September 2015 – Feeling winds of change

Feeling winds of change….
It’s an interesting year!!  In the traditional medicine wheel east is the direction of spring, symbolizes new beginnings, and we use WIND to lift and carry these changes to the ethers.  West is the traditional direction for fall or evening and where we begin introspection and understanding of our emotions. The earth element of the west is water.


I believe we’ve either skipped a few seasons, they’ve been expedited or the energy of the planet has flipped.   It is likely that time is being expedited. You may find yourself experiencing events that create huge emotional flurry, or you may get ‘triggered’. This is purposeful energy meant to push you to release any nonessentials along the path forward (that’s a North activity).  Time truly is speeding up, but this is only to support our energy and the energy we need now for transformation.


September vibrational frequencies have been and will continue to be intense.   We are passing through a number of energy portals and any portal is an amazing opportunity to release old, open to new and experience growth.


The fall equinox on September 23rd, is sandwiched between the Solar Eclipse (New Moon) that happened on September 13th, and a Lunar Eclipse (Full Moon) on September 27.  This is all related to past karmic conditions.  Mercury turned retrograde on September 17 and goes direct on October 9.   In the midst of change we are inspired turn our focus and emotions inward going internal, digging deep, and finding the roots.


This has all been our warm up stage. Pre-game practice and preparation!    The big shift really begins September 23 through September 28. This means there will be much more coming to us that will require grounding and integration.


We can gauge our level of higher consciousness by how quickly we can move through these changes.  We are all evolving, it may only feel slow to some.  Energy is meant to propel us forward, so resistance or lower frequency behaviors anchor us or hold us back. As the energies of the universe and earth rise, so does our frequency. Low frequency behaviors have to fall away, they have a more difficult time existing in this new light. We may try to fight and hold on to these patterns, but the more we resist the more pressure we feel because we are out of alignment with the natural frequency of our beings and the planet. We are all ‘one’, so it is impossible to hold to old. We are all shifting. Our cellular structure is changing. These elevated frequencies are affecting our ears and sense of sound is an important element for this growth period.  It is important to focus on our senses at this time.
It is quite divine that the universe conspires to move us quickly forward as we learn how to deal with rapid fire changes. Feeling our emotions is more important than vocalizing them because the energy starts with a feeling first. Feel them, understand them, let them go, and move forward. If it helps to talk about them, then do so, however this is done, it’s important to understand and release that which does not work in this new vibrational frequency. If you look back it’s only as an opportunity to learn, it is not to look back and rehash those feelings again.   Do you have a pattern of looking back?   Are you anchoring in?


If you find yourself circling you’ve not successfully released this and you are in a cycle. See this as an opportunity to recognize and release. The universe is providing the energy to help us work through this so do the work now to get through it. Do the work now, codependency or expecting others to do the work for you or tell you how to do the work all need to fall away. Do this work now as you don’t want to still be in this cycle after Oct 9 so you can take advantage of any of these additional portals that will help to move you forward.    Coincidentally the next New Moon is Oct 11… and is another portal of energy movement.   Between the end of September and October 11 we get time to release those patterns, behaviors and replace them with new energy. A great question to ask during this time is, are these seeds of frustration or bridges or opportunity ?
As you move through the old patterns and replace with new behaviors you will feel good, fresh and lighter.

July – Playtime

Summer is here and with that come lots of sunshine and the opportunity for us to play !!
July is our play month. More than playing in the sunshine, water or taking vacations. This is finding a place of childlike joy, bliss and carefree energy. Energetically, we are experiencing surges of energy and without a method to release it, it will have the potential to weigh us down emotionally and physically. This energy is also very conducive to creative thinking and visioning.

Recently I watched a flock of birds swirling in the air. They weren’t flying forward but rather they appeared to be playing in the sky, floating up, swirling down, with a continued flow of movement that appeared to be somehow orchestrated. Their movements were memorizing. I noticed a second flock doing similar movements in the sky yet both of the two flocks never made direct contact. Each flock had a different pattern but similar movement of swirling up and then down. Who was leading these flocks? How were they doing these maneuvers without flying colliding? Were they confused or were they playing? Perhaps one bird was playing follow the leader and the rest were following. Funny what thoughts come when stopped in traffic. Nonetheless, it was amazing entertainment as they gracefully moved around in the sky.

The swooping, non-directional movement of the flocks may be what some of us have been feeling in these recent months. Twirling, swirling and swooping with no real pattern or direction. Many of us have needed to learn to go with the flow or the patterns around us leaving us with a choice of feeling we have no direction. We’re tossed in this twirling motion and can be captivated by fear, or we can embrace the movement and flow of this energy.

From a distance, these flocks of birds had a pattern and there was beauty in their movement. Just like us, from a distance there may be a pattern and beauty that we cannot yet see.

If you find yourself yet in the middle of some of this crazy energy, ask if there is perhaps a bigger view. Are you part of a larger orchestration of energy flow. Go with the flow, be in the dance and rise and fall with joy, peace while you experience the ride, and play !!!

Energy healing

Have you ever wondered about what energy healing is and how it works? Can a light touch, a firm touch or no touch at all really heal? And what does energy healing really mean ?


Energetic healing facilitates the natural healing process by removing blocks in the energy fields usually related to the chakras or our energy portals that open energy from the external world to our physical body. It can include repairing and re-balancing the energy fields so that the body can move to its natural optimal level of balance. Once the body is in this state of balance it is able to access its inherent ability to heal itself or with the assistance of higher energetic bodies.


Pain starts within our emotional and mental state. This does not mean that all pain is in our imagination. Our cells store every experience throughout our life. Trauma, emotional and mental stress, false belief systems, physical distress, environment stress, and other blocks to our personal growth can be stored in the energy fields of our bodies. This impacts our ability to function at our full potential. If you’ve experienced mysterious pain from time to time, it comes from an experience. Sometimes our western doctors don’t know where the pain is coming or can’t pinpoint a cause.


Your body can and does heal itself. We have intelligence within each cell of our body. The cells are either working in sync with each other or against one another. Our life styles and emotional states affect our physical body’s health and well-being.   Stress, anxiety, not sleeping or not eating well, or not hydrating the body can also impact the natural energy flows of the body.


For effective healing it is important to first clear and remove the blockages so a clear flow of energy can be experiences. The second step is to repair so the energy field can hold and maintain a level of energy. The next step is to replenish and lost energy and infuse with renewed healing energy and ensure the flow is moving in a healthy flow with no new blockages.   In this process you may feel a warm flow of energy through the body usually exiting through the hands or more commonly through the bottoms of the feet.     A general overall calmness in the body can be felt and the pain is diminished or gone.  This process of flowing energy can also be used to push colds, flues, headaches, sinus pressure or other illnesses from the body.


To assist in healing, repair and elevation I’ve begun to do more sound healing and elevation meditations.  See Laurie Wondra events at

Selfless Service

In April I was asked to speak at a motivational service at the Lake Harriet Spiritual Center in Minneapolis.   The monthly focus topic was Selfless Service.  The angels, guides, and masters use these times to share and teach us. My job is to be a conduit for these messages.  As always they stepped in to elevate the morning’s energy.  They’ve since been urging me with almost daily reminders to share this information as  my May newsletter topic.

Selfless service or giving might be an easy topic for many of us as by nature we are caring beings. It is quite normal for us to give.

Giving requires us to be in balance. Give AND receive. We feel good when giving, but if we decline receiving we deny the giver the same joy we feel when we give. If we are always giving without being open to receive, we become out of balance in the universe and we have the potential to build unbalanced karma. When we give, there is always someone on the receiving end.  This is balance.  How do you ‘receive’?

It is easier to give when we are ‘full’. We are not able to give when we are empty. Spirit will not allow us to fully deplete our reserves.  We’ll feel overwhelmed, tired and a host of physical sensations. Our internal engine will slow down to maintain a minimal level of energy to run.   It is not selfish to focus on our internal tank to help us fill first and then give.

Giving doesn’t have to be a sacrifice. If we are ‘full’, we are able to give freely and easily. If you find yourself in a position of giving and it is uncomfortable, this is a message to assess where the uneasiness is stemming from.   It might be alright to say no, or find an alternative way to give.

Giving doesn’t have to be costly, huge or overwhelming. We can give in many ways.   It may be a simple hello and smile, opening a door for someone, giving our time and energy, or monetary giving. We can say a prayer for a friend or send blessings out to the universe for global help and healing.   We can do simple things to contribute to the overall goodness of the planet.   A daily practice may be to be in gratitude and then send love outward, then breathe in and receive love back from the universe.


Daily reminders in giving and receiving. 

I’d mentioned I was given reminders all week about giving AND receiving.  I am in gratitude for these reminders of unconditional giving.  Someone anonymously left a bouquet of flowers on my doorstep on Tuesday with a simple note, ‘as promised’.  The next day I was greeted on my walk from the parking ramp to an office building by a man that was singing ‘good morning’ to everyone that walked by. As I continued my walk down the skyway I could hear his beautiful rich voice greeting each person. What a morning blessing ! Think of all the smiles he created that morning !   On Friday is was May Day. As I pulled out of my garage that evening I noticed a little girl delivering little May Day baskets to her neighborhood friends. How sweet !

Let the spirit of selfless giving continue. Be in balance in both giving and receiving. The universe is always ready to give to us.   I send you huge amounts of Love and Light !

“Not all those who wander are lost.”

“Not all those who wander are lost.” –   J.R.R. Tolkien

Wandering trails and paths, and then creating my own have taken me to some amazing places. At times I’ve found myself at the end of my trail wondering how many have stood in the exact spot I was standing. In my adventures, I’ve discovered Indian ruins, fairy gardens, magical places for inspiration, or a nice quiet place to take a nap or journal. You may have found similar places on your wandering experiences.

I’ll admit, I have some scars to show for my attempts to take the non traveled path . Upon reaching the summit, I’ve discovered that there may have been an easier path and through this adventure I’d just put myself through, I realized that there was no great purpose other than it was a great wander.    Life provides similar adventures and scars along the path.

I’ve hiked at night and have had my flashlight taken away because my fellow hiker swore you could see better without the light then having our eyes adjust to bright light then darkness and then bright lights again. This was followed by the encouragement to blend with nature and be like an animal in the forest. No I wasn’t 10 when that happened, I was in my forties and I do have a scar from that adventure, but even that adventure had huge purpose in trust and use of instinct. Like life we sometimes feel we are in the dark and we must trust.

There have been times where I’ve walked in circles, feeling that I’ve been purposely led to a trail to experience something. This may have been a time to allow my mind to wander.  On one particular trail in Arizona, my friend and I ‘lost’ the trail and spent what felt like hours wandering around only to emerge later in the parking lot at the exact spot we were to be.    It really wasn’t hours either, but a rather short amount of time. We marveled at how we both ‘perceived’ we were ‘lost’ or walking in circles. In life we are always in the right spot.

We are never really lost. We are always where we are supposed to be.   We’ve set the path for where we need to be and are surrounded by ‘helpers’; both earthly and energetically.  We are supposed to wander and wonder and it’s only in our minds when we feel lost, off the trail or in the dark.  You may be feeling lost in these energies of 2015.

Not all those who wander or wonder are lost or confused but perhaps are exactly on track ! 

In February I had a purposeful ‘wander’ .   This wander was not meant to challenge myself, nor to see the top of a mountain or vista. It was a ‘wander’ to explore myself. It’s been focused energy, space and time to look inward, outward and upward to connect with new levels of consciousness. Prior to this adventure I was unable to formulate what the pull or push was, but I only heard it described as a time to wander and wonder.     A dear friend handed me a fresh journal to document both the wandering and the wondering.

I wonder what will happen if I do this ? I wonder where I will go if I turn here?   I wonder what conversation will transpire if I say this or approach that person?   And thus it began the wandering of mind and space along with a physical journey out west.  A wandering to wonder…

We are all on a path, our guides and angels keep tight tabs on our journeys, nudging us to keep moving and stay on track, giving us freewill to roam if we’d like (wandering). Yet there are many that wonder if they are on the right path.   Wondering what a different path might feel like, or look like.     There is a restlessness in the air for some, while others are content to meander until the right path shows itself some see this as stressful as they feel no set direction.  We are never lost, we are never off track and we are never alone…   and we get to set our direction.    Don’t be fearful of wandering or wondering.     Do so with purpose to help set direction, take action or bring clarity.     Wandering doesn’t have to be a long road trip, and can be time set aside to allow your mind to wander in dreaming, playing, thinking…   Allow yourself to wonder as you wander !!

In January I wrote/channeled my latest book, The I AM A Journey Journal – Transformation. It was not a planned book, yet there it was. I first thought it was a book/journal to help set direction and understand the momentums of manifestation of the universe.   It does that but it was also a private lesson during its creation for letting go of the concept of time and limits. It is a journal about the I AM energy and manifesting based on simple laws of the universe.   I guess I had to experience that first hand!    I continue to wonder and wander and I claim to do it with purpose, reverence and excitement.

We are at this remarkable time where we are creating the ‘show’. This would include setting the stage, the actors, the backdrop, the dialogs and outcomes and also when the curtain goes up.   To do so, wander and wonder big, far and broad, dreamily, peacefully and with purpose….

February 2015 – New Chapters

Happy Heart month as you focus internally and bring into your physical life dreams, ideas, visions and actions that support your direction and purpose.   Be in excitement of all that you put out into the universe and acknowledge how it is showing up.  If you are not happy with what is showing up, adjust what you are focusing on.

January came in with a calm like energy and if we allowed ourselves to be in this calmness creativity and ideas were spawned.   February continues with this calm energy but the planetary movement of energy continues to push us forward. There is no ‘back there’, there is only forward.   Many have found we left the old and are creating the new. I personally found myself in the busiest month EVER ! My corporate job moving at record speed with the completion of a huge project and my business was equally busy with clients, events and THEN…. a book was born !   As I held the proof in my hands, I briefly wondered… how did that happen? But that was only for a moment and the answers quickly came.

The speed at which events are moving in our lives are elevated. We are manifesting quicker than we have in the past, and if we understand the universal laws and the principles of energy we can direct with ease, grace, elegance and ecstasy. Sounds easy right?

We are to look back only to acknowledge and use as propulsion forward.  This was apparent in a number of lessons for me in January.   In my corporate technology role I was responsible for a Merger and Acquisition that transformed and transitioned between closing on Friday night and opening the doors on Monday morning. This included everything from the signs outside to mats on the floor and pens/paper on their desks.  Computers, software,  policies and procedures, everything was ready to support running the business.  This was a huge task in a short timeframe.   My human mind were thoughts…..plan and execute very succinctly, we are in the middle of Mercury retrograde…. yikes !!   My spiritual thoughts were…. I’m putting no energy to the thought of ‘something bad happening, I trust these people and I know the universe supports all we do’.  There is no going back, only forward.  This message had been reverberated to us again and again.

It was early in our ‘go weekend’ and I was tracking 5 teams deploying equipment in the middle of the night… I thought I’d thought of everything that might delay the teams…. even notified police and alarm companies to prevent any nerves about suspicion activity. I set up a calling system to get people on site 30 minutes prior to unlock the doors, and had a security process to validate who was coming/going from the buildings.   In all this activity this life lesson of moving forward was again prevalent when the truck driver delivering equipment to one of the sites shut off his truck. He not only couldn’t figure out how to start it again, but he didn’t know how to put it in reverse.   As I reported status to awaiting executives that we were 40 minutes behind getting the equipment to the sites because of this ‘knowledge-gap’…… I also reported I was sure we’d make up the time along the way as we’d discovered …. ” there is no reverse there is only forward.   The teams kicked it into high gear and actually finished ahead of schedule allowing time for some relaxation and sleep before the doors opened on Monday morning.

We may spend time reviewing our lives and expend energy on judgment of our actions only to find ourselves in this perpetual circle of thought, wondering, and judgment.    For some, it becomes a feeling of ‘stuck’ without forward movement.

2015 is about movement centered around all space we left from the work we completed in 2014.   It is about self and purpose.  If there is reflection to be done it is to marvel about ‘how did that happen’, celebrate and then move forward.   If you wonder if you’ve complete all your work in 2014, you did, because wherever you are, there you are, and the universe will move forward from there.

I’ve heard clients say, ‘things are happening so fast, I’ve no time to think’.   They may mean they have no time to think ‘how did that happen’, for it just IS ! The universe is moving you forward.

My fourth book/journal is about the I AM energy, focus and intents, and transformation.  Essentially it is about manifestation and I can look at it on my desk and say ‘how did that happen’ at a time I was the busiest EVER !   But it did, and I celebrate the fact it is here.   It’s a tangible piece of energy that manifested on the principles of energy, focus and intents of what was set at an earlier time. Then the universe decided on the ‘when’.  When we clear space the universe delivers on those messages and intents we are setting now, but also those we have set in the past.   Our job is to hold space for it to materialize without roadblocks, limitations, or judgments.   Allow it to be !

All that we are able to think… IS.  Man’s power to think is infinite, therefore his ability to create is infinite and the only way to keep from going backward is to keep going forward.     There are three elements to know about  mastery of infinite power. You must first have the knowledge of your power, you must have the courage to dare, and you must have the faith to do.

Dream On !!!  Love, Light and Being !

Happy New Year 2015

Winding down and ramping up or just more ramping up?

A channeled message from my team of Angels, Shaman and Energy Wise Ones

Here you are again standing at the doorway of something ending (2014) and on the threshold of something new or continuing (2015). You feel excitement and the charge from energy in the air, and the belief in what is possible and what is rising on the horizon.

You hear and hold wonder and belief that 2015 is going to be a ‘better year’. Before you step through that gateway we offer you this time to pause and be in an awareness of gratitude for your life experiences in 2014. Acknowledge yourself and all that you experienced, learned, rejoiced in and perhaps released.

Be grateful for people that entered upon your path and those that exited. Be grateful for people that showed you a new path or a new direction, and those events or individuals that creatively placed challenges in your path that created a pause, stretch or a new way to view. Be grateful for all opportunities to review your circle of people and their interactions with your life.

At this threshold to 2015 you have the ability to reflect and then choose to end or repeat events or experiences. Pause to reflect on how you experience your life. Pause to ask if there are experiences you’d like to repeat or continue, or experiences you choose to leave behind. Will you only choose the ‘stuff’ that feels good and not repeat the ‘stuff’ that feels uncomfortable or controlled?   How will you choose to enter 2015?

You may choose to repeat an experience to simply to learn more, release more or expedite your journey to greater growth – knowing that the decision to pursue means to challenge your being. Sometimes you may need this uncomfortable experience to find authentic joy and your true state of being. Sometimes you have this choice and sometimes the universe will choose for you J   It is better for us to make this choice, as many of you don’t like surprises, and believe you have control. Sometimes you do have the forethought or courage to repeat, and the universe will provide that experience again.

Fear not the work you have yet to do. Commit to it because the experience always brings you knowledge and wisdom. Release any belief, emotion or projection of it being hard or painful. Put energy of excitement, love and reward with the belief you will move through it and the results will be just they should be. With this shift in your thought-energy you will be rewarded in experiencing the same event but with greater ease.

2015 is a movement year and all your activities, investments in your personal growth with be in assistance to help you progress if you are courageous and open to those experiences that are uncomfortable. All experiences have the ability to cause greater expansion and transformation. They don’t have to be painful if you perceive them to be helpful.

2015 is a freeway of transformation and another year of discovering our own energetic bodies. It is change by blending and the discovery of new energy portals – aka – chakras.’ It is a further balance of masculine and feminine energies and brain functions that help us align.

Your journey to awaken is to focus on feeling and understanding these experiences. This is the un-numbing or thawing process. We ask that you be open to reducing analyzing the heck out of your lives and everyone else’s too. Over analyzing manifests feelings of fuzziness, and leaves the soul feeling it is not transformation. You will find you have periods of time you are unable to retain data, or the data is confusing, as these are meant to create the opportunity to look at this experience without ‘data’. These periods are meant to give us a break in ‘thinking’ and practice our other senses. Not all will experience this at the same time as you do need to function as a society. These new concepts will push many to release old paradigms in how you look at experiencing your life. Letting go means allowing them vs. expecting them or fighting them.  It really can be a fun rollercoaster ride, if you understand the process and are able to adjust your expectations as to how you are ‘supposed’ to be.

New information is available to us, but it now comes in many other formats and methods. High frequency pitches and tones are sounds of the universe that carry information to us. Lights, colors and rays of energy also bring information. When you focus on your senses, you remove limiting filters and gain access to information very easily. Release the fear that you will miss something, because is remains all around you, and readily available to you.   Many of you are getting messages now and are frustrated that you do not understand.  The frustration is anchored in old structures of interpretation of this information rather than the new framework of energy you are learning.

2015 continues your transformation and the potential to move further, faster, gentler and easier if you are open to all experiences and view them all as possibility and excitement.  Some will feel as if you have finally arrived and some at only the beginning. Wherever you are on your own journey path…our question to you now is… are you ready to step over the threshold into the movement 2015…  Weeeeeee!

December 2014 – Traditions, Vibrational Energy Increases

Traditions  The time period between December 12 and December 21 is always a powerful time for us to release energies.  We may become busy with the holiday season, but spirit somehow always finds ways to help us slow our pace so that we may focus within.   This is a 9 day span, but what about the 12 days of Christmas?   In some cultures there are the 12 days of blessings and this may be a very simple reminder to focus on the energy at that moment.  Perhaps develop your own tradition by beginning your day being in gratitude and then sending love on each of these 9 days.

Another tradition is to hold vigil on intent.  Various ‘festivals of light’ are celebrated, and have been for thousands of years, serving as a reminder that the light will indeed return after the darkest day.  Ceremonies and events of many cultures used fire as a sacred element.   The purpose was to allow it to burn for the night with the purpose to burn off ones dross or rubbish (English term), the ‘stuff’ we no longer need, and thus to reveal our gold (the golden light).   In some cultures it is a deliberate, intense and intent-full night of dancing, drumming, rattling, chanting, meditating, healing, and holding space for this light.  Perhaps December 31st celebration of New Years mimics this tradition and through time the date was pushed to conveniently align with the Calendar year.

This time when we look inward, we are reaching in to our soul, to our inner child, or that inner light that is pushing to come out to move us in to higher consciousness.

Another celebrated day is the Winter Solstice, December 21. It is the midpoint of winter, or the shortest day of daylight and the longest point of darkness.   The world is very still and the land dormant,  much like what happens within us when we go through dormant cycles. In this quietness,  it is an opportunity to contemplate a ‘season’ past or the ‘season’ that was and then the ‘seasons’ yet to come.  Much like when earth goes dormant, there remains internal growth and that is what we should continue to nurture.  It may be a time to prepare for growth, change or plan for 2015.


2015 -Vibrational energy increases…. again !

The Milky Way is said to be one of billions of galaxies in the observable universe. It contains between 200-400 billion stars, the one most familiar to us being the sun which is believed to be middle aged at 4.6 billion years. The oldest star in the galaxy is 13.2 billion year old – said to be nearly as old as the universe itself (13.8 billion years) – and the earth is about 4.5 billion years old. These are all scientific best guesses. Distances are measures in light-years, and the Milky Way galaxy is believe to be 1000,000 light years in diameter.  The enormity and vastness of the universe boggles our mind, challenges the imagination, yet it also gives us some notion of where we fit in all this.

Consider from this perspective that we have the opportunity in how we view our world. We can remain small, overwhelmed and myopic, or let go of this view in favor of seeing and accepting a bigger picture and all the possibilities. If we believe we are composed of material from those very stars that inhabit the Milky Way, we know we are connected to Earth and the entire universe at all times, in life and in death….. and we are not at all very small or limited… at all…

If we believe we share energy in this immense place we are then challenged to think the possibilities this could provide. Unlimited possibilities.   Dreams without limits.   Once again the enormity and the vastness of this possibility boggles our minds and we begin to question. How can this be? So we put limits on our ‘bigness’, we draw boxes around our possibilities, until it ‘seems’ more logical to what is visibly present in our lives.   But what if we could see beyond the infinite levels of greatness we have access to. How far would we dream, soar, join THAT space of vastness. What would that feel like?

Planet Earth went through the center of the galaxy December 2012.  We experienced huge shifts in our energy fields and for many the process of awakening took at giant leap. We are preparing for another big shift in energy and this means mother earth experiences this increase in energy and frequency first, followed by plants, animals and humans.   We’ve been working hard, shifting and clearing and opening our energy ports, expanding our energy fields in preparation for ‘something’ come. Many can feel the shift of the energy in the air, and the shift in our energy fields within and lastly the shift in our energy fields beyond our physical bodies.     We act or react to these subtleties, or we continue to ignore or suppress them feeling not quite satisfied in our journey.   Might be time to try – expansion – Dream big, and be in the flow of these new energies.


The Christmas Table Cloth – A Personal Story

I am blessed to work with so many lovely souls from this plane and beyond. I am reminded today that they are very much near us, especially during times of great joy, laughter, happiness and moments of tradition.   I had one of those moments a few years ago when I was pulling out all my Christmas table clothes to prepare for Christmas Eve dinner, and Christmas morning brunch.
My mom LOVED Christmas. This was a time when all her family gathered at home on Christmas eve and celebrated the traditions she’d been raised with. Food, singing, food, gifts, food, and lots of hugs and laughter. She would prepare for weeks and even with nearly 50 of us, siblings, grandchildren and great grand children, she remembered us all.   After she could no longer host all of us, I would open my home to Christmas celebrations. She loved having us all together. Today my siblings and their children are scattered across the states, and like many families that get busy with life, we gather when we can.

Knowing my mom’s love of Christmas and entertaining, as I traveled the world I would bring her things from around the world. Rocks, yes… but also other items.   On one such trip to Italy I purchased a Christmas linen set, and tucked it away to give to her for Christmas. However, somewhere between unpacking my luggage and Christmas the Italian linen set was misplaced.   That was ten or twelve years ago, and there’s been a house move and the dining room furniture where I might have stored linens had since been replaced.  That Christmas, as I was pulling out my linens from the new bureau – there it was, in its original package.

I can’t explain where it’s been and why it is there today, but here it is and it is now in my possession and will be used each Christmas in acknowledgement of the family members we have here and beyond.   Remember they are very much part of our lives…..       Love to all.

Love and Light

Signs from Beyond

What does it mean…

I often get questions about odd events or circumstances and if it was a sign from beyond.   These events are often unexplainable and they become memorable because they catch us off guard during our normal routines. What, or who was it and what did they want are the biggest questions.   Sometimes there are messages, information, but most are intended to wake us up to the possibility that there is something or someone trying to reach us.    Clients may start their email, “you may think I’m crazy, but… “.   I don’t think of them crazy or odd at all.   I am, however, noticing that the attempts to reach us are becoming more frequent and more urgent. I believe this is because we are collectively raising our vibrational frequencies which is opening our senses more and is also making it easier to access this information around us.   I also believe we have more information and education available to us that teach us how to raise our personal frequency and then alert us to this information.   There are still many events that are left for interpretation, or just simply become a mystery.

Recently I was working from home, the kids were also home and I was having my house cleaned.  I was in my office preparing to see clients when all smoke detectors went off in the house.   I waited for a moment to see if they would shut off, my kids congregating in the entry of our home, looking at each other in that moment of … ‘now what’. The cleaning people began checking for smoke. By the panicked look on their faces, they were ready to run. This has happened before and is usually related to an electrical charge in the environment of the house.   The only way to shut them off and to recycle the alarm system is to cut the main circuit in the house.   As the animals were running for safe hiding, I was headed to for the main circuit breaker in the basement.   This time as I hit the breaker, the alarms did not shut off. They continued to blare even as I turned the power back on in the house.   My mind quickly went from asking, is this a fire emergency, an electrical surge or a message from someone beyond. Since the kids have been through this before they quickly surmised there was no smoke therefore it was me connecting with the energies of beyond again. As I came back up upstairs from the basement I stared into the wide-eyed cleaning team, ready with cell phone in hand, poised to call the fire department…… and suddenly the alarm stopped.    It was a message for one of the members of the team from his mom and I needed to share at that moment who I was and what I do and more importantly his moms message.     Then politely asked his mom if I could get back to work without interruption.

When something unexplainable happens……..

This last Halloween I and a friend were handing out candy. Dressed in costume ourselves we got into the spirit and excitement of all the kids coming to the door.   In between the groups we’d talk while keeping an eye on the door and street watching the kids run from home to home . My son was in the garage enticing kids with a giant spider that would creep out under the slightly open garage door.   We could hear the action in front of the garage by the giggles, screams and the sounds from all the Halloween motion activated toys turning on.  As my friend and I stood talking, a full size Reese’s peanut butter cup candy bar fell directly outside by the front door.     I wasn’t handing out full size Reese’s.. There were no kids in the street, on the side walk or in the yard… and I have a balcony overhang above my door making it impossible to drop anything from above… but yet it did…. and both of us witnessed this magic candy bar now on my front steps…   A Halloween gift from the heavens…   This will be one of those events in my life that I will forever wonder about..   When something unexplainable happens, we get to simply believe and say thank you.   I thank the heavens for that candy bar and the new found belief that ‘things’ can drop from the universe.

Both events happened when least expected and both with such force or oddity that caused all that were present to pause, wonder and then talk about it.

As the veil continues to thin and we continue to move to higher consciousness the methods and times for our loved ones, as well as angels and guides to connect with us continues to evolve. The question is… are we aware of the expansion of energy. Are we open to these mysterious events so when they do happen we welcome them rather than reason them away to other things.   November is another energy charged month with energy that is pushing us forward. Preparing us for 2015 and beyond. Urging us to be open and receptive to information from all elements of the universe.

Love and Light

Our Pets

Saying Good-bye to a beloved pet.

In August our eldest cat Ollie unexpectedly died.   Ollie was a rescue kitty that chose us. When we went to the rescue center, he was like glue to my legs, thus I nick-named him Velcro kitty. He was an old soul, and those that came to my home were either greeted by his gentle wise energy or you never ever saw him. He was a ‘healer kitty’, and he knew when his energy was needed. At times he would stand on his hind legs and paw at the windows in my office door until I would open the door and let him in.   When I would hold events in my home he would sometimes take his spot in a chair in the circle where he would hold space for whatever energy we were working in.  His favorite spot when not working was to be tucked away in my closet, or sleeping at his guard station at the top of the stairs.

Do our pets visit us after they die ?  

YES !   A few weeks ago I was resting on the couch after I’d had surgery,   though my eyes were closed I felt the distinct pressure of a cat walking across my legs.   Thinking it was Meeko our youngest cat coming to check on me,  I opened my eyes but saw no cat. I could still feel the pressure of him walking across my legs and I welcomed him to lay across my lap.   Ollie was back to help me begin the healing process.     There are times when I go upstairs and I feel the warmth on the floor where he would lay while at his guard station at the top of the stairs.  Energetically he is sometimes there.

Can animals help us with their energy?

Animals carry a higher frequency than humans. Not all animals, but most animals sense when something is different with their owner, or with someone in the house.   As in Ollie or Meeko if they are called to help move energy they will demand to be in my office and spend time with some clients.   Animals give energy, but they also absorb energy much like humans.   Some take and heal that energy returning it as in a ray of light.  Animals hold the frequency of unconditional love, which is a very high frequency. It helps balance our highs-lows, and elevates us to a higher place of being. How beautiful and healing if we could remember this each day. How powerful the energy of love is and what would happen if we’d send this out to the world each day ?

Can other animals see animals that have died ?

Recently I witnesses our dog Toby running into the living room where I was sitting.   His attention was laser focused on something that he was chasing .   A few feet behind him was Meeko, the younger cat running to keep up with Toby then he suddenly changed his run to a low slink on the floor as if he were ready to pounce on something obviously he was seeing, but I was not.     I watched in amusement as they continued to play, hiding behind furniture then darting out to run into the next room and back again.   Ollie was back and he meant business.   As he’d gotten older he wasn’t as active, now I could feel his energy out pacing his ‘pet siblings’.   He’d regained his youthful energy. At night sometimes I wake to the animals running through the house, no doubt playing.      I’ll hear Meeko meowing (talking) in the dark to his buddy Ollie, and I know Ollie is there answering in the squeak that he had as his signature ‘roar’.

Pets hold a special place in our hearts. They love us, and bring light and energy in to our lives. Some are protector animals.  Some teach us to love unconditionally, and some are simply in our lives to share their love.

Happy September !

Love and Light to you … Laurie