February 2022- Year of the Water Tiger

As a kid, my parents made cross-country road trips, and I’d follow along on the Rand Road Atlas and shout out how many miles until the next city or how far the drive was until we got to our destination. It taught me math lessons, understanding directions, and earth time to distance. I love maps and a good road adventure, and 2022 appears to be providing us with a different type of Road-Trip. 
The universe has maps. Planets and star systems are maps. Many systems follow these maps and cycles: Astrology, the Mayan, and Chinese calendars, Numerology are a few examples. The ancient wisdom keepers looked for and followed natures methods that help direct or explain our path. There is a natural progression in any map. 

Have you ever found yourself flipping to the end of the book to discover what happens? Do you want to skip ahead and get to the end without experiencing the journey? As humans, we sometimes desire to know the outcome or skip to the future, believing there should ALWAYS be a happy ending. But sometimes, it’s not about the result or the end at all. It’s about the journey. 2022 will be a year that takes us on a new journey. There is no skipping to the ‘end’ as this is a year of beginnings.

Those born in 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, or 2022 are under the sign of Tiger. The element for 2022 is water, and the flow of water will help balance the Tiger energy. This Water-Tiger energy will impact all of us. You can listen to Laurie’s overview of The Year of the Tiger.

The Tiger represents energy, strength, protection, altruism, leadership, purposeful, respect, revolutionary ideas, vulnerability, sensitivity, selfishness, overestimation, and an all-or-nothing attitude. It’s a year to jump into something new or a project/plan you’ve been dreaming about. This energy is telling you to take action. Be thoughtful about your actions. Think before you leap, speak or act, but do act.  

Is The Year of the Tiger Lucky or Unlucky? The Tiger is, on the whole, a lucky sign! No matter what situation it finds itself in, the Tiger always finds a way out. Tigers are born leaders. In 2022 many will be asked to step into the role of leader. Last year, the year of the OX was slow and methodical. 2022’s energy has an intensity and increased pace. We’re working on changing our internal response systems and beliefs, and 2022 will provide plenty of opportunities to explore our personal growth. Year of the Water-Tiger with Pluto Return – here are a few things to watch out for in 2022 – Laurie covers them in more detail in her podcast. Year of the Tiger.

1. Emotional Drama – opportunity to adjust our mental processes around emotions2. Passion & Intensity – motivators for life3. Potential of Scandal – discovery of truth4. Original Thinking – new ideas and inventions5. Heightened Intuition – take a new class, or practice inner knowing6. More Luck – need to watch for it7. Whirlwind Romance – 8. Increased Creativity – great for projects9. Leadership – being called to lead with actions10. Burn Out – watch self-care, stress reducers

Lucky months in 2022 will be March, June, November. I’ll follow where the planets, eclipses, gateways, and retrogrades fall. Tiger, Dog and Horse will experience greater opportunities. Lucky colors are red, green, black, and yellow. It’s a good year for relationships, either starting or solidifying those already in our lives. If a few years of isolation, we are hungry for companionship and connection. It will be a challenging year for some, especially if you don’t like change, doing some work, and still haven’t let go of the past. The energy of the Tiger also provides the opportunity for substantial change that can establish us for the years ahead. 

February launches us into this dynamic year with its first powerful gateway on 02-22-2022, as many call the gateway of 2222 – moving from dreaming about love to ACTIONS with LOVE.