February – We are Vibrational Energy – the Vibration of the Heart

“Everything in Life is Vibration” – Albert Einstein

The Law of Nature states everything has a vibration. The Law of Vibration states that everything vibrates and nothing rests. Everything is made up of atoms that are in a constant state of motion, and depending on the speed of these atoms, things appear as a solid, liquid, or gas. These layers of energy create our physical being, but we also have layers around us that comprise our energetic, emotional, mental, and astral layers. There are studies of the interactions of these energies, including when they clash.  

“From the standpoint of quantum physics, as we examine every smaller particle of matter – people made of cells, molecules, atoms protons/electrons, quarks, etc. – we eventually reach a state of reality where the smallest particles of matter, when broken further, do not yield smaller particles which we can put names on, but rather a universal energy matrix of relationships of vibration patterns. In actuality, there is nothing solid in the universe at all. Consciousness itself is a vibration pattern.” ~Dr. Jeffrey Thompson, D.C., B.F.A.– Center for Neuroacoustic Research.

We vibrate at varying frequencies, and we also have conflicts of energy with other frequencies. 

When you feel irritated, it’s an off vibration, either yours or the other persons. It’s vibration, and YOU have the power(vibration) to shift it. We are awakening to the understanding of how vibration works and how all is connected through a vibrational network.

If you want to manifest(create) something, vibrate to that frequency. There have been studies of the human form and its impact on vibrational energy documented as early as 1928. The Buddha said, “anything that arises in the mind starts flowing as a sensation on the body.” If everything vibrates and vibration affects our life and our physical bodies, and we manifest based on those vibrations, how can we attract what we want in our life? 

Vibrations of the same frequency resonate with each other, so like attracts like energy. As human energy, our vibration creates and magnetizes like frequencies to us. When we focus on a particular thought or idea, it will eventually attract its vibrational match. Vibrational matches include both high (happy) or low (sad) frequencies. 

The strongest vibrational magnet starts with your emotions and how you feel about something. Whenever you are transitioning to something new or different, your emotions are releasing, expanding, and evolving. You may want to use the help of other vibrational frequencies to keep your emotional vibrational energy high. Music in the frequency of 432Hz works at the heart chakra, “the feeling,” and therefore could influence the emotional change in any situation. 432Hz is our actual heart frequency and, thus, can contribute to creating a sense of balance. 528Hz, according to Dr. Leonard Horowitz, is believed to have the ability to heal damaged DNA. It is also the Earth vibration, so a vibration of 528Hz grounds us to earth and all her natural healing abilities. There have been scientific leaps in understanding vibration. Studies in this area continue as science becomes more interested and evolves in understanding the impacts of energy on the physical bodies, emotional and spiritual bodies. 2023 is another LEAP year in Acoustic Technologies TM.

February is a great month to focus on emotions from the heart. Venus will move through Pisces into Aries in February reminding and illuminated for us, what we believe about our heart and relationships. The full moon on Feb. 5 will illuminate areas of the heart to either clear or expand. The full moon is in Leo, with an archetype of ‘I WILL.’ This energy is about also sexuality and eroticism, creative expression, and you’ll feel the force of proving to others ‘I WILL’. Address any illumination to areas of truth, things you’ve not wanted to admit, or the world to know. Free this energy so that you can focus on the pure vibration of the heart, and the real things you want to manifest in your life Love to all of you – from the higher dimensions of joy, bliss and continued balance of truthful love. Here are a few reminders to help you let go:

  • Let go of all thoughts that don’t make you feel empowered and strong.
  • Let go of feeling guilty for doing what you truly want to do.
  • Let go of the fear of the unknown; take one small step and watch the path reveal itself.
  • Let go of regrets; at one point in your life, that “whatever” was exactly what you wanted.
  • Let go of worrying; worrying is like praying for what you don’t want.
  • Let go of blaming anyone for anything; be accountable for your own life. If you don’t like something, you have two choices, accept it or change it.
  • Let go of thinking you are damaged; you matter, and the world needs you just as you are.
  • Let go of thinking your dreams are not important; always follow your heart.
  • Let go of being the “go-to person” for everyone, all the time; stop blowing yourself off and take care of yourself first … because you matter.
  • Let go of thinking everyone else is happier, more successful or better off than you. You are right where you need to be. Your journey is unfolding perfectly for you. 

New Moon on Feb. 20 is in Pisces with the archetype of I Believe. It’s a time to believe in yourself, your actions and how you can be more present every day. To hear more about the planetary and energy influences of February list to What’s Up with the Energies of February

Shine on -💖 Laurie – In Gratitude and be Blessed.

June 2022 – Sun of Summer

June will continue to be an eye-opener for us, and it’s not going to be the easiest month. We want to play, enjoy the weather, while the universe pushes us in an ever-changing direction. What will help us this month is remembering that these energies are prepping us for a large upshift in creative consciousness that will require strength and courage to move forward. 

June is the sixth month, with the collective numerology of June 2022 being the number “3”. The energy of “3” carries the power of: 

  • Self-expression, Fertility, Wisdom, Harmony, Creative power and Unseen energy

In Laurie’s May 23rd podcast – Universe Codes and Keys from Solar Flares and Universe Portals, She talked about how Solar storms create an energetic portal that allows rapid energy travel between dimensions of two distant locations in the universe, for example, from the Sun to Earth. Portals can bring life-changing transformation with the opportunity to experience a conscious awakening, limitless possibilities, higher wisdom, and increased levels of love and understanding. They are a tremendous opportunity to align with the universe’s energy and manifest abundance. This summer, we access the Sun’s energy and possibilities to change. The universe is persistent that we change and why it does not feel like the easiest month. Reality is glaring before us, and we can’t avoid shifting. 

Anytime we receive new coding from the universe and release the old programs, we need time to integrate. In software development, you test for bugs and issues and resolve them before going live. In our human experience, we need to do similar. Test for bugs, make corrections, and become familiar with these new pieces of our being before we show them to the world. Most of this integration happens naturally during the retrograde season, which we are entering now. Still, it’s a bit unnatural as it’s summer, and we want to be outside, in the Sun, exploring and experiencing, when the energy may be anchoring us more to internalization.

You don’t want to sleep or be numb during this fantastic growth period. As you are leveling up a few things to remember on how to make productive use of this energy by:

  • Letting love in
  • Emotionally detoxing
  • Spending time connecting with your passion and purpose
  • Connecting deeper to your intuition, inspiration, clarity, and truth
  • Purifying the body through exercise, drinking fresh fruits and vegetable juices, smoothies, water, and tea

We always have the balance of the forces. Look for that, see it, embrace it – the universe isn’t going to hang you out to dry as you go through many transitions. It is time to get clear about your values and beliefs to make choices that will help you stay true to who you are.

You’ve done all this work in preparation, now, trust the process and know that your frequency, clarity, and state of alignment are the most powerful things in your life that you have to create.

Mantra: My focus is present because today, I begin my tomorrow. 

Call in Archangel Michael to help with change, courage, strength and alignment of our Soul. Shine on -💖 Laurie

April 2022 – Review and Renew

March and Zodiac sign of Aries is the beginning of the astrological year. It is spring in the northern hemisphere when we welcome the first day of spring, the return of migrating birds. We feel spring fever and long for days of warmth and sunshine. It is the time of year that the Universe urges us towards new beginnings and assessment of our past only as we create space for our futures. It is a time of renewal. The world is at a time of needing ‘NEW.’

When I was born, I had a plan, purpose, destiny, but I had no idea what an adventure or challenge life would bring. I had no idea the beautiful people I would cross paths with and those that would provide those valuable learning opportunities. I had no idea this love and support would surround me on my journey. I had no idea how I’d travel, see, learn and then again find that sometimes I’d want to be home by the fire, curled with a book and a fur baby on my lap. I had no idea the Universe would both challenge and gift me with experiences that would fill my life with immeasurable richness and challenges of the world that tugged at my heartstrings. But each day, when I rise, I acknowledge how very blessed I am.   March, for me, is a natural time for me to assess my life. The Universe is pushing us to be present and experience life at a slower pace with fewer distractions, which is difficult when things around us seem to be busier, more chaotic, and certainly faster. It feels we have to focus more on the present and all moments that exist now. Present-day, we are redefining the work environment, our playtime, and what is essential.  

When we are unsure of the future, we assess our lives more. The reality of what was important in our 20’s is not the same when we are in our 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, or beyond.  What is happening in the world impacts our presence in our lives and what and where we focus. We are looking at our visions and dreams for what our future might look like. How do we want to use our senses, emotions, gifts of intelligence, and spiritual wisdom for our life, and where can we contribute to the world for what the world needs now? We are becoming more aware of our actions on ourselves and others. We are becoming more aware of what is most important.
If you find you are struggling with the present energy, create space for the Universe to show you what you need to do or what might be next. Focus on flow vs. force by allowing more space with less rigid planning. This chapter of change we are in will continue for quite some time, and to become as peaceful as we can with change, is to find peace within. Life will force us to be responsible, focus on our actions, and support each other, but we can balance the pressure with more time in nature, more meditation, music, laughter, rest, quiet time, and doing things that help bring joy to self and others.  
Just a reminder of the dates of the upcoming eclipse season. Eclipse season urges and reenforces change. The solar eclipses will signal newness, and messages of the drive forward, while Lunar will bring emotions and illumination or changes to what we think we should be doing. If you are feeling I should begin or stop doing…… then that answer will become clearer for you as the year continues. 

  • 04-30-2022 Partial Solar in Taurus – Taurus is about money, possessions, property and values
  • 05-16-2022 Total Lunar in Scorpio – Scorpio is joint finances, debt, transformation
  • 10-25-2022 Partial Solar in Scorpio
  • 11-08-2022 Total Lunar in Taurus
  • 04-20-2023 Hybrid Solar in Aries – Aries appearance, image, self-identity
  • 05-05-2023 Penumbral Lunar in Scorpio

Shine your light – Shine your Love. Shine ON. ~Laurie

March 2022 – Perspectives

Many of us may be feeling sadness in our hearts that we’ve lost heart connections and relationships with others. Others have mentioned this sinking feeling of numbness of the overwhelming pressure of the world, potential war, recession, and global impacts. It’s a year of relationships and adjustments. The relationships we have with ourselves and others. A continued time of learning how we and others ‘are’ in the world. Seeing things from a different angle can often turn a situation into a completely different scenario. We all look at the world through different eyes, sometimes we may need to try a little harder to see the world with someone else’s view. The universe will always deliver those opportunities to test our view with the purpose of shifting our perspective to be different. It’s time to be different. 

In the Medicine Wheel, East is the direction that represents new beginnings, springtime, and the place before birth and of birth. It is where we begin anew, over and over again. When you find yourself in the East, you can be sure that something has ended and that you stand on the doorstep of a new beginning, whether you want to be there or not. This March, we stand facing a new beginning. It is the best time to identify, illuminate and clarify, seek vision and inspiration, and locate your unique path. Each time you need to understand a situation in your life, you will return to the direction of the East. As you stand in the East, you face the West, which is the direction of healing and learning from your experiences. The universe encourages us to use our past to direct us forward. You may not understand what you are looking at, or what you’ve experienced. First, it may feel shrouded in darkness, but illumination will come when you begin to pay attention to everything in your physical, emotional, and spiritual being. Clarity can come, just like the season of spring and movement from darkness to light. The universe will illuminate our path. It urges us to take one step at a time and view it from a different perspective.  

2022 powerful Eclipse Season is soon upon us. Solar (Sun) is masculine mental energy, while Lunar(moon) is feminine emotional energy. Taurus archetype is ‘I HAVE,’ and it reminds us to use what we have, acknowledging where you are and what you have – home, security, or things that make you feel secure. It reminds us to be present. Scorpio’s archetype is ‘I DESIRE.’ It is a time to reflect on misalignment with what we have and what we desire. The universal energy to manifest what is missing or out of alignment. We have about 18 mos. of this dance of what we have and desire. We can expect changes, or nudges to change leading up to the Aries eclipse in 2023. What we think we should have, or should be doing, pushed up against the reality of what is. This will not be a ‘feel good’ time for some, but it is meant to helps you align to our soul and not the human experience of false expectations and unachievable visions. It is the soul-reality.  

The solar eclipses will signal newness, and messages of the drive forward, while Lunar will bring emotions and illumination or changes to what we think we should be doing. If you are feeling I should begin or stop doing…… then that answer will become clearer for you as the year continues. 

  • 04-30-2022 Partial Solar in Taurus
  • 05-16-2022 Total Lunar in Scorpio
  • 10-25-2022 Partial Solar in Scorpio
  • 11-08-2022 Total Lunar in Taurus
  • 04-20-2023 Hybrid Solar in Aries
  • 5-05-2023 Penumbral Lunar in Scorpio

We are energetically standing in the direction of the East right now, and our action is to be alert, pay attention, observe how you are here before you rush forward. Observe what is ending or needs to end and equally what is created. Look to your experiences to understand where you were but remember this is an opportunity for you to start new resides.
Shine your light – Shine your Love. Shine ON. ~Laurie