Selfless Service

In April I was asked to speak at a motivational service at the Lake Harriet Spiritual Center in Minneapolis.   The monthly focus topic was Selfless Service.  The angels, guides, and masters use these times to share and teach us. My job is to be a conduit for these messages.  As always they stepped in to elevate the morning’s energy.  They’ve since been urging me with almost daily reminders to share this information as  my May newsletter topic.

Selfless service or giving might be an easy topic for many of us as by nature we are caring beings. It is quite normal for us to give.

Giving requires us to be in balance. Give AND receive. We feel good when giving, but if we decline receiving we deny the giver the same joy we feel when we give. If we are always giving without being open to receive, we become out of balance in the universe and we have the potential to build unbalanced karma. When we give, there is always someone on the receiving end.  This is balance.  How do you ‘receive’?

It is easier to give when we are ‘full’. We are not able to give when we are empty. Spirit will not allow us to fully deplete our reserves.  We’ll feel overwhelmed, tired and a host of physical sensations. Our internal engine will slow down to maintain a minimal level of energy to run.   It is not selfish to focus on our internal tank to help us fill first and then give.

Giving doesn’t have to be a sacrifice. If we are ‘full’, we are able to give freely and easily. If you find yourself in a position of giving and it is uncomfortable, this is a message to assess where the uneasiness is stemming from.   It might be alright to say no, or find an alternative way to give.

Giving doesn’t have to be costly, huge or overwhelming. We can give in many ways.   It may be a simple hello and smile, opening a door for someone, giving our time and energy, or monetary giving. We can say a prayer for a friend or send blessings out to the universe for global help and healing.   We can do simple things to contribute to the overall goodness of the planet.   A daily practice may be to be in gratitude and then send love outward, then breathe in and receive love back from the universe.


Daily reminders in giving and receiving. 

I’d mentioned I was given reminders all week about giving AND receiving.  I am in gratitude for these reminders of unconditional giving.  Someone anonymously left a bouquet of flowers on my doorstep on Tuesday with a simple note, ‘as promised’.  The next day I was greeted on my walk from the parking ramp to an office building by a man that was singing ‘good morning’ to everyone that walked by. As I continued my walk down the skyway I could hear his beautiful rich voice greeting each person. What a morning blessing ! Think of all the smiles he created that morning !   On Friday is was May Day. As I pulled out of my garage that evening I noticed a little girl delivering little May Day baskets to her neighborhood friends. How sweet !

Let the spirit of selfless giving continue. Be in balance in both giving and receiving. The universe is always ready to give to us.   I send you huge amounts of Love and Light !