The 5th Dimension

Ignited Souls – The 5th Dimension – where the earth is elevating to. Some believe it will be complete on 12-22. I believe there will be some settling to these energies as we’ve been feeling this since 12-12-12. The 5th dimension moves us into higher use of our intuition, healing abilities and working with light.


If you are in that field of work, or have been working in that area, you will experience minor doubt in your gifts and skills as you make this adjustment. Some will choose not to adjust. Some will think they’ve adjusted, and they still remain in the 3rd dimension. We are feeling this in the heart area – use the 528 Hz music and vibrational tones to assist.


More violet light coming into the heart, and more active work in this area. Meditations to bring in the violet flame are suggested by those that are able to facilitate it’s intensity and are authentic in their work as is working with the Ascended Master, St. Germain and the workings of the interconnectedness of the blue and pink flame that transmutes to the violet flame.


In the 5th dimension we experience the concept of time begins to fall away. Many have heard me say we have infinite time and energy. Some have wondered how I get it all ‘done’, and how I am able to do full day, multi-day readings, or energy work. This is working in the higher dimensions. I’d love for all of you to begin to experience this !!! This is where we begin to realize time is only a factor of our mind. We have infinite time, and infinite access to energies that support us and all gets done as it ‘should be’.

The more we focus on shortage of ‘time’ the more we limit our creative beings, this limits our exploration of life and the time it takes to evolve. The more we focus on the ‘lack’ of our resources, the more we lack. The more we label ourselves, the more we remain within those labels. Time is an element of the 3rd dimension, and our every-day-lives are 3rd dimension, but your being and energy force field can be in the 5th dimension.

It is not as if you will elevate to the 5th dimension and be there all day, every day – but rather you develop your energetic being to go there when you desire or need to. This requires practice, belief, and an understanding of your emotional force field along and how that is presented internally and externally.

Things we may be experiencing –

Rise in blood pressure

Lots of yawning as we release old,  gassy digestion

Physical heart ache and lots of headaches or sinus pressure that if not release begins to manifest in to neck aches.

Rollercoaster emotions and the feeling that we are being controlled or limited in our personal freedom – this means we are awakening to our desires of freedom and expansion and any perception of being held back doesn’t feel good. This is testing our patience.

Keep your frequency high with daily gratitude, or love notes –

Love and Light

YourLifeCore Radio Episode 5: High Frequency Way of being – In Gratitude

In this episode of YourLifeCore Radio, hosts Laurie Wondra and Pamela Muldoon discuss the external influences of the energy surges that are coming in over mother earth during the Portal of 12-12 to 12-22, followed by a rare Full Moon on 12-25.  We discuss how this energy is impacting our force fields. We often talk about the external energy but what is the science behind this energy and how do we self direct from our bodies and mind to help elevate our frequencies.   We can use some simple practices and an emotion such as GRATITUDE  to help us raise these frequencies.  Listen Here

We are experiencing growth spurts in our own force field. We need to do this to align and plug in to web of energy that surround the planet, is within the planet and connect us all.  Mother earth is completing her transition to the 5th dimension and we are working to align.  This means an changes in our energy field.  Listen for more details on why we find we are yawning more, feeling edgy, might feel physical aches in the heart area and lots of heat, and neck ‘stuff’.

We have an opportunity to thrive in this energy. Laurie discusses the difference between being Thankful and being Grateful and how the frequencies are different for us in our masculine and feminine energies.

In 1949, Donald Hebb, a Canadian neuropsychologist, wrote what has become known as Hebb’s axiom: “Neurons that fire together wire together.” Neuropsychologist Rick Hanson puts it this way:   The longer the neurons [brain cells] fire, the more of them that fire, and the more intensely they fire, the more they’re going to wire that inner strength – that happiness, gratitude, feeling confident, feeling successful, feeling loved and lovable.”

We talk about the physical benefits of being in gratitude and how Dr. Leonard Horowitz, says that 528 Hz is a frequency that is central to the “musical mathematical matrix of creation.” More than any sound previously discovered, the “LOVE frequency” resonates at the heart of everything.  It connects your heart, your spiritual essence, to the spiraling reality of heaven and earth.

It is the “Miracle” note of the original Solfeggio musical scale. (MI)  This frequency was used by ancient priests and healers in advanced civilizations to manifest miracles and produce blessings.

High frequency feelings, brings clarity, Gratitude, compassion, and love.

Gratitude, love, compassion create High Frequency

In numerology 528 reduces to a 6, the number for physical manifestation. The symbol “6” reflects the “spiraling down from heaven into the wholeness of earth.” According to the laws of physics, this frequency is fundamental to broadcasting all matter and energy into reality.

Laurie talks about the frequency of the head and the heart and the 528 DNA- healing and heart frequency as this is the energy that is coming into us now. This is casting a violet light over earth.

Listener questions include questions about crazy dreams, and waking with bruises and scratches. Laurie explains this as how we are leaving our 3rd dimension field and going outward to learn, play and experience then falling hard back to our 3rd dimension bodies.   She suggests that there is no shadow or evil in this, but rather part of our exploration in our growth. Similar to when we were children and would explore outside, sometimes falling but getting back up to continue to explore.

Listener question Jenny asks if her Grandpa visits them and if he knows about the bears that were made from his shirts. Laurie connects and gives a loving message to Jenny and her family.

YourLifeCore Radio show is a bi-weekly podcast that is live every other Tuesday at 5pmPT/7pmCT/8pmET. We use the BlogTalkRadio platform to take our live callers for questions on the air. If you would like to be live caller on one of our upcoming episodes, the number is 347-934-0351. If you would like to submit a question for Laurie to answer on the air, email her directly at

Our next episode is Tuesday, December 29th and the topic is 2016 – What can we expect for the New Year.

Episode 4: Energy Around The Holidays

In this episode of YourLifeCore Radio, hosts Laurie Wondra and Pamela Muldoon discuss the fluctuation of energy around the holiday. Listen Here

December is usually a highly charged time of year anyway – family gatherings, corporate end of year, expectation of finishing something and starting new, powerful gateways and this year we have a number of power surges that will be impacting us.  Laurie shares the impacts of these energy surges.

Laurie answers Listener Jenny’s question about how this energy might be impacting children during this time and provides some  helpful tips for parents.   She answers questions about what we might do to help ourselves or others, like grounding our physical or our energy bodies.   She explains some simple but effective ways to ground your energy field and our physical body.

Spending time with family can be very fulfilling and loving but some families or individuals may not have a loving family to be with. We discuss some easy ways to enter a party or family gathering and be at peace in the energy.   Laurie also offers some suggestions such as walk with a smile, hugging,  observing the person with ‘new eyes’ and not hold old memories,  and other options and ideas to ease through this holiday season maintaining your personal energy field.

YourLifeCore Radio show is a bi-weekly podcast that is live every other Tuesday at 5pmPT/7pmCT/8pmET. We use the BlogTalkRadio platform to take our live callers for questions on the air. If you would like to be live caller on one of our upcoming episodes, the number is 347-934-0351.
If you would like to submit a question for Laurie to answer on the air, email her directly at

Our next episode is Tuesday, December 15st and the topic is  High frequency ways of being – Gratitude and how this impacts our energy centers

The Gift of Presence

December 2015
Some of us still have leftover turkey in the refrigerator, along with fond memories of family gatherings, stuffed tummies and perhaps lounging over a football game or two. As we entered this holiday season I’ve been asked to write about all of us.   Not all have family and friends to share time with. Not all have fond memories of family gatherings.   Some family gatherings can be stressful and not always easy. Some of us might be missing loved ones, who aren’t able to be with us. Our stress might be tied to shopping, or the bills that come after. We might worry about our jobs, our work or wonder if we are in the right place.   We might even stress over traffic and road conditions, putting up decorations, lights, the tree all adding to a collective energy of worry, stress, anxiety.  As human magnets, more stress in our lives, attracts more stress ! As humans we often replay the ‘stories’ in our lives. If you replay any stories, replay only the good ones !  As a human magnet, focus on attracting more peace and happiness to you.

I work with clients to understand if they have any ‘stories’ that create anchors for them, then look for ways to delete or rewrite those stories to be more forwarding or moving.   2016 can be a year where we move forward, a year of action, a year where action on our dreams is more important than continual dreaming, so we want our stories to be forwarding for us.

This season be present with yourself and the story that you tell about yourself, your life, and even the stories you may tell about your loved ones.   Be present and ask, is this really who I am, or is it time to tell another story, create a new outcome, and self direct your life to be what you want it to be.   To do this you need to be present to how you present yourself in the world. This is the gift of presence.

Allow yourself to be present with your emotions, your feelings, the actions in your life that create your experiences.   Honor this presence in yourself and others.   Be present for them also. Give this gift of presence to the world.

Turn off external stress – seek internal calm
This holiday season I wish for you to be at peace and to not be stressed, fearful, lonely or filled with anxiety.   Shut off the TV, the computer, or other technology that might bring messages of fear, worry, stress, or anger. Pick up a book, play a game with your family, meditate, or turn on music and dance, enjoy an activity that brings happiness to your life and your heart.

YourLifeCore Radio Episode 3: Can we really talk to angels and our loved ones that have crossed

In this episode of YourLifeCore Radio, hosts Laurie Wondra and Pamela Muldoon discuss the concepts and possibilities of talking to the angels and our loved ones  that have crossed over. Listen Here

Laurie shares our current composition that makes up our 3rd dimensional bodies and what happens when we leave this state. What other dimensions or frequencies can we connect with and how they are becoming more measureable and acceptable in the world of science. She answers listener email questions about these dimensions and why are some people born with this gift and others aren’t. Laurie believes we all have this ability to use our higher consciousness and intuition, and provides a few simple ways to help us.

Laurie answers Listener questions about why some children might be more open to experiencing a loved ones energy, and if they are what can they do or should they do? She also answers questions and teaches us to remain in a higher frequency and not be in a place of fear with beliefs of negative energy coming to harm us. We are all very protected.

Laurie then takes live calls from listeners that have the desire to connect with their loved ones that have crossed. Roxanne had emailed Laurie a question, but then called us to validate information that was shared. Laurie ends the show reminding us that our loved ones are near us and they do communicate with us.

YourLifeCore Radio show is a bi-weekly podcast that is live every other Tuesday at 5pmPT/7pmCT/8pmET. We use the BlogTalkRadio platform to take our live callers for questions on the air. If you would like to be live caller on one of our upcoming episodes, the number is 347-934-0351.
If you would like to submit a question for Laurie to answer on the air, email her directly at

Our next episode is Tuesday, December 1st and the topic is “Energy Around The Holidays”


In this time of ACTION remember your ‘being’. Thanksgiving is an opportunity to bring us together in families and communities. Activities such as festivals, yard cleanup, football games, and of course the festivities of Thanksgiving help draw us together to create that sense of community.

As we enter into the fall-winter holiday busy-season take time to pause in gratitude for your loved ones, family, friends, pets, your home, your career, and anything else that is special to your heart. Next, take a moment and pause to be in gratitude for who you are and what you bring to the world. Your heart, your love, your words, your creativeness, your smile, your presence.

Most of us are great at ‘doing’, and this thanksgiving balance this with some pauses to be great at ‘being’. ‘Being’ YOU !!

In Gratitude of YOU !!

November – Evolution Journeys and Experiences

Journeys and experiences along the way
When I’m working with clients or groups during any time of change, attunement or expansion, I most frequently hear the guidance from the angels telling us to be patient.   Our western world is about ‘getting it done’, ‘checking the box’, ‘moving on to the next thing’, but when we rush to the finish line, we often neglect to understand the opportunity or gift was in the journey.     In a time where we learn from our experiences and our growth is to be with ease and grace, it is really important that we take each opportunity to experience the journey and ALL the events along the journey otherwise we slow our own progression, or we repeat experiences we rushed through.

Our evolution is about learning, accepting, and being aware of how WE are during these times. It involved changing WHO we are during these times. Our internal self-understanding of our emotions and how we experience our journey is really the journey.   Now more than ever it is important to be present in the immediate moment.

I don’t watch TV very often, but one of my favorite television shows is the Amazing Race.  With technology I can get caught up pretty quickly with missed episodes. This show is a race around the world where teams of two people race against each other, while completing personal or team challenges along the route. The goal each show is to be the first to the finish line or risk being eliminated and sent home.  I watch for a couple of reasons.

The human element of being under stress and pressure of racing, while in foreign countries, performing tasks and activities that challenge communication skills, teamwork abilities, inner calmness and physical abilities. This closely resembles an adult scavenger hunt and teams know they must read each clue in detail or risk missing a clue or task they must perform, working as a team is critical.

Mistakes are often made under these situations which brings another element of the human spirit to light.   The ability to quickly let go of the ‘mistake’, adapt, communicate and move forward while still maintaining a calm loving energy. Teams that struggle with this often are quickly eliminated as they allow the lower energy of frustration, anger or missed communication to impact their energy field.
The biggest reason I watch though are the places, people and animals they experience along on the way. If it were me, I’d be forever stopping along the way to take in all the beauty and experience the various cultures. I would imagine as these teams reflect on their experiences they are forever changed by their journey.

This may be a similar sensation to some of us. We’re in a race to a finish line that is somewhere in the future and we are rushed to get there. We pick up clues along the way and sometimes misunderstand their meaning, yet we continue to move forward. At some point we may feel we have ‘won’ the prize but perhaps still wonder what we might have missed along the way?   What might we need to repeat either as a another great adventure or challenging problem that is there only to create the experience for us to learn or to just have the experience?

May you take your time and experience each moment of your journey as an opportunity to learn through that experience, or to enjoy the experience. Pause to reflect, enjoy, and remember. May you grow and prosper through your all your experiences.

YourLifeCore Radio Episode 2: Using Your Sensing Gifts

In this episode of YourLifeCore Radio, hosts Laurie Wondra and Pamela Muldoon discuss the amazing gifts our senses provide us as we gain insight and clarity into our higher consciousness.

Laurie breaks down the “clairs” we have that are connected to our five senses: sight, taste, touch, smell and hearing. Clair is the French word for clear, and perhaps you have experienced one or more of the following:

  • Clairvoyant
  • Clairgustance
  • Clairsentience
  • Clairalience or Clairolfactance
  • Clairaudience

Gain a better understanding of what it means to use your intuition and to be empathic. All these terms are unique, but often blend together in our own personal experiences. In each episode, Laurie takes questions from the audience. Hear what Laurie had to say when Nicki asked via email how she can open up her intuitive abilities further. Laura was live on the air asking about a specific instance with her deceased grandmother. Laurie wraps up this episode by sharing some of the signs to look out for that indicate a heightened intuition or other clair gifts.

YourLifeCore Radio show is a bi-weekly podcast that is live every other Tuesday at 5pmPT/7pmCT/8pmET. We use the BlogTalkRadio platform to take our live callers for questions on the air. If you would like to be live caller on one of our upcoming episodes, the number is 347-934-0351.

If you would like to submit a question for Laurie to answer on the air, email her directly at

Our next episode is Tuesday, November 17th and the topic is “Can You Really Talk To Dead People?”

Your Life Core Radio Episode 1: What Is Higher Consciousness?

Laurie Wondra and Pamela Muldoon officially kick off Your Life Core Radio with the topic “What Is Higher Consciousness?” In this Q & A style format, Laurie shares some basic definitions of higher consciousness and spiritual awakening and how each of us has the ability within to access the energy that is within and around us.

Learn the many and varied ‘symptoms’ of moving into a higher level of awakening. Though each of us may not experience all of these, knowing and understanding them can perhaps make your awakening journey a bit easier.

Every episode, Laurie will answer questions you have either by live call-in during the show or via email to Laurie prior to the show’s recording. Listen to hear questions asked by Laura in Florida and Linda in Minnesota.

Laurie wraps up this episode by sharing how now that you recognize the symptoms of spiritual awakening, you can move forward more successfully and with intention. Knowing what to watch for is the first step.

Your Life Core Radio show is a bi-weekly podcast that is live every other Tuesday at 5pmPT/7pmCT/8pmET. We use the BlogTalkRadio platform to take our live callers for questions on the air. If you would like to be a live caller on one of our upcoming episodes, the number is 347-934-0351. If you would like to submit a question for Laurie to answer on the air, email her directly at

Our next episode is Tuesday, November 3rd and the topic is “Using Your Sensing Gifts”.

Listen to Episode 1 “What Is Higher Consciousness?”

How Do I Know this is a Sign

How do I know ?


The number one question I get asked when I teach about intuition is, ‘How do I know when I get a sign?’


The answer is to be aware of your surroundings and notice when things are out of the ordinary. When signs or symbols happen in threes, or objects are not where you’d normally find them, or when something, someone, or an animal is persistent in getting your attention, it’s an indication that you are getting a message. Pay attention to what you were doing at that time, or if you asked a question and wanted a sign, then this is your sign. Here was my sign today.


Many years ago I came across a list of language clarifiers designed to help you find potential inhibitors in normal language patterns. I’ve adapted and adjusted them to the energy world and every so often I pull them out and review them again to add, remove or modify them. Today I was pondering whether I would send a newsletter, and debating about sharing this list in this newsletter as a way to help readers move through all this change we are experiencing. I was wondering how I could help others understand their stories and the importance of modifying the stories that no longer fit when I was interrupted in those thoughts by the screeching of an eagle.


I see eagles often, and I feel their energy when I’m out in nature, but I usually don’t hear them, especially while I’m working in my office.   I went outside to investigate and see if it was an eagle, hawk or perhaps some other noise in my neighborhood that was drawing my attention. It was indeed an eagle and his screeching continued so I grabbed my phone and recorded. You can watch that short video clip on my Facebook business page Laurie Wondra YourLifeCore or website under the FAQ tab.


As I said out loud in the video that I was going to go see if I could pinpoint where he was I suddenly felt his energy above me. Yup, he was flying directly above me. The moment I acknowledged him, I felt a deep sense of gratitude, and he disappeared.   He not only disappeared from the sky but his screeching also stopped. This was a distinct message and I believe it was to send this newsletter and share these this message about the Power of Words – 12 Clarifiers.


The Power of Words – 12 Clarifiers


1. Urgent or Important?
Is this situation, event or matter urgent or is it important? This is similar to if something is a problem or concern. What will happen if it is not addressed or a solution determined ? Is there an inherent risk or will something greater happen if not addressed now? Is it urgent for you or for someone else? Sometimes we have responsibility to others, but this may not always be the case. Someone else’s urgent issue doesn’t necessarily make it your urgent issue.


2. Addressed or Avoiding?
Are you avoiding something that keeps coming back? This is an indication you need to address it. Finish it, complete it, close it.   If something is avoided and it keeps coming back you have energy tied to this. This can be wasted energy and by addressing it you free that energy to be spent on something more forwarding.


3. Accurate or Interpretation?
Another great question to ask, is … Is this TRUE?   This might be a bit tough for some when you are first starting to use your intuition and you find yourself asking if you are interpreting correct.  Even when using intuition ask your higher self. Is this true? Is it an interpretation based on my past and perhaps not where I am today? Is this accurate or is this an interpretation or belief that may require more information? If you need more information ask for that too. This may be a good time to ask for a sign!


4. Open or Resistant?
When you do ask for that sign, are you open to receive whatever the answer is, hearing it even if you don’t like the answer or are you resistant.  I once watched someone pull angel card after angel card because they didn’t like the answer, only to draw the SAME card. Be open, it’s the opportunity to learn, grow and know, it’s what you NEED at this particular moment of your journey.


5. Internal or External Reference Point?
Where is the information coming from? An internal belief, and external influence or empathic feeling? Can you identify if this feeling you have is yours or someone else’s. Is it perhaps an old story or recording that needs to be deleted or re-recorded with changes ?


6. Want or Could/Should/Need?
We face this question every day, and if you have kids you may face this question many times during a day. The world is abundant and we live in abundance, but sometimes we must ask ourselves is this simply a want or is this something for my higher purpose? Is this a momentary desire or something that I truly want/need long term? This is important during times of manifestation as you want to focus on the manifestations that are for your highest purpose, which may not always be aligned to what you think you want/need.


7. Opportunity or Possibility?
Is it a real opportunity or just a possibility? During these times of intense creativity and dreaming we have information available to us in new dimensions and at new depths. Our lives provide us with situations to explore opportunities and possibilities. It may be important for you to distinguish if your energy is to be focused on the opportunity or the possibility of the opportunity. Understand the difference and this will help to guide your energy.


8. Source or Symptom?
In any situation that requires problem solving you get to ask if this is the source or only a symptom of something deeper. As we work through the layers of our life patterns, beliefs and stories if we think we have the source ask one more time if there is another layer deeper and if you have truly reached the source or is it another symptom.  Go deep!


9. Response or Reaction?
When you have an opportunity are you responsive to it, or do you find you are often in reactionary mode?   Most people don’t like surprises and the universe usually gives plenty of warning, or messages to changes that are coming our way. You may have had an experience that after an event occurs you find yourself acknowledging  “I knew that was going to happen”, or “I saw that coming”.   If you find yourself in a perpetual mode of reaction, then spend more time focusing on being present in THIS day, or THIS moment so you can pick up the signs.


10. Create or Eliminate?
Is it time to create something new or eliminate ? Feeling stuck, on hold, board ? This might be an indication that it’s time to eliminate that which no longer matches your frequency and create something new that is more in alignment with where your frequency is.   Sometimes ‘old’ doesn’t fit in your new vibrational frequency and you have to eliminate it.


11. Present or Past?
Is this situation part of your past, present or future? Our past experiences are important to us as they help us clear, learn and move forward. If you have a past event or situation that holds you back from evolving, or your beliefs are old beliefs tied to an old story, then it may be time to look at these event with new light. The past is an aid to move you forward, not to hold you back. If you are the new-employee starting a new job and you continue to comment about how your old-company functioned you may be shutting down the opportunities to SEE what is present in this environment.


12. Toward or Away From?
As you move through evolution and change, you get to ask, am I running away from something I do not like or I fear, or am I moving towards something that is more in alignment of your journey. If you are running away from something, it runs too, and it will catch up with you.   Do the work now and then move forward.