June 2018 – Sunshine and Sensitivity

Welcome summer!  Hot summer temperatures and bold storms pushed May right off the calendar. In June we’ll officially welcome summer with the Summer Solstice, where we have the most hours of daylight here in the Northern Hemisphere, but there’s other magic in the air that stirring our passions up.   
Uranus moved into Taurus mid-May. Uranus is the planet of innovation, liberation and revolution. It can destabilize the foundations of anything that is stuck in the past and resists a progressive future.  Its role is to show you where you might feel trapped. Uranus will strip away anything that is holding you in a place of lack, status quo or being stuck, and if you don’t or won’t move, its force will create events that will move you. 
Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac, and ruled by the planet Venus and relates to our human desire for personal comfort, stability, and security, which for many are love and wealth. Notice where your passions are desiring expression. Taurus also is the first earth sign and represents Mother Earth herself. Mother earth will continue to rumble this summer as she too is feeling the energy of change just as we are. Be outside and enjoy the feel of her upon your bare feet! 
This energetic shift could create some significant disruptions to your regular routines, habits, and lifestyle, which has up until now provided you with material and emotional stability, security and nurturing. Changes in these areas might not be so comfortable for some, and it may test your skills in resilience.
The Full Moon at the end of April pushed some of you to declare – DONE. In doing so, you set in motion a doorway and a new path. As you travel this new path, don’t bring along your old habits and patterns. When stress or fear rises, most of us have established patterns we tend to fall back on.  Under the Uranus/Taurus influence, you might notice you are tempted to revert to old habits or patterns as a method of avoidance. If your comfort patterns involve reaching for unhealthy snacks, shutting down communication, reaching for another glass of wine, make a conscious decision if these are the patterns you want to take with you on your new journey. A new path might warrant new patterns. Know and decide where your ‘comfort’ zone is before you hit any stress or fear bumps.  Want to know about the influences of Uranus in May listen HERE  
In Gratitude !

May 2018 – Manifestation

Do you believe in manifestation? Do you have patience?  Do you have practices? Do you think that you are always creating your future?  Do you think the universe is listening and will deliver? 
May is a planetary charged month meant to help us plant seeds for our future.  I’d like to share some personal experiences and beliefs about manifestation: 
•   Dream
•   Feel, not think about what you want to manifest.
•   Say ‘ Yes’ on the way to manifestation
•   Leave space for the universe to deliver something that is better than what you can dream up.
•   Be relentless and adjust if needed.
•   Be in gratitude for all you experience
Dream.  For some, moving into adulthood created limits to our dreams. Responsibility taught us to be practical, and real in what we asked for, wanted or expected. Sometimes we play with questions like, ‘if money were not an option, what would you do,’ or ‘if you had a magic wand what wish would you grant.’  These inquiry questions allow us to dream without boundaries or limitations. If you had this opportunity what might imagine?  When you dream, share those dreams. Ponder, adjust, expand and vocalize them.  
Feel your Dream. We can write about our dreams, some call these goals, but there is more power in our dreams (goals) when we feel them.  Our emotions generate a vibration that acts like a magnet drawing to us those things equal in that vibration. Words plus the feelings of the dream create a surge of energy. If you say you want something, but the emotional wave is something else the universe will deliver on the emotional frequency, which is usually stronger.  
Recently I had dinner with a friend and was musing about my travel bucket list. Iceland was the next country on the top of my list. I’d been loosely sharing this with friends, but I noticed that that night as I shared this dream of the volcano-glacier island, I felt the excitement rise in my heart.  The next day I received an email from a friend asking if I wanted to go to Iceland.  
Say ‘Yes.’   Of course, I said YES to that opportunity to travel to Iceland. The universe just gave me what I asked for.  I wasn’t expecting it, I didn’t hesitate and I didn’t get stuck in analytics. I made an educated decision (calendar, budget) but didn’t labor over on potential thought-noise. I said YES.  Within 24 hours I was booked on a trip to Iceland, along with four others that also said YES.
Leave Space.   Leave space for the universe to deliver something that is better than what you can dream up.  When we hold the reins too tight, we are limited to what can occur. We need to guide, have some boundaries, but leave enough space or loosen our desire to control to experience something more significant than expected. The majority of our thoughts are repeat thoughts just regurgitated another way, but when we leave space or void, the universe can deliver something new that we’ve not experienced before.   I love when the universe surprises me with ‘HOW’ or ‘WHEN’ something is going to happen.  I don’t have to know all the details. Some surprise is good!
Be Relentless and adjust along the way  Don’t give up on your dreams, desires or wishes.   The universe always delivers. It might not be in the time we wanted or exactly how we thought it would show up, but it will show up. In April I set intent to do more group and public speaking outside of Minnesota, preferable radio or podcast. I would focus on the feeling of this desire.  I am doing a TeleSummit in May with a group out of Colorado, but my intuition was pushing for something else. I got a call from a producer in NY for a radio spot. Two days later after that interview, it was followed by an offer that didn’t align with me.  I graciously said no-thank-you and set about tweaking my intent. I had no regret and didn’t spend much energy on it instead focused on moving to something different.  Today I connected with a contact in LA and am saying YES to an opportunity that is emerging under my eyes. I understand it may not look like what I had initially dreamed but instead morphed into something better. I am comfortable with being uncomfortable while this evolves.  
Express genuine gratitude.  Say thank you for the experience. The universe delivers on what you feel, and you can adjust if it’s not quite right, and doing this tweaking helps you learn how to evolve your dreams.   All experiences lead to something else. All experiences help you learn. When feeling gratitude your frequency remains elevated, and you feel good. When your frequency is elevated, you are most apt to dream about the future or the things that will move you forward. Dreaming about NOT getting what you want will hold you in that stuck place. 
In Gratitude !

April 2018 – Happy Spring

The speaker confidently walks around the room while explaining stress management to an audience while holding a raised glass of water. Everyone knew she was going to ask the ultimate question, ‘half empty or half full?’… She fooled them all …. “How heavy is this glass of water?” she inquired with a smile.

Answers called out ranged from 8 oz. To 20 oz. She replied, “The absolute weight doesn’t matter. It depends on how long I hold it. If I hold it for a minute, that’s not a problem. If I hold it for an hour, I’ll eventually have an unbearable ache in the right arm. I can put it down for awhile, but the reality is that I can’t carry it for a long duration of time. In fact, as my arm begins to ache, I’m no longer able to focus on what I’m here to speak about, and I begin to focus only on the pain in my arm.” 

It’s time to put your burdens down and try a different way. It’s time to ask if it is necessary to carry those burdens anymore. It time to leave them behind, hand them off or find help. 

Spring and April is a time for new beginnings. Take what you have learned over the last six months and filter where the opportunities for shift are.   Take advantage of knowledge and this spring energy to find new, live new, be different or view your life differently. 

The energy of spring and planetary transits are urging us to find another way. A more loving way that doesn’t require pain. Time to shine this month!! Happy Spring!

March 2018 – March Madness

Right now though, March Madness might be the headline for the NCAA basketball tourneys held in March, followed by the traditional tournament snowstorms that some also place wagers on, but I’m talking about some crazy energy we have been and will continue to experience.   It’s not mad at all when you begin to dissect and understand it and its purpose.  
Chiron is shifting.   In Greek mythology, was believed to be the wisest and most just of all centaurs. In astrology, Chiron is a comet with a different and erratic orbit. It represents our most profound wound, and our efforts to heal the wound. His placement in your natal chart may symbolize the area in your life you feel these wounds.   Chiron has been in Pieces for the last seven years and is about to make a shift into Aries.     The placement in Pieces represented deep emotions, and Aries will serve as the force that pushes you to move forward from these old wounds or feelings in a particular area.   Right before any sizable influencing planet or energy moves from one astrological sign to another we FEEL its push.
We are in this space right now as Chiron will make his shift in April.   The planet is also experiencing a showering of light or love. This might be hard to see or believe with all recent events, but the purpose of this light is to create the shift and move us to a place of greater peace and kindness. It continues to illuminate the darkness.
Lastly, we have an energy influence with Jupiter. Jupiter is expansiveness and pushes us to grow and evolve. It goes retrograde, which slows down that energy so we can truly embody and practice those things we have left behind in 2017 and what we are focusing on developing in our life.
The spring equinox provides a portal for our change and a sense of renewal or freshness coming into our lives.   2018 may have felt it started out as a rough year, but it’s all with purpose and design on your evolution.
Key dates 
March 1 and March 31 –  Full Moon
March 18 to July 10 – Jupiter Retrograde in Scorpio –  Jupiter is expansiveness- retrograde is slowing it down.  Set Intents on what you Desire. 
March 20 – Spring Equinox – gateway to New!

February 2018 – Wander and Wonder –

I started my annual wandering trips some years ago. I’d spend some focused time hiking and hanging in the desert.

Family, and friends at the time thought I was crazy. I’d receive tips to put a rope around my sleeping bag to prevent snakes from crawling in with me or advice not to dig in the sand because scorpions like to hang there.

I’d notice their raised eyebrows as I’d talk about the importance of this desert time. There is still a place for common sense and practicality, but I was learning those fears didn’t have to be my fears. Throwing a sleeping bag down in the desert and sleeping under the stars had excitement and challenges.

I remember the first night vividly. It was sleepless as I wondered about snakes, tarantulas, and scorpions. Every sound was amplified. My senses were on high alert, on guard. Those external seeds of fears planted by others seemed to become my internal fears. I wasn’t able to enjoy the million dollar star view, and I didn’t relax until I saw the sunrise. I remember that first light of dawn, the beauty of the sky and a feeling of survival followed by a realization all my fears and beliefs were in my mind, followed by an understanding they weren’t initially my fears, but I’d somehow adopted and internalized them.

The second night came with different concerns, not of earthly creepy crawly things, but the ghosts of the desert. I see energy, so I saw a tribe move across the desert. I pulled the sleeping bag up and over my head and willed my body to go to sleep. Once again I was gifted with a brilliant sunrise and a lone crow that circled above me. Natures alarm clock was telling me to get moving. Those fears were mine and could let them go.

Some days later while journaling on the plane home, I realized the gift in that experience. The learning of how to discern my internal fears and the influence of external fears. How quickly either seemed to creep in. I gained new coping skills in handling these fears and anxiety. I had won a profound lesson of trust in myself, my travel buddy and the universe. Releasing fear is freeing, as it allows us to enjoy and experience life in another way.

So it is in life when we work through fears or roadblocks. The universe will find a new, different or more profound way for us to work our barriers. When we say YES to those things, we experience a different level of being, saying NO often holds us in place. There are times it’s important to say NO, and sometimes it’s difficult to discern what the answer should be or COULD be.

Over the years I began to call these trips my wanderings. A valuable time that I reserve just to wander and wonder. To stretch my boundaries, and push myself a bit. Over time it’s taught me to turn off the residue of a corporate-like time-clock and allow the universe to deliver the experience. It’s created space for knowledge, wisdom, and trust to creep in during unexpected times. Like waking up to see a coyote near me, thinking it was a dream, and then finding his scat at the feet of my sleeping bag. Or the experience of my SUV sunroof shattering while going through Albuquerque and observing and later reflecting on the quick actions of my travel mate while I remained in shock. Or after a long hike and a discovery of an off-trail desert ruin, but then realizing my phone had no reception, I’m alone, and no one knows where I am (including me) except my angels and guides. Life is learning and experiencing. This is how we come to know ourselves and others.

This year I will again have purposeful wandering with the intent of observing how I am in the world and how the world is. I know all my experiences will create adventures and opportunities to learn. How I view, these prospects will make the difference in how I experience them and what I learn and what the universe delivers next.

2018 is a year of collaboration, team, and community. It’s a year we step into greater awareness of our being, and that includes intuition. So I look forward to the experiences that teach me in these domains. It’s another year of heart-centered action, so I’m looking forward to using this as my compass.

I invite you to wander in 2018 to create a new experience of wonder.

Happy Heart Month. Shine On! Love and Light – Laurie
Key dates
Jan 31 – Full Moon & Total Lunar eclipse in Leo – I Will
Feb. 15 – Partial Solar Eclipse in Aquarius – I Know

January 2018 – Happy New Year – What’s ahead?

Depending on how you look at numerology its a TWO year and an ELEVEN year.   (2+0+1+8) A TWO year is about collaboration, community development around the use of skills, knowledge, intuition, and creating new.   TWO is a feminine number, with more light and light energy continuing to flow to us.                
Eleven is a gateway number, and the planetary influences in 2018 may be precisely the portal energy many are looking for to continue their evolution to more collective communities, partnerships, and ways of being. The Veil (the layer of energy between worlds) is gone or nearly gone for most, and our preparation begins for transits and shifts of 2020 and 2025.    
Each astrological sign has a mantra that is aligned with the sign.  These are often used in reference to help explain the energy of a planetary or astrological point.  Your Sun and Moon sign are important indicators to how you will sense or feel the shifts of 2018.
Aries – I Am
Taurus- I Have
Gemini – I Think
Cancer – I Feel
Leo – I Will
Virgo – I Analyze
Libra – I Balance
Scorpio – I Desire
Sagittarius – I Aim
Capricorn – I Use
Aquarius – I Know
Pisces – I Believe
The planets create a vortex of energy to hold us static or push us in dynamic space for our internal or external growth.  
Planets that impact our personal being are Mercury, Venus, and Mars and these all relate to emotions, drive, and how we are each day.  Planets that represent what happens external to our being, but is influential in our world are Saturn and  Jupiter.   Saturn often shows us where there is a restriction, and Jupiter can highlight the opportunity for expansiveness.   During a time of Saturn influence, you might see more obvious limitations in your life, and something that is out of your control.   Jupiter would be an event or situation that causes an expansion somewhere in your life, also external influenced.   Pluto represents the underworld (revolution).   Uranus is about unexpected change that helps us align or progress quickly, and Neptune is Spirit or Consciousness growth.    
Retrogrades are when the planets seem to move backward through the signs, but the energy at the time of a retrograde is to help us take all the external influences we’ve had up to a point and integrate within.  It’s like a universal test of what we’ve learned or experienced.  Much like a test, how much will you retain and how much will you forget and move on.  It’s a time of pause or slows down for us to acclimate to any external changes and shifts that we want to embody in our life.   Retrograde is purposeful, but can also create angst if it feels we are slowed down from progress, but the intent is for us to slow down and align.
The veil is the energy between worlds, and since 2012 I’ve spoken about the thinning of the veil until a time of its nonexistence.  For many, this is now, and the veil continues to only exist through fear and the act of ‘protecting’ oneself from the unknown.   If I were to give you a few things to leave behind in 2017, it would be these.
  • Redirect energy from fear and needing to protect yourself in a bubble of energy to and shining your light.  Knowing the use and strength of your light casts more light outward and shatters fear.  Feeling the need to shield your energy field is fear based and not part of the consciousness teachings in this new era. 
  •  Feel, and not be fearful of feeling your emotions.  We are emotional beings that use our emotions as our compass.  In a time of community, we use our emotions as a healthy way to interact and be with those who are vibrationally aligned.  
  •  Redirect feelings you have to heal everything to being complete and moving forward.  What would it feel like if you leave old wounds behind and direct your focus of energy towards joy, happiness, and love?   Old emotions may resurface but how quickly you can align back with joy, happiness, and love will help keep you on track for your journey.  
  • The primary focus of energy is light-based.    
  •  Be authentic to what you want, desire, and where you want to be.  It takes energy to be false in relationships, activities, and places where you have to hold a fake vibration to sustain.  It’s healthy to say no.
  • Living heart-centered.  Teachings or fear of not being grounded are also old teachings and not of this energy era.  Be heart-centered, and all is aligned.
Let Light be, let love be,  let it be, and let yourself be you while surrounding yourself with those that allow and support you to be your authentic you.  You are an amazingly powerful being.  Shine this!
Intents vs. Resolutions
Rather than set New Year’s resolutions of doing something, focus energy on intent of how you want to feel and be. Sometimes the planetary influence can provide additional energy to help move things along, or by slowing things down so clarity can be experienced.  2018 is a year of collaboration, teaming, higher intuition, partnership and self-realization of your journey.   Below are some key dates and planetary influences for 2018 that may help you on your journey.   
Key Energy Dates for 2018
Dec  19, 2017 to Jan 8, 2018 – Mercury retrograde from earth-sign Capricorn to fire-sign Sagittarius.
Jan 2 –  First Full Moon of 2018
Jan 31 – Full Moon and Total Lunar eclipse in Leo –  I Will
Feb. 15 – Partial Solar Eclipse in Aquarius – I Know
March 1 and March 31 –  Full Moon
March 18 to July 10 – Jupiter Retrograde in Scorpio –  Jupiter is expansiveness- retrograde is slowing it down.  Intents on I Desire. 
March 20 – Spring Equinox
April 9 – May 3  Mercury retrograde from earth-sign Taurus to fire-sign Aries.   A check in on who I AM
April 17 to Sept 6  – Saturn retrograde in Capricorn show where there may be restrictions
April 17, Chiron Enters Aries (return of who IAM in the collective) then is retrograde July 5 to Dec. 9
April 22 to Sept 30 Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn, how am I Using who IAM
May 15 – Uranus enters Taurus –  (I Have) Physical Reality, technology, inspiration, intuition
June 18 to Nov 24 – Neptune retrograde in Pisces – Neptune is Spirit – inner work.  I Believe, a checkpoint of beliefs
June 21 – Summer Solstice
June 26 to Aug. 27 – Mars retrograde. Mars is drive.  We re-assess our current projects, our approach to getting what we want but rather than directly asserting our desires, we tend towards introspection.
July 12 – Partial Solar eclipse in Cancer
July 27 – total Lunar eclipse in Aquarius  – I Know
Aug. 7 to Jan 6  – Uranus retrograde in Aries – Uranus is quick change/lightening – inner shift created by external influence
Aug 11 – Partial solar eclipse in Leo –  I Will
August 12 to September 5 , Mercury Retrograde –  From earth-sign Virgo, ends in fire-sign Leo.
Sept 22 – Fall Equinox
Oct 5 to Nov 16 – Venus Retrograde – assess what and who we value, getting married or starting new relationships
December 3 to  December 22  Mercury Retrograde-  in fire-sign Sagittarius.
Dec 21 – Winter Solstice – Full Moon Dec 22
Shine On!   Love and Light – Laurie

December 2017 – Holiday Traditions: Tis the Season

The period between December 12 and December 21 is always an excellent time for us to release energies.  We may become busy with the holiday season, but spirit somehow always finds ways to help us slow our pace so that we may focus within.   This is a nine-day span, but what about the 12 days of Christmas?   In some cultures, there are the 12 days of blessings, and this may be a simple reminder to focus on the energy at that moment.   I like to look at this period as the 12 days of gratitude and blessing for all that is, and all that is possible.
There are also some significant planetary transitions happening this time of year where we move from energy that has influenced our AIM for the last few years, to energy of USE.  This includes a deeper understanding of our power and perhaps how to put to use.  The strength of 2018 will provide numerous transitions and help for us to move along on our journey. 
This time of year also helps us hold a vigil on intent.  Various ‘festivals of light’ are celebrated, and have been for thousands of years, serving as a reminder that the light will indeed return after the darkest day.  (Dec. 21)  Ceremonies and events of many cultures used fire as a sacred element.   The purpose was to allow it to burn for the night with the purpose to burn off one’s dross or rubbish (English term), the ‘stuff’ we no longer need, and thus to reveal our gold (the golden light).   In some cultures it is a deliberate, intense and an intent-full night of dancing, drumming, rattling, chanting, meditating, healing, and holding space for this light.  Perhaps December 31st celebration of New Years mimics this tradition, and through time it’s been aligned with the Calendar year.      
In December as many are experiencing a final push of inward work, we can also be reminded of our perception of perfection.   I believe we are always ‘perfect,’ though at times we might not feel at our best, we are experiencing all we need for our particular journey.   I’m sharing my Christmas tree images from a few years ago as a reminder of when we might start something like the perfect vision or an expected outcome, only to have something or someone shift that view.  In this case, the perfect Christmas tree ended as the perfectly decorated Christmas ‘toy’ if you were a cat.   The universe will continue to provide opportunities for us to view our life in multiple ways.  Perfect or the chance to change. Finding peace, joy, humor, compassion, love and understanding for whatever the experience.
Winter Solstice December 21.   It is the midpoint of winter or the shortest day of daylight and the longest point of darkness.   The world is very still and the land dormant,  much like what happens within us when we go through dormant cycles.    In this quietness,  it is an opportunity to contemplate a ‘season’ past or the ‘season’ that was and then the ‘seasons’ yet to come.   Much like when the earth goes dormant, there remains internal growth and that is what we should continue to nurture.   
Peace, love, light, joy, laughter, happiness and understanding for all that you are, and all that you experience.    
Shine On!   Love and Light – Laurie

November 2017 – Create the Ripple 

Hello, fall and the winds of change! Cool weather, rain and traditionally a time of introspection. The portal that opened on 10-22 opened a gateway to change. This change-gateway came with an overwhelming force of energy that is pushing us. We began feeling its force after the August eclipse, and it’s been intensifying since. Are you allowing the power to drive you through the portal, or are you experiencing aches from your attempt to stay in any old life patterns, or are you feeling knocked down and fearful of even getting up? You want to be in the flow and using this force to move you along. 
We’ve been working on our internal selves for much of this year, and much of this work was discernment and understanding of the inner you. It was about preparing for what is ahead. It is a year of learning about what you truly want, and who you are based on an expansion of your emotional body. Once this is complete, you align. This is often the ‘What’s Next.’ To get to ‘What’s Next,’ we floated in the void for a bit, testing the waters a bit, but not entirely committing but observing and gaining confidence in our newly discovered self. You might be in the void yet. You might know what you want next but are still watching, reviewing, or refining. You might be stuck looking for all the analytical details with reliable facts, plans and a perfect roadmap that you can follow. You might already be riding the waves of energy of change. In all cases, you will notice a rawness in your emotions and uneasiness in your gut on this journey. 

You have learned a lot about yourself in the last few years. Your stamina, breaking points, what brings and steals your joy and who you want on your journey. The movement forward flows when you are in alignment of the true you. Perhaps what you thought you wanted was not really what was next for you and now you are making adjustments. Maybe your vision morphed into something more significant or different, and now you are observing that and deciding if it still fits. Perhaps you picked up a few like-minded souls along this new path. It’s the shift within the shift. 

So how do we make the most of this energy surge? It is essential energy because the universe delivers on what we ask for, not with our minds but with our hearts and emotional strength. Raw emotion. As small as your movement may be, it does create a more significant ripple effect. Emotions begin generating a vibration that the universe can then deliver on. Pure joy in what you are doing, will bring more true joy. 

Start small and understand it may take a bit of time for the ripple to grow and feel sturdy. This is where many give up or get frustrated or angry and don’t understand that those emotions then create a different ripple of THAT energy. Stay true to your joy and be patient. Don’t muddy the water (ripple) with confusion. Stay true, stay pure.

Shine On!   Love and Light – Laurie

October 2017 – Out Of the Void

Welcome, October and goodbye summer and crazy energy most of us experienced in July-August and September! Summer 2017 transformation energy came in unexpected waves and swirls that pushed us to our limits. We experienced three massive and numerous smaller portals of change. We have one left to go.

Some have described 2017 as the most challenging year yet. Many reached a point of breaking and the feeling of just wanting to be ‘done.’ Some became tired of asking for insight and direction. Many struggled with relationships and old wounds that dug deep in their souls. We became exhausted with the feeling we were on the brink of something great, only to have the quick-shift energy of Uranus have those opportunities disappear. Some became hesitant to ‘try again.’ We’ve been in the void, and we’re tired of feeling unsafe, unsure and unclear about what’s next. This old energy is about to POP, and we have been feeling it, anticipating its energetic release. We want clarity.

The summer of 2017 had incredible light from the universe and solar flares pouring into our atmosphere. This light illuminated shadow energy, and we experience a tumultuous year. We had to go deep into our core being and prepare for our shift. Other planets supported and helped direct the light, so personal illumination could become possible. We experienced the elements of earth, air, water, fire (earthquakes, hurricanes, floods and volcanoes and fire) as the universe and planetary energy grids shifted. The void we feel is our personal power networks shifting. We’ve left old paradigms, and we’ve not yet plugged into our new energy grid. Some of us have plugged into new systems, but the power to those systems hasn’t been activated yet. It is normal to feel confused and scared during this massive transition in our frequency. This chaos and tension will continue, but YOU have shifted, and most will choose to leave the vortex of chaos and enter one that is calmer, loving and more aligned to soul journey goals and passions.

As the new power grids activate and we are plugin we may experience new jobs, relationships, projects or in general a new outlook on life. This energy frequency is meant to propel us forward with our dreams and passions. The last of the 2017 energy portals open on October 22, and it is more positive energy for change vs. the chaotic energy we’ve felt in the past. This frequency is in alignment with higher consciousness, community, and compassion.

A few things to remember:
Frequency is everything, and everything is frequency. Stay aligned to true-you, and you will BE the correct vibrational frequency to catch the waves of change.
How you expect to show up is the reality of your energy. Be self-positive. In this time of external energy be socially responsible with your power. Be aware of external controlling influences that attempt to control or shift your true-you frequency. Media is an example where we are ‘told’ how to think, feel, live and act. The media is not able to keep up with all global events, so it chooses what to present. Use discernment in what is right for your frequency.
We remain under some energy influences of indecisiveness. Clarity should come later this year. Give it time – focus on clarity through meditation, exercise, and by removing energy that doesn’t serve you.

Be open and accepting of this new-energetic you and you will experience some amazing new connections and events in your life that are better aligned because they ARE true-you.

Shine On!
Love and Light – Laurie

September 2017 -Path Reset 

August was an energy packed month. Many of us didn’t realize the punch that this eclipse would contain.  It was a reset for us.  A golden opportunity to turn the light switch off on those things that weren’t working for us, and flipping on the light to new energy for what our future selves need.   This switch continues to bring illumination to new areas of our lives and soul alignment.  This energy can feel confusing as we leave behind old and start new, or are waiting to start something new.   

If you find yourself still in a place of your life that is not working for you, there still is time remaining in this year to shift, and for some, this change may be sudden.   We’ve been waiting for this portal of change whether we are consciously aware of it or are only aware of it at the soul level.   The soul always knows.  The portal opened, the light was shone, and many stepped into a higher power of their greater self.

Mercury goes directly in Leo 28 degrees on Tuesday, September 5.  If you were able to catch my two free conference calls in September, I explained the eclipse energy and this pivotal place we are now in our lives to step into our authentic power.  Mercury direct in early September offers another opportunity of universal forces to push us forward.   Buckle in and say YES to those areas that bring you peace, joy, love, laughter and are in alignment with your soul purpose.   Watch and observe those divinely orchestrated events that appear.

Use the full moon on September 6 to release any residual energy or sadness that has tagged along.  The full moon is about illumination and shining a feminine energy on to our dreams.  We are yet in the early stages of tweaking our actions for more perfection of alignment.    The New moon on September 20 will be about the support you have around these dreams and visions.  Who are the helpers that aligned with you?

Relationships continue to shift in September.  Expect this as you are adjusting in your field of energy and observe what these changes may mean.  Old relationships may circle back for additional work, or a reconnection now that you are aligned.    These also are providing us with opportunities for learning but also