April 2022 – Review and Renew

March and Zodiac sign of Aries is the beginning of the astrological year. It is spring in the northern hemisphere when we welcome the first day of spring, the return of migrating birds. We feel spring fever and long for days of warmth and sunshine. It is the time of year that the Universe urges us towards new beginnings and assessment of our past only as we create space for our futures. It is a time of renewal. The world is at a time of needing ‘NEW.’

When I was born, I had a plan, purpose, destiny, but I had no idea what an adventure or challenge life would bring. I had no idea the beautiful people I would cross paths with and those that would provide those valuable learning opportunities. I had no idea this love and support would surround me on my journey. I had no idea how I’d travel, see, learn and then again find that sometimes I’d want to be home by the fire, curled with a book and a fur baby on my lap. I had no idea the Universe would both challenge and gift me with experiences that would fill my life with immeasurable richness and challenges of the world that tugged at my heartstrings. But each day, when I rise, I acknowledge how very blessed I am.   March, for me, is a natural time for me to assess my life. The Universe is pushing us to be present and experience life at a slower pace with fewer distractions, which is difficult when things around us seem to be busier, more chaotic, and certainly faster. It feels we have to focus more on the present and all moments that exist now. Present-day, we are redefining the work environment, our playtime, and what is essential.  

When we are unsure of the future, we assess our lives more. The reality of what was important in our 20’s is not the same when we are in our 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, or beyond.  What is happening in the world impacts our presence in our lives and what and where we focus. We are looking at our visions and dreams for what our future might look like. How do we want to use our senses, emotions, gifts of intelligence, and spiritual wisdom for our life, and where can we contribute to the world for what the world needs now? We are becoming more aware of our actions on ourselves and others. We are becoming more aware of what is most important.
If you find you are struggling with the present energy, create space for the Universe to show you what you need to do or what might be next. Focus on flow vs. force by allowing more space with less rigid planning. This chapter of change we are in will continue for quite some time, and to become as peaceful as we can with change, is to find peace within. Life will force us to be responsible, focus on our actions, and support each other, but we can balance the pressure with more time in nature, more meditation, music, laughter, rest, quiet time, and doing things that help bring joy to self and others.  
Just a reminder of the dates of the upcoming eclipse season. Eclipse season urges and reenforces change. The solar eclipses will signal newness, and messages of the drive forward, while Lunar will bring emotions and illumination or changes to what we think we should be doing. If you are feeling I should begin or stop doing…… then that answer will become clearer for you as the year continues. 

  • 04-30-2022 Partial Solar in Taurus – Taurus is about money, possessions, property and values
  • 05-16-2022 Total Lunar in Scorpio – Scorpio is joint finances, debt, transformation
  • 10-25-2022 Partial Solar in Scorpio
  • 11-08-2022 Total Lunar in Taurus
  • 04-20-2023 Hybrid Solar in Aries – Aries appearance, image, self-identity
  • 05-05-2023 Penumbral Lunar in Scorpio

Shine your light – Shine your Love. Shine ON. ~Laurie