October 2021

October – Remembering and Balance

We are official in the ‘BER’ months, which means we lose light, days are cooler, the geese have begun to fly, and the leaves are dropping. Time to say goodbye to Summer and fully enter into FALL. 

October is about Balance, and we are reminded of this with the fall equinox with equal hours of light and dark. Libra’s archetype is ‘I BALANCE,’ and we feel all the little and big places that are out-of-balance in our life. The universe’s energy pushes us to align to what Balance might mean for us and our path ahead. 

It’s the season of deciding what to pack away until next summer or what to dispose of. It’s a time of harvest and letting go. September was about uncompleted tasks, refining goals, and figuring out a better way. October is about realistic goals and defining what is most important in our life. We are pushes towards what is in better alignment for 2022. Like leaves, things we are not meant for us will fall away, or we’ll be pushed in another direction. After months of feeling like an untethered kite, you may begin to see glimmers of something ahead. Most of us are ready to leave 2021 behind, yet we still have a few months of work. 

Mercury (communication) goes retrograde, but Pluto, Saturn, and Jupiter go direct. Transformation, Karma, Luck, and Knowledge of our roadblocks clear away, and if you’ve been listening to your higher self, expect the unexpected, and go with the flow, October could be a magical month for you.