on 1 is in Fire energy Aries and pushes our IAM buttons. Saturn begins its forward motion on September 29, challenging our beliefs and how we view our reality. It will show us where we meet with resistance and discover our limitations. The new Moon mid-month in Libra will attempt to ‘balance’ out all the fire, and we end the month with a second Full Moon on October 31 in Taurus, leaving us assessing what we have, where we’ve been, and certainly questioning where we are going. The TWO full moons mean this is a Blue-Moon month, and we honor the Harvest and Hunter moon. Mercury will be moving retrograde October 14-November 3, but we begin October under the influence of this shadow energy. Mercury is all about how we think and express yourself – watch the news, news stories, and social media as we continue to struggle with finding the truth and those missing puzzle pieces. Mars sits in Aries’ fire space, and it represents our drive, courage, determination, and sense of freedom. Lastly, the interaction of Saturn, Jupiter, and Pluto also add unrest, fire, and the potential for more disruptions.

Humanity is now at a crossroads that will determine the certainty of a path. We are searching for the right pieces to complete the puzzle of what the full picture will be for us in the coming years. 

Do you find you are tired of conspiracies? Those are pieces to our puzzle also, however in this puzzle, not all pieces fit for what we may want the future to be, so we struggle. Like a puzzle, we all hold pieces, and we must work together to discover how and where they fit. Working together will continue to be our key to figuring it out. Keep up with our practices that help you find balance. Pay attention to where you are directing your energy and question if it aligns with your desire for balance. Choose where you focus your heart energy.
Shine ON!