September 2015 – Feeling winds of change

Feeling winds of change….
It’s an interesting year!!  In the traditional medicine wheel east is the direction of spring, symbolizes new beginnings, and we use WIND to lift and carry these changes to the ethers.  West is the traditional direction for fall or evening and where we begin introspection and understanding of our emotions. The earth element of the west is water.


I believe we’ve either skipped a few seasons, they’ve been expedited or the energy of the planet has flipped.   It is likely that time is being expedited. You may find yourself experiencing events that create huge emotional flurry, or you may get ‘triggered’. This is purposeful energy meant to push you to release any nonessentials along the path forward (that’s a North activity).  Time truly is speeding up, but this is only to support our energy and the energy we need now for transformation.


September vibrational frequencies have been and will continue to be intense.   We are passing through a number of energy portals and any portal is an amazing opportunity to release old, open to new and experience growth.


The fall equinox on September 23rd, is sandwiched between the Solar Eclipse (New Moon) that happened on September 13th, and a Lunar Eclipse (Full Moon) on September 27.  This is all related to past karmic conditions.  Mercury turned retrograde on September 17 and goes direct on October 9.   In the midst of change we are inspired turn our focus and emotions inward going internal, digging deep, and finding the roots.


This has all been our warm up stage. Pre-game practice and preparation!    The big shift really begins September 23 through September 28. This means there will be much more coming to us that will require grounding and integration.


We can gauge our level of higher consciousness by how quickly we can move through these changes.  We are all evolving, it may only feel slow to some.  Energy is meant to propel us forward, so resistance or lower frequency behaviors anchor us or hold us back. As the energies of the universe and earth rise, so does our frequency. Low frequency behaviors have to fall away, they have a more difficult time existing in this new light. We may try to fight and hold on to these patterns, but the more we resist the more pressure we feel because we are out of alignment with the natural frequency of our beings and the planet. We are all ‘one’, so it is impossible to hold to old. We are all shifting. Our cellular structure is changing. These elevated frequencies are affecting our ears and sense of sound is an important element for this growth period.  It is important to focus on our senses at this time.
It is quite divine that the universe conspires to move us quickly forward as we learn how to deal with rapid fire changes. Feeling our emotions is more important than vocalizing them because the energy starts with a feeling first. Feel them, understand them, let them go, and move forward. If it helps to talk about them, then do so, however this is done, it’s important to understand and release that which does not work in this new vibrational frequency. If you look back it’s only as an opportunity to learn, it is not to look back and rehash those feelings again.   Do you have a pattern of looking back?   Are you anchoring in?


If you find yourself circling you’ve not successfully released this and you are in a cycle. See this as an opportunity to recognize and release. The universe is providing the energy to help us work through this so do the work now to get through it. Do the work now, codependency or expecting others to do the work for you or tell you how to do the work all need to fall away. Do this work now as you don’t want to still be in this cycle after Oct 9 so you can take advantage of any of these additional portals that will help to move you forward.    Coincidentally the next New Moon is Oct 11… and is another portal of energy movement.   Between the end of September and October 11 we get time to release those patterns, behaviors and replace them with new energy. A great question to ask during this time is, are these seeds of frustration or bridges or opportunity ?
As you move through the old patterns and replace with new behaviors you will feel good, fresh and lighter.